A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1024: Flame Spirit Curse

Xie Haiyang's tragic life continued. As Wang Baole's practice of Feng Xingjue continued to make progress, all the meteorites that formed the Divine Bull Star Map have now been replaced by Fanxing.

At the same time to make its power even more amazing, Wang Baole also started to practice the third layer of Feng Xingjue, but because the cultivation is only in the middle of the planet, so the cultivation of this third layer is not as fast as the previous two layers. Slowly, his focus gradually moved from Feng Xingjue to Yanling Mantra.

"Yan Ling, Yan Ling..." In his tower, after feeling the Yan Ling mantra, Wang Baole patted his forehead, Master Dao, Master, are you free to name it, or do you have a random name? This curse was originally related to Lao Niu...

In fact, the name of Lao Niu is Yan Ling.

Putting the name aside, Wang Baole took a deep breath and began to study the Yan Ling mantra. This mantra was based on the power of flame, and constructed countless small runes, which used his own life as a traction to form a mantra. law!

Unlike the spells Wang Baole knew before, most of the spells are borrowed from the power of heaven and earth, or mysterious and unpredictable, so as to involve the causal enchantment of enemies.

Although the power of this mantra is not bad, in the final analysis, it is all based on external forces. It is more of a medium for attracting and transforming borrowed power.

It is not difficult to isolate, and even if it is resolved, it is not without a method. Even if it is prepared, it will be impossible for the person who casts the spell to be repulsed.

Overall, the power is acceptable, but there are too many disadvantages. Although it is easy to get started, but the limitations are too great. There is the endless power of the world, but in fact there is still an end. As a medium, it also has the ultimate endurance. For all these reasons, it leads to a spell, only a small way.

This is also the pros and cons of almost all spells in Weiyang Dao. So in Weiyang Dao, although there are many people who are good at spells, but there are almost no famous people.

After all, if you can't hurt the power of the Star Realm or even the Universe Realm, all methods are abolished!

But the ancestors of the flame ancestors are more based on their own lives and wills as curse resentment. To a certain extent, they can be described as killing the enemy by one thousand and self-destructing eight hundred. The price is due to its own fall.

But the benefits are just as amazing. First of all, the meaning is endless, and the grievances are endless. This kind of ethereal emotional change is, to a certain extent, endless and difficult to measure its size, so it makes this method almost endless!

The other is that once unfolded, it is extremely difficult to prevent, unable to isolate, as to resolve... Because the power of the curse comes from the grudge’s resentment and hardship, not the power of heaven and earth, so a specific curse is formed, only the caster, Only to crack!

After carefully studying the Yan Ling mantra, Wang Baole's eyes revealed a deep awn and fell into contemplation. After a while, he took a deep breath and murmured.

"This method is not suitable for people in prosperity... more suitable for the cultivation of adversity growth, the more adversity, the more tragic, the more uneven the meaning, the more difficult the grievance... Master, this life, I am afraid that I have experienced countless The ups and downs have made countless helpless screams, and this is the last step, creating a spell that is enough to make God embarrassed!"

"And if you continue to practice this method, your personality will be extreme and at the same time your own will also become gloomy, so... Master asked me to practice the Fengxing tactics first and cultivate the domineering spirit, as a buffer, you can dispel the gloomy character. And extreme..."

"But there is another drawback, that is to practice this spell, which requires endless vitality. Only in this way can the so-called killing of the enemy, which is 800, 800, 800, be reduced indefinitely, until the consumption is ignored."

In his silence, Wang Baole thought of what Master said, and went to worship Heavenly Master half a year later, where Master paid himself a destiny opportunity.

Although he didn't know the specifics of the so-called destiny, Wang Baole's calculations at this moment already made a guess in his heart.

"Is the ultimate vigor that can only be described by the sky..." Wang Baole murmured, his eyes slowly revealed a doubt, this doubt spread quickly, and soon occupied the entire binocular, deep into the heart.

"However, this mantra clearly requires strong dissatisfaction in one's life, and it is difficult to extinguish complaints in order to practice more smoothly. Why does Master have to teach me?" Wang Baole was silent for a while. , But the distance from adversity is also very far away, according to the truth, it is not suitable for practicing this mantra.

