A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1106: A bit numb!

"Your sister, your sister!!"

"Who told me this is a planet?!!!"

"I have never seen such a perverted planet!!"

The speed of Chongyuezi was like a ray of light. In an instant, he galloped back hundreds of meters away from Wang Baole, without any pause, and he didn't care about any face problems. Even if he appeared before, he had arrogantly opened his mouth and even approached all the way. In the process of Wang Baole, he also showed contempt and disdain.

But there is no way, the clone is also part of his body. Once the clone has an accident, his body will also be partially implicated, and the trembling from the heart and the sense of crisis of scalp numbness make the current Chongyizi only hate himself Too slow.

He was crazy all over, and he only felt that he was the most unlucky person in the universe, just like he was optimistic about a chick, rushed into her room, locked the door with excitement, making it difficult to escape his clutches, but just As soon as he rushed forward, the little girl turned into a horrifying and stout man...

"Something must be wrong, how could this happen..." Chong Yizi wailed in his heart, and regretted it. He felt that if the main body arrived, it would be fine to kill Wang Baole, but now there is only a 30% combat power clone of the main body. , What to do to kill this unheard planet...

This drove him crazy, cursing the existence of the person who told him that Wang Baole was only a planet, and his speed was also under this madness, changing faster and faster, and he was far away in an instant.

The star guardians around, seeing this reversal, there was no surprise, in fact, they had basically foreseen this scene when they saw the emergence of the implosion.

As for Chen Han, his eyes were even more proud, and he said coldly.

"Dare to fight with Dad, this kid must have his head twitched. He doesn't know, Dad will always be Dad!"

The words fell in the ears of Xie Haiyang, how uncomfortable Xie Haiyang heard? His discomfort did not come from Wang Baole, but from his contempt for Chen Han. In his opinion, Chen Han was extremely shameless and did not let go. After any chance of flattering, they completely lost the dignity of being a monk. This kind of people, let the self who possesses a righteous spirit and proud of the world, disdain to join.

So after snorting, Xie Haiyang showed a respectful and fanatical smile on his face, bowed deeply to Wang Baole, and shouted passionately.

"Congratulations, Uncle Master, for the great accomplishment. From now on, we are so powerful and invincible in the world. I thank Haiyang for this life. The biggest fortunate is to meet Master Uncle, and I also asked Uncle Master for permission so that Haiyang can always follow Master Uncle for the rest of my life. Left and right, listen to the teachings of Uncle Master!!!"

Listening to Xie Haiyang’s passionate voice, Chen Han was immediately alert, and at the same time he narrowed his eyes and coldly swept Xie Haiyang. He felt that this person was really hateful. He was of the same sex, but he was so pleased with his father and his purpose was not pure, so he snorted coldly. With a cry, just about to continue to slip to Wang Baole.

But at this moment, he was about to flee to Chongyuezi, who was at the end of everyone's gaze, and there was a loud bang, as if an invisible wall was hit by him.

The sound spread all over, turned into ripples of the starry sky, and spread along with the sound. Chongyizi stood there crying without tears, her head dizzy, making her eyes a little dull, staring blankly at the nothingness in front of her, clearly showing her naked eyes. Go and see, there is nothing, but if the divine consciousness observes carefully, you can still see... a purple light curtain exists all around...

Seal the Quartet, shield cause and effect, and make this place independent...

This was originally intended to prevent Wang Baole from escaping, and at the same time to prevent the seal from being noticed by the ancestors of the flames, but at this moment it has become a barrier to stop Chong Barley.

And obviously it takes time to cancel this seal... I'm afraid that even the purple figure who arranged the seal did not expect such a reversal, so for a while, the seal still exists.

And this... makes Chongyizi even more mad, and when he paused here, Wang Baole, who showed all his Dao stars, also looked at the figure of Chongyizi paused in the distance with interest, saying There was a faint sound.

"I closed the door, but didn't have the key to open it?"

