A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1053: My name is Huisan!

"Zombies are born from the gathering of dead energy, and they often carry great resentment before they are alive, so that after death, they can be transformed by the rules of this universe, their eyes are swept, and the first sight is given. Become a zombie at the second sight!"

"What's more, oneself is not dead, but with a living body, transformed into death, and then comes out retrograde. Such corpses are often with amazing talents. Any one, if not destroyed, can become a strong one. !"

Huisan sat silently on a cemetery, holding a black stone tablet in his hand, glanced at the sky filled with black clouds, bowed his head, and read everything recorded in the black film.

The name Hui San was not given by him, but given by the Lord. It seems that on the day he woke up, there were three corpse friends who woke up, and he was the third, so there was a three word in the name.

As for the gray... it is the Lord's dream, wanting to become gray stiff.

Hui San didn't like this name. He had been thinking about what he was called during his lifetime for a while, but unfortunately, he never remembered it, so he gradually accepted the name Hui San.

And time in his body, it seems to pass too fast, this fast... not in his body that has not changed from beginning to end, his hair is still light green, no improvement.

This fast is reflected in his thinking. Often when he thinks of a question, it will pass for a long time, even without thinking it clearly, several years have passed.

For example, the old demon Li Ling next door thought about why the body oil should be extracted afterwards. That old demon Li Ling had already become his mistress, and he was doing double cultivation with the master.

Another example is that he has a thought in his heart. Until now, he has become a zombie, but he still hasn't finished thinking.

And such a self, as the weakest zombie, naturally has no status. If it were not for Huier's care, he would have dissipated long ago, and would not be responsible for summoning and enlightening the newly awakened corpse friend.

Now there are eight corpses in front of him. He will chant for a month until he attracts the corpse spirit's eyes and makes them stand up again.

These corpses were men and women, old and young, and they had been dead for a long time, but the corpses were strangely not decayed. Even when Huisan read the words in the black film, these corpses were obviously agitated.

But his attention was not on the corpses, but fell on the corpses from time to time, sitting there, looking at his own girl with his eyes open.

This girl is very beautiful, wearing a palace costume. Although she is only sixteen or seventeen years old, whether it is a white face or black eyes without pupils, she can become a whirlpool, attracting everything about Huisan.

After Hui San lowered his head, he couldn't help but lift up and looked at the girl.

"Does it look good." The girl's voice was cold.

"It looks good." Hui San lowered his head again, ignoring the sarcasm and disdain that appeared on the girl's face. Maybe even if he saw it, Hui San's current sage would not see this.

"Tell me, what is a corpse spirit?" The sarcasm on the girl's face disappeared, and she spoke slowly.

"The corpse spirits are transformed by the supreme rules of the universe, and the creatures they see will be transformed into corpses." Hui San lowered his head and muttered.

"So when will the corpse spirit look here?" the girl continued to ask.

"The corpse spirit can't be contemplated. You can only continue to chant and read it with sincerity. Only when the corpse spirit's gaze is cast, if there is still no gaze for three months, the corpse will rot." Hui San muttered, saying The words are all the records in the black stone tablets. He just read them out, and he doesn't know how many times he has read them in total.

"Uninteresting!" What responded to him was the girl's impatience voice and a scene that Huisan could not forget for a long time.

In that picture, the girl stood up, looked up at the dark sky, opened her arms, and said a word.

"Scorpion, my time is limited, I can't wait that long!"

After these words, Hui San saw the sky at this moment, suddenly rolling, converging into a huge eye, this eye is full of black and silk, the gaze falls, covering...the girl's body.

In the eyes of Huisan, hair quickly appeared on the girl's body, from green at the beginning, to blue, to black. Although it was not completely reached, it was also blue and black.

As for the other corpses, they had quickly dissipated at this moment and became flying ash, and the girl...turned and left, disappearing in Huisan's eyes.

It wasn't until a long time before Hui San was confused and murmured.

"It turns out that the corpse spirit can be summoned."

The girl left, Hui San's life remained unchanged. He was still chanting batch after batch of corpses, watching them, some of them decayed, some of them came back to life and became a corpse clan.

Time is also repeating this, slowly passing, how long it has passed, Hui San did not pay attention, he still likes to think about the answers that he never has in his heart, still likes to look up motionlessly, looking at the dark sky without blinking .

And the girl who remembered him deeply came five times during this time.

When she came for the first time, she was injured, but her hair had turned black. She sat on the tombstone not far from Huisan. She didn't say a word. She seemed to be resting, but before leaving, she asked Wang Baole. problem.

"You seem to be thinking every day. Can you tell me what you are thinking and why you always look at the sky?"

This was the first corpse friend who asked him what he was thinking, so Hui San answered seriously.

"I'm thinking about why the sky is black. I like white, so I wonder if one day I can see the white sky."

"Stupid!" The girl was silent, snorted coldly after a while, turned and left.

When the girl came for the second time, she was still injured, but the color on her body had begun to appear gray. She was still sitting in her previous position. This time she was not silent, but talked to herself like a lot. words.

In the words, she told Hui San that she had cut the lord, the mistress, and the hills in all directions, bringing this mountain range together.

Hui San nodded, still looking at the sky, still thinking, and the girl didn't mind. After speaking, she sat for a while, before leaving, suddenly asked.

"If the sky will never be white, what will you do, keep looking, keep waiting until the rot disappears?"

Huisan was silent. He hadn't thought about this question, and the girl didn't wait for the answer, and left, and she came for the third and fourth time, without asking questions or answers, just talking to herself, Tell Hui San that she has already conquered the seven or eight mountains nearby. She plans to organize this force and launch a war of revenge against a place called Yunze!

And this time after her departure, it took a long time before she came to Hui San again. Hui San saw the hair on her body, which had turned purple, and saw that her face had been rotten in half, and her whole body There was a strong sense of death, and the whole person revealed a sense of ugliness.

After coming, she still sat where she used to be, and seemed to notice Hui San's gaze. She raised her hand to touch her half rotten face, and suddenly smiled, her voice a little hoarse.

"Hui San, am I still good-looking?"

"Good-looking." Hui San said seriously.

She smiled, with some unspeakable emotions on her face, and then she became silent again without speaking, until in the distant sky, after the sound of sobbing that made the world tremble, she stood up silently and watched Xiang Hui three.

"You are the strangest corpse clan I have ever seen... I'm leaving, maybe... not coming anymore."

Hui San was stunned, looking at the girl in his memory, a feeling of loss that he had never felt before, appeared in his body, he didn't know what to say.

Until a moment later, the girl raised her head and looked towards the sky. She saw a huge vortex appeared on the sky, and an eye appeared in the vortex, as if calling her.

"Goodbye." The girl whispered, and when her right hand was raised, a black mask appeared in her hand, slowly putting it on her face, flying towards the sky!

Hui San looked at the girl's back. At this moment, even though her life was filled with life, even if her purple hair was wavy, she still had a...the meaning of grace and beauty. Looking at it, there was a mutter in his mouth.


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