A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1029: Fame is beginning!

Listening to Wang Baole's words, seeing Wang Baole's gaze again, and noticing his lip licking action, the little fat man felt bad, and instantly recalled the experience of being slaughtered many times in the land of the stars.

"Who said I want this sword? Zhou didn't want it!" So he instinctively shook his head immediately, put on a dismissive look, raised his right hand with a wave, and took it out directly from the storage bag. A crystal card with a face value of 10,000 Hongjing was thrown towards Wang Baole.

"What Zhou said just now is that this flying sword is good, it's worth my 10,000 Hongjing to take a look!" With that, the little fat man turned around and left without looking at the crystal card he threw.

This scene immediately caused the three old men in front of him to be stunned. They were a little confused. In fact, in their impressions, the young master of his family was like an iron rooster. It is impossible to express accurately, to a certain extent, to ask him to pay, it is almost impossible to cut the kidney.

But now... the three of them actually saw with their own eyes that the young master took the initiative to throw 10,000 Hongjing. At this moment, with doubts, the three elders looked at each other, then swept towards Wang Baole, and then left with the little fat man. .

And Xie Haiyang, who felt that this scene was too weird, couldn't help looking at Wang Baole. As for Wang Baole, he was also surprised after catching the crystal card.

"How does this little fat man give me money? I didn't do anything, I just asked him if he was sure to buy this flying sword." Wang Baole was also a little confused about the little fat man's thinking, he was really just I asked, I didn't have any other thoughts. As for licking my lips, it was just a kind of subconscious performance when I saw my deceased who was killed many times.

"Could it be that even men can't bear my charm?" Wang Baole thought of this and took a breath, while Xie Haiyang, who was at a loss at the moment, felt that Wang Baole was unpredictable here.

At the same time, in the shop, the little fat man who left quickly went faster after he walked out of the shop, and he was relieved and wiped the sweat from his forehead until he ran a few streets.

The three old men behind him couldn't help it at this moment, and one of them asked.

"Young Master, why do you want to give Hong Jing to the other party?"

"You don't understand!" The little fat man turned his head and took a deep look at the direction of Wang Baole's shop.

"That guy, but he has a bad stomach, always digs holes for people, is good at blackmailing, scams, shameless person who can scrape the ground three feet!"

"Once I say I want to buy it, he will definitely do it. For example, the sword broke when it was given to me, and then I have to pay for it. Or the sword is just an introduction. If I buy it, he will be poisoned. Come to sell the antidote, or I just nodded, and there were a lot of strong people around instantly, and told me that the price of this sword was wrong!" The little fat man stood there, looking insightful, and the three old men who listened looked at each other. .

"Hmph, it was dangerous and dangerous just now. If I hadn't reacted quickly and saved money from disasters, I would definitely be slaughtered again by him, thank Dalu, thank Dalu, thank Dalu, your stomach is bad, don’t think I don’t know. , You must have a series of follow-ups waiting for me, so I finally had to pay hundreds of thousands or even more Hongjing!" Zhou Linfeng thought of this, and suddenly felt that he was too wise.

"You will know from now on, this guy...very scary!" The little fat man took a deep breath and felt that it was still a little unsafe at such a distance, so he accelerated again and continued to gallop into the distance, but he didn't go too far. Suddenly he paused and patted his thigh.

"I see. The things I said before are not in line with his style. This Xie Dalu must be at the moment when he gave me the sword. What method was used to make Feijian explode and affect himself, pretending that I secretly shot him. He was seriously injured, and this is their Xie family's market. He will definitely bite me and make me pay at least millions of red crystals!!"

"Insidious, too insidious!" After a while, the little fat man looked back at the location of the shop where Wang Baole was, turning his head and fleeing faster.

Wang Baole naturally didn't know all of this. At this moment, he held the flying sword and suppressed the surprise in his heart. Accompanied by Xie Haiyang, he continued to stroll on the flying boat.

Along the way, I bought so many things that Wang Baole's storage bag couldn't fit it. In the end, Xie Haiyang gave him a larger storage bag, which was then installed.