Chongyuzi's body trembled for a while, turned around and looked at the huge planet. He couldn't see Wang Baole's figure inside the planet. He could only see a vague outline. So after a few breaths of silence, his eyes were in an instant. Actually revealing the essence.

As a result, his whole person seems to be in contrast with the figure that flees before, and it becomes like a sharp sword about to be unsheathed. The whole body is more roaring and reverberating, and the fighting spirit is also in a flash, tumbling in all directions, causing those around The star guardians changed their expressions.

Obviously, the Chongyuezi at this moment is completely different from before. It is not a hurried escape, not arrogant, but calm and at the same time reveals the aura of the strong.

He stood there with his back facing the seal barrier, stared at the planet where Wang Baole was, and spoke lightly.

"This matter is indeed my negligence. Wang Baole, I want to leave. I have nothing to do with you. You can agree!"

This change of momentum, and the lowness of the voice, made the impulsive barley at this moment immediately give people a feeling that they should not continue to provoke them. The surrounding stars guarding the roads are also jealous, looking at the planet Wang Baole has turned into. .

Wang Baole didn't speak, but raised his right hand and pressed it to the spot where the barley was. Under this press, his planet slightly quaked, emitting light clusters, as if it turned into a huge phantom palm. The quasi-dao stars also radiated light, spreading outwards rapidly, quickly blending into this illusory palm, making it appear five fingers!

In the end, this palm seemed to be able to shake the sky, with the power of rules and rules, it roared towards Chongyizi!

Chongyuezi raised his eyebrows, his body moved to one side in an instant, and his aura changed in an instant. It was not the calmness before, but the whole person exuded a sense of arrogance, and the eyes were also narrowed, emitting a terrible light. And a touch of fierceness.

"It's interesting, it seems that I really shouldn't just arrange the arrival of this powerful clone. An opponent like you is worthy of my being, and you...are you sure you want to die with me!" Chongyizi said At that time, he had already grasped the hilt of the sword in his arms, and the battle intent in his eyes was at this moment, rising to the sky!

At the moment of the illusory palm, Chong Yazi suddenly pulled out the sword in his arms, and slashed at the coming palm with a low growl!

With this cut, his star turned out and blended into this sword, with an extremely fierce aura, it touched the palm of his hand in the blink of an eye!

But... there was no roar, the amazing sword aura, at the moment it touched the palm, it was like pressing a piece of ice in the water, and it instantly disappeared and disappeared...

"That's it?" Wang Baole was a little disappointed, looking at Chongyuezi.

This scene changed Chongyuezi's momentum again, barely squeezing out a smile that was even more ugly than crying, and said awkwardly.

"Friend Wang Dao, I think there must be a mistake between us..."

Before the word misunderstanding could be finished, Wang Baole was already shaking his head, and the illusory palm he turned out roared and approached. He didn't give Chongyuezi the slightest chance, and he didn't even care about any resistance and struggle of this person. Cover it, and hold Chongyizi in the palm of one hand.

Without any hesitation, Wang Baole's raised right hand squeezed slightly, and the illusory hand that he turned into suddenly was the same, the roar... even the screams could not even be heard, and Chongyizi's body exploded directly.

As Wang Baole reopened his palm, everything in that illusory big hand was wiped out.

"It's too weak." Wang Baole shook his head slightly. Everyone around was shocked. When they looked at Wang Baole, they were shocked. They didn't notice at all. Wang Baole, who looked calm and disappointed, took back his palms. Gently shaken...

It's a bit numb, and it's a bit painful.

But Wang Baole would never show the slightest, because after returning from the Destiny Star, he found that he liked this supremely superior posture like a mighty man. At this moment, it is a bit regretful that there are too few people around, but the posture should be. He still had to integrate into his daily life, so Wang Baole continued to maintain a calm and calm posture, retracted the planet, and returned to the battleship, there was a faint voice that seemed unchanging.

"lets go."

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