A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1104: Arrogant!

The turmoil beyond the destiny soon ended. Although everyone was shocked, they finally accepted this fact, and their gazes at Wang Baole were different from before.

The guardians from the flame galaxy before were respected, but more because of the flame ancestors, but it was different now. Wang Baole used his own combat power and his own momentum to make these stellar monks awe.

In their entire life, they have never seen a planet, like Wang Baole, exuding such a terrifying aura, and... the state of being invisible, also gives all the stars on the battleship a heart. Too much guesswork.

Because generally speaking, this happens only when the level difference between each other is too large. For example, the gods cannot be looked at directly, because all the rules around the gods will be distorted, and those with insufficient levels, once you see , Will be strongly affected, will not be able to bear it under the distorted rules, will be influenced by cognition, will collapse itself.

Wang Baole is just like this. Although it is not so exaggerated, it has this characteristic, and this... is the source of the inner vibration of all stars.

Also shocking was Xie Haiyang, but he recovered very quickly, beside Wang Baole, he was more enthusiastic than on the way back, but now on the way back, there is a more hard-working person beside him.

This person, Chen Han, recovered almost the fastest, yelling from his father one by one, ignoring the strange expressions of his guardians and the frowning dissatisfaction of Xie Haiyang.

Regarding these, Wang Baole didn't care, because after setting foot on the battleship, he was thinking about a question.

Where are you going?

According to the plan when he came, after attending the birthday banquet, he would return to the Flame Galaxy and return to life. At the same time, he planned to return to the Earth Federation to see his parents and friends.

But after comprehending the trials of the previous life, and after knowing most of the truth, Wang Baole's thoughts changed, especially... experienced a crisis of being almost taken away.

Although he knew that his previous life was a black wooden board with a mysterious origin, and finally born a real wisdom under the gift of Sun De, Wang Baole did not believe that he could not be taken away.

At the same time, he has a guess.

"I am a black board, but the black board...not necessarily all me!"

"The black wooden board can be reincarnated, but I am not necessarily...that is to say, I am the spirit born from it, and I can be erased, just like the spirit on the magic weapon."

"The artifact spirit is erased. Although the artifact is damaged, it has little effect. If you change to another artifact spirit, it will slowly run in. Or if you don’t change it, the artifact itself will be in some special environment with warmth. New spirits can be born..."

"The new spirit being born is me, not me." Wang Baole's silence may be the reason for his contact with refining equipment from the beginning. Wang Baole has his own logic and judgment on this point.

He knew very well that the Scarlet Centipede's greed and malice towards him was very strong, and perhaps it would not take long before he would face the appearance and seizure of the opponent, just as if the magic weapon was exchanged for a weapon spirit.

"If you regard the black wooden board as a magical tool, and my previous life was a spiritual tool, then... there is a problem involved here, I should be able to show the power of the three-foot black wood!"

"Three feet come, you can suppress all beings in the vast Dao realm..." Wang Baole narrowed his eyes. He understood this, but he knew better... At this moment, he can't control the black board.

There are two reasons involved. One is that only the self in this life can truly merge the memories of all lives. In his previous life, no matter the zombie, the grieving soldier, or the little white deer, he did not achieve this.

Therefore, under Wang Baole's analysis, he felt that this might be the opportunity to start controlling the black plank.

Another reason is that although it seems that I have been born for a long time and have gone through several lifetimes, but compared with the countless years on this black wooden board, I am nothing but it, and maybe not even a baby. newborn.

Therefore, it is extremely difficult to master the black plank.

So... the most important thing before him now is not only to control the black plank, but also how to resist the appearance of the scarlet centipede. And he thinks about it, and all he can do is to improve his cultivation!

Only when you become stronger can you resolve everything.

"For me, there is no difficulty in the stellar realm, and even now if I want to, I can be promoted immediately... But although this kind of promotion is powerful, it is still a little worse." Wang Baole muttered, he wanted The stellar realm is the radiance of thousands of stars, holding up its own star.

To do this, he needs more stars!

Special stars!

"I still have to go to... the land of the stars!" After Wang Baole muttered, his eyes showed decisiveness, and he immediately spread his spiritual thoughts to Xie Haiyang and informed the coordinates of a starry sky.

This coordinate is the entrance to the land of the stars he went to.

When he got there, he didn't need a token. Wang Baole believed that the paper man in the land of the stars could feel himself. The reason for this was that the token was left to Zhao Yameng when Wang Baole left the federation, as one of the heritage of the federation.

At this moment, with the spread of divine thoughts, Xie Haiyang immediately responded, and the battleship group that soon stayed outside the Destiny Star quickly moved around, whizzing towards the coordinates given by Wang Baole, and gradually leaving the bounds of the Destiny Galaxy.

At the same time, Wang Baole's thinking continues. This time, what he thinks is... Luo!

"I like the world of the second ring, it is mine..." Wang Baole murmured, repeating Luo's words. It is hard for him to imagine that a powerful person with indifferent eyes and no emotional color would say Like the word out.

However, in the memories in his mind, he clearly felt that the words Luo said were true.

Wang Baole was silent, because he thought of Wang Yiyi’s father and Sun De’s story about demons, about demons, about half-god and half-immortal people. The ending of the story was that Luo’s fingers were cut off. , Until the power of everyone is gathered to kill Luo!

These stories obviously happened after the time point that I saw in my first life.

"There is also Luo's seal on the black wood board, from the normal seal at the beginning to the one-finger seal, and finally he did not hesitate to seal the entire left arm..."

"Why is he like this, is he afraid of the black board, or... to protect the world he likes?" Wang Baole couldn't understand, but he thought of Luo and asked himself at last if he knew what it felt like to like.

This made Wang Baole more silent, and the young lady's voice echoed Wang Baole's mind at this moment.

"Fatty, you are affected. Likes often represent possession."

"If you like butterflies, do you think it is better to watch it fly freely, or to turn it into a specimen and clip it to a book?"

Wang Baole was shocked, after carefully savoring the words of the young lady, he whispered softly.

"It's not good, because I don't like butterflies, I like you."

"Fatty man, I'm talking business to you!" Miss sister snorted.

"I'm talking about business too!" Wang Baole blinked and coughed. He found that Miss Sister was the best agent for his emotions, which could relieve his emotions to the greatest extent, but he changed his mind and wanted to continue to relax. When he was emotional, he left the Destiny Galaxy with his battleship group...

At the moment of leaving, a sense of crisis appeared slightly in Wang Baole's mind, causing him to raise his head, look into the distance, and see...In the distant starry sky, an immovable meteorite seemed to be suppressed. Above, sitting cross-legged a middle-aged man in black and holding a long sword.

The man's body was not weak, and he opened his eyes suddenly and looked at the battleship group where Wang Baole was, but he didn't seem to feel Wang Baole, so at this moment, the corner of his mouth still showed a high smile, and there was calmness in his mouth. There was a cold and arrogant voice.

"Wang Baole, thank you for saving your head for so long. Now, you can give it to me."

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