Until another half month passed, as the StarCraft City got closer and closer to the Destiny Star, there were several pauses on the way, and when many monks came and went, making the flying boat even more lively, Wang Baole and Xie Haiyang, also Came to the first flying boat.

This first flying boat is the first boat of Xie’s StarWorld City. It will separate out of the Destiny Galaxy in half a month and send all the monks going to the Destiny Star alone. As for the others, they will be outside the Destiny Galaxy. He has reached his destination, and where he will go next is not within the responsibility of StarCraft City.

At this moment, in the VIP guest room in the first flying boat, Wang Baole was standing on the terrace, and when he looked at the city below, Xie Haiyang stood beside him and spoke in a low voice.

"It has been found out. There are almost 20,000 monks on the first flying boat going to the Destiny Star. Except for some of them to pray for longevity, many others are transiting through Destiny Star. There are seven people who have experienced the land of the stars together.” Xie Haiyang said that, and after looking at Wang Baole, he said the names of the seven people. Except for Zhou Linfeng, most of them were unfamiliar, but he believed, As long as you see it, you can know it, after all, in the Land of Starfall, almost everyone has been killed by him.

"As for Li Wan'er, I haven't found it."

"There is also Xu Yinling of the Nine Phoenix Sect. After merging with the Dao Stars, this woman has skyrocketed in her position in the Nine Phoenix Sect. She is now the first saint. Naturally, she will not ride in the starship of my Xie family."

"But..." Xie Haiyang spoke.

"What?" Wang Baole looked at Xie Haiyang.

"Although Jiufengzong did not speak, but Xu Yinling some time ago, it is said that on many occasions, he expressed his admiration for Master Sixteen, and also mentioned that it was because of you. You have been blessed by Dao Xing. Although you haven’t firmly and completely integrated Dao Xing, you are still in this generation of planet Tianjiao, at least one of the top three, and she has many admirers, so..." Xie Haiyang looked weird. .

"Make enemies for me, and hint to others, my Dao Xing has not been completely integrated, so it can be plundered, and at the same time push me to become the target of the public, this nine phoenix girl is a bit naive, it seems that the land of the stars has not beaten her yet Pain." Wang Baole smiled, his eyes flashed coldly, and he saw a familiar figure in the city below.

It was Li Linzi, who was not pleasing to Wang Baole's eyes at the beginning of the Land of Falling Stars, and was almost unknown in the later days. He is now walking by with his entourage. His cultivation base has also reached the planet. Although it is not a special star, it is also a fairy At the star level, when Wang Baole looked at it, he faintly noticed it and looked up at Wang Baole following the induction.

At a glance, Li Linzi's eyes shrank suddenly. After standing there, he hesitated for a moment, shook his fist towards Wang Baole on the upper terrace, and then left.

This scene was naturally seen by Xie Haiyang, making his eyes slightly squinted. For Wang Baole’s things in the Land of the Fallen Stars, all he collected were dictated by others without personal experience, so the impression was not particularly deep. There are some feelings, it seems a bit exaggerated, but now that the family power is not very big, but Zhou Linfeng and this Lilinzi are not small, they are actually very jealous of Wang Baole here, and it can also be seen that what he knows about The fact that the other party was in the land of the stars was not only an exaggeration, it was even beyond what he knew.

"Uncle Sixteen should pay attention to this time of destiny...I am afraid that there will be some twists and turns. Your old friends in the land of the stars will come in all likelihood, and there are still some who have not gone to the land of the stars, themselves The planet's arrogance will also appear on the destiny star."

"Therefore, you who own Daoxing will have a high probability of being targeted!"

"This way, isn't it interesting?" Wang Baole laughed. At this moment, there was a sense of war in his eyes. He felt that he had been silent for a long time since he came back from God's Eye Civilization. Now that the deceased meets each other, it is also time , And then stand up again.

And this is in line with the overbearing meaning formed by his cultivation of the Star Sealing Technique!

"Perhaps, this is what Master meant!"

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