A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1050: one hand!

"Head hurts!"

"Don't speak, let me be quiet..." Wang Baole raised his right hand and tapped his head vigorously, making a loud bang. In the loud noise, his brother's voice was still in the light source under his feet. Is coming.

"The ambassador is coming soon, brother, in your state, I am afraid that you will not pass the review!"

"So... let me out, let me resolve your headaches, I'll bear this kind of pain, you always say that this world is fake, then... what does it matter if you let me out?"

"Look at how good I was to you. In order to prove what you said, I helped you kill the father who has entered the age of God's decline, and then use your body to slaughter the entire planet to inspire our Fire God Race At the same time, I want to end your pain because of my love for your brother, but why do you resist? I am helping you."

"Brother, don't insist, let me come out and let me bear all this for you!"

"Shut up!!" Wang Baole let out a strong roar, the loudness of the sound formed a continuous spread of sound waves towards the surroundings, and instantly collapsed the temple where it was located, and everything passed by was directly Was destroyed and became fly ash.

And as the temple disappeared, the outside world was exposed... it was pitch black!

There are no buildings, no mountains, no life, no vegetation, only a strong breath of death envelops the entire planet, turning into thick black clouds, covering the sky, but it seems that there is a strong pressure coming from outside, rubbing against the clouds, Formed a series of lightning rumbling across.

At the moment when these lightning flashes, the dark world finally shines brightly in an instant, revealing...the sight!

Back then, the lush greenery contained infinite vitality. The planet with ten thousand races has become a ruin at this moment!

Countless dust, countless relics, countless bones...All life has long been turned into dust, dried corpses, piled bones, and new mountains have been formed!

The whole planet is dead!

Even the original temple was built on countless bones. At this moment, Wang Baole, wearing a thick armor, is standing on the bones, his expression is distorted, the single horn on top of his head also shines with black light, his hands He has all been lifted up, constantly bombarding his head.

"The head hurts, it hurts!!"

"Brother, since it hurts so much, then why don't you give me your body!!"

"As the strongest body of the Fire God Clan for countless years, as long as it is given to me, I can lead the Fire God Clan back to the glory of the upper ranks."

"Give it to me!!" The last shout, with unprecedented intensity, erupted from the light source, forming an impact, and it was about to affect Wang Baole's mind, but at this moment, Wang Baole looked savage, and raised his right hand to the nothingness. Grabbing, the light source came quickly and was caught in his hand.

"If you don't shut up, I will kill you!"

"Destroy me?" There was an almost absurd laughter from the light source, and the laughter was full of sarcasm. As it continued to spread, Wang Baole's head became more and more painful, causing his forehead to bulge strongly and constantly agitating. The whole person was going mad with pain, and at this moment, a lightning bolt fell from the sky and fell around him in a roar.

Then more lightning fell, and the clouds in the sky rolled frantically, spreading to the surroundings, revealing the covered firmament, and...on that firmament, a giant face!

This giant's body is huge and endless, standing in the starry sky, looking down at the planet, which makes its face occupy the entire sky when Wang Baole looks at it.

"Xinhuo, you know the crime!" The face on the sky, with murderous intent in his eyes, spoke out.

"The head hurts!" Wang Baole let out a low growl, his body trembled, and his eyes quickly filled with bloodshot eyes.

"According to the decree of my gods, those who fall into the gods will be destroyed in form and spirit and erase everything that exists..." The giant in the sky shook his head, his voice echoed, but before his words were finished, Wang Baole on the earth suddenly raised his head. A monstrous red glow burst into his eyes, a loud noise from the sky thunder came from his body, and a roar that was even louder than the sky thunder came from his mouth.

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! I told you to shut up!!!" Wang Baole roared, his body leaped up, and his whole body, like a meteor, went straight to the sky, toward the giant who raised his hand and grabbed it. Bumped away!

In the roar, the giant's palm collapsed directly, revealing the giant's surprised and unbelievable face in the sky afterwards. In the next instant, Wang Baole's transformation into Changhong directly rushed to the end of the sky and hit the giant's brow.

The sound shook the starry sky. The giant who was still majestic before, suddenly collapsed with his body trembling. As for its headless body, it seemed to have lost the qualification to stand in the starry sky. It fell down, toward the distance, and down.

"Finally... it's quiet..." With the death of the giant, Wang Baole, standing in the starry sky, murmured, but soon a vast wave of light spread from a distance, and even growled with anger. , Echoing the starry sky.

"Xinhuo, you are crazy!!"

The appearance of this sound made Wang Baole's head hurt again, and his eyes showed madness, and he rushed towards the direction of the sound, killing... also in a series of random memory fragments, continuously proceeding.

The flickering of this segment was crazier and more painful than ever. He couldn't remember too much. He had forgotten most of it. He only remembered killing and killing continuously. Whenever there was a sound, he would go to slaughter.

I don’t know how long he killed, or how much he killed, until he saw a hand...

A hand stretched out from the void, toward his eyebrows, gently pressed, followed by a calm voice with a familiar but seemingly strange voice.

"Next time, I will choose you!"

Under this press, Wang Baole's body trembled violently, and cracks spread from the eyebrows to his whole body, until the whole body began to collapse in an instant, and in this collapse, his head... finally did not hurt.

With no pain, a period of memory quickly flowed through his mind. He saw this killing, and he sometimes spoke to the empty side. He saw sitting on the planet filled with ruins of corpses. The awakened self in the temple talked to the feet.

And under his feet, there is no light source in the memory, there... there is nothing.

Afterwards, he saw himself sitting on the shoulders of the giant at the beginning. At that time, his body was still small. When the giant held the light source high, he raised his head and stared at the light source.

On the other side of the giant's shoulder, the brother in his memory, in fact, did not have this figure from beginning to end!

"Am I crazy..." Wang Baole murmured, everything in front of him turned to pitch black, and when he opened his eyes again in the next moment, he sat in an empty area ten meters away, ten meters away, filled with endless white mist. ...

He stared blankly at the fog in front of him, and slowly lowered his head. The memory in his mind was chaotic. He couldn't remember who he was, and he couldn't remember where it was until a long time... His chest slowly rises and falls, and when it is finally extremely violent, his eyes also show struggle.

After a few breaths, Wang Baole raised his head abruptly, as if the sound of a broken mirror, echoing in his mind, his eyes finally revealed clarity.

"I'm... Wang Baole!"

With the spread of this sentence, the vitality that seemed to be hidden in his body suddenly exploded, and the bead given by the Master of Heaven also exploded with amazing vitality. His body spread wildly and was continuously absorbed by him.

His physical body is constantly condensing and strengthening at an incredible speed, and the power of the qi and blood gathered is also rising strongly at this moment.

But obviously, everything in the previous life, even with the help of the beads, could not be brought out. The vitality gathered in Wang Baole at this moment was only one of the ten thousand in the previous life.

But even so, he still made his physical body infinitely close to the star realm!

And this is not his biggest gain. His biggest gain is the countless combat experience he has gained after he has comprehended his previous life, as well as his mastery of the rules of the previous universe. Although it is different from today, it can be compared by analogy with time. In addition, there is... his instinctive memory of his body from a previous life!

Every move is a memory of physical killing like a magic soldier!

At this moment, Wang Baole's cultivation seems to have not increased much, he is still in the mid-planetary stage, but his lethality... has soared more than ten times!

"That hand...what does that sentence...what do you mean!" But for Wang Baole, the improvement of combat power is not what he cares about at the moment. He only cares about that hand and...that sentence!

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