"Is it what Master sees...can't tell me? Maybe I think too much." Wang Baole shook his head, he could feel that Master was sincere and sincere to himself, so the only possibility of this matter is human In this life, there will always be some twists and turns. The Master hopes that he will gain the power to rise from the twists and turns after encountering those twists and turns.

In this way, prosperity can grow itself, and occasionally adversity, it can grow as well!

"In a way, it's a kind of insurance." After thinking about it, Wang Baole felt that his thoughts should be correct, so he took a deep breath, settled his heart, and began to practice the Yanling mantra.

Because of his character, and because he didn't have too many injustices and resentments in his heart, Wang Baole was very slow in this practice, but Wang Baole had a certain perseverance. After noticing that this spell was equivalent to insurance, he was more attentive. In the days to come Here, even if the progress is very slow, you can still sink your mind into it, and familiarize yourself with the spells again and again, and integrate your vitality into the small runes formed by the flames.

In this way, three months passed quickly, and only halfway from the day of the departure of Bai Shou, Xie Haiyang’s divine cow bathing was finally completed.

The reason why it is much less than Wang Baole's estimate is that Xie Haiyang seems to have a sense of understanding. He patted the old cow and fart all day and coaxed the old cow happy, so he originally planned to continue bathing with Xie Haiyang The larger body was also under Xie Haiyang's slippery horse, slowly shrinking.

After bathing Lao Niu, Xie Haiyang, who was exhausted and exhausted, showed strong grievances when he met Wang Baole.

"Sixteenth Master Uncle, you told me that Shizu punished me this way, was it because Uncle Fifteen went to whistle!!"

Wang Baole coughed, and sympathy thanked the ocean, but his face was full of color.

"You can't doubt your uncle fifteen, in the final analysis, or you have a grudge!"

"I... it must be fifteen, he poured me in, deliberately set my words, turned around and complained again!" Xie Haiyan looked sad, he now feels that the only really good people in the entire flame galaxy are his own Master and Wang Baole are thinking about it. When thinking about it like this, someone came in Wang Baole's tower.

The visitor was Wang Baole’s Seven Senior Brothers. His face was bruised, his face was covered with blood, and his face was extremely embarrassed. He didn’t care about Xie Haiyang when he came in, but mourned to Wang Baole.

"Sixteen, please come to you for your brother's sake."

Seeing that Brother Seven was so miserable, Wang Baole had a headache. Master Dao You was naughty again, but Xie Haiyang on the side didn't know the truth, and was immediately shocked by the misery of Old Seven.

"Uncle Seven, what's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong? It wasn't hit by your ancestors yet!" Brother Seven said that he was not angry, and after returning to Xie Haiyang, he looked at Wang Baole.

"Sixteen, I have a suicide note here. I will put you here. If one day later, I will be killed by the master, you remember to send my suicide note back to your hometown." So, the seven senior brothers lamented and gave Wang Baole one Jade Jane, turned and left the tower.

Wang Baole held the jade jade, crying and laughing, and Xie Haiyan blinked and chased out quickly... Even if Wang Baole shouted, Xie Haiyang did not listen...

"Ocean, Ocean, that's for you to dig a pit, I hope you don't fall into this time..." Wang Baole was a little speechless. Seeing that Xie Haiyang was gone, he could only sigh and put the jade jade aside and continue to meditate. At the same time, the bottom of my heart also understands the evil interest of Master, and obviously this is because I can't catch the head from myself, so the goal is placed on Xie Haiyang.

While he was meditating, outside the tower, Xie Haiyang quickly caught up with Uncle Qi, who was staggering on the walk.

"Uncle Qishi stayed behind, what a big deal have you committed?"

The old seven stepped and looked sideways at Xie Haiyang with a bad look.

"Why, Xiao Haiyang, you also have to learn from the fifteen, come and talk to me, and then go to your ancestors to tell me that I said he was bad!"

Xie Haiyang shook his body and looked at the miserable uncle Qi Shi. He suddenly had a feeling of falling into the same world.

Please inform you in advance that the update at noon tomorrow will be postponed to 3pm, and the chapter will be normal at 5:50pm

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