A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1109: Wanxing return

"Oh, if the girl is the same as these stars, I will be all excited in one sentence, then it will be fine." Wang Baole stood in the starry sky, looking at the excitement and shining of the millions of stars in the distance. For some reason, there would be such a Strange thoughts.

However, in order to maintain the superior posture that he has obtained after comprehending his previous life, he can only put these feelings in his heart. On the surface, it is calm as water, calm and unhurried, and expresses the meaning of the past life. .

But he forgot... Miss Sister has a hobby of spying on his thoughts, so he heard a sneer almost when Wang Baole's sighs just appeared.

"Is that why you dream of becoming Federal President."

Wang Baole shook his body, almost failing to maintain his superior posture, so he turned his mind, sighed, and spoke affectionately in his mind.

"Although the madness of a million girls is good, it is all to set off my Dao star, Miss Sister, you... you are the eternal Dao star in my heart, so that you are all in my heart!"

"Bah!" The response to Wang Baole was Miss Sister’s rant, but from this voice, Wang Baole still felt the change in the other party’s mood, so he coughed and his expression became awe-inspiring. After sitting cross-legged, he was completely immersed in While his own cultivation base was running, his eyes showed a strange light.

Miss Sister also knew that this moment was the key time for Wang Baole, so after taking a puck, she stopped talking, but watched silently. Under her attention, Wang Baole's cultivation base was running faster and faster.

It takes four breaths from the beginning, and the cultivation base runs the whole body for a week, until it accelerates to one breath a week. As the speed increases, Wang Baole’s body is like a huge furnace, and it begins to emit high temperature, which is caused by the path outside his body. The absorption of the stars made Daoxing's light more radiant, and even the nine ancient stars around it had absorbed part of it, and the same light shone more and more.

"Not enough..." Wang Baole showed a sharp light in his eyes, with deeper expectations. He did not go to the flame galaxy. Although he had a good understanding of the stellar realm, it was incomplete, and as the ancestor Yu Liyan sat down to practice After consulting a large number of classics, his understanding of the stellar realm has also greatly improved.

He knew very well that the stars were divided into the heavens, the earth, the Xuan, and the Huangfan. These five levels are rare to reach the Xuan level. They often have a certain chance. For example, there is a Xuan level among his protectors. People also have unusual positions in the stars of the Flame Galaxy.

Before Chongyuezi's shot, this person seemed to be defeated, but in fact the injury was the smallest. This is the power of the mysterious star, and the earth-level... can only be described by the word rare, such as Chongyixi. , Is the prefecture level!

But his identity is after all the second Daozi of Zuo Dao Sanctuary First Sect. This shows the scarcity of earth-levels. Looking at the entire flame galaxy, perhaps there used to be earth-level stars, but now...

"No more." Wang Baole murmured, retracting his thoughts on the blazing galaxy, and his cognition of celestial stars emerged in his mind.

Celestial stars are rare in the entire Weiyang Dao realm. There seems to be some secrets involved in it, so throughout the ages, only the royal family of the Weiyang clan have seen celestial stars!

Regardless of the celestial level or the ordinary level, the method of promotion to stars is similar. It is to find stars of sufficient level, merge into the body, and become one with oneself, so that oneself can break through and become a galaxy in the body.

So the stellar realm has another name, called the galaxy realm!

As for the original planet, it will also become the first planet in the galaxy after the breakthrough.

But at this time, whether it’s at the heavenly level or the mortal level, although there is actually a gap, it is not as big as a gully between heaven and earth. The strength between them is mainly reflected in the subsequent practice and containment, just like a container. If the level is just a cup, then the earth level is a huge water tank, and the sky level is a water pool!

The higher the grade, the greater the number of stars that can be accommodated in subsequent cultivation. To some extent, the cultivation of the stellar realm monks, in addition to their own practice, is to swallow and fuse stars to complete their own transformation.

Until it reaches its extreme, its own galaxy turns into a star field in the infinite majesty. At that time, it is the moment when the stellar monk breaks through his own cultivation.

"But what I want... is not these five levels, but above these five levels... rarer than phoenix feathers, the legendary... Dao-level star!" Wang Baole's eyes were bright, Dao-level, this It is a realm that can be barely reached only after possessing the Dao Star and having great opportunities!

That is to let Dao Xing be promoted to Heng Dao!

Only the first generation ancestor of the Weiyang clan had done this. After him, no one can do it. After all, there are too few Dao stars, and there are fewer opportunities to become Heng Dao, so there is no promotion at all. When the Fa spreads, all of them have to rely on themselves to explore.

And Wang Baole has also figured out some methods on his way here. For example, at this moment, the reason why he continues to speed up his cultivation base is precisely the way that he has selected from the many analysis methods that he believes is the most likely to achieve.

The rapid repair base revolves, so that oneself continuously emits high temperature like a fireball, so that the fluctuation of one's own planet reaches the extreme, so as to feel...the opportunity of breakthrough.

As his thoughts turned, Wang Baole didn't hesitate at all. The cultivation base in his body accelerated again like crazy, gradually changing from one breath a week to one breath three weeks, five weeks, and ten weeks, when he felt the limit.

And his Dao Xing, at this moment, under the frenzied operation of his cultivation base, became extremely hot, making the firmament of the land of the stars seem to be burned, showing a fiery red meaning, looking at the paper man in the paper sea , Their looks changed.

As their expressions changed, Wang Baole was a little anxious here, because he had reached his limit for ten weeks. He couldn't support this state for too long, but... he still didn't feel the slightest fluctuation in promotion.

"My instinct tells me that as long as I burn my Dao Xing and consume the power of Dao Xing, I can leap forward, but I don't want to burn and consume!" Wang Baole's eyes flashed, and suddenly a zombie shadow appeared outside his body. , There appeared the illusion of resentment soldiers, and other lifetimes were also transformed at the same time, and the little white deer was also among them, and at the same time scattered and merged into his Dao Star, making his Dao Star tremble at this moment, as if it was added power. Like, light and heat, erupted in the sky.

The firmament of the entire starfall land brightened instantly, and the night turned into a vast expanse of whiteness. In this monstrous explosion, Wang Baole, who was fused with the Dao stars, and regardless of each other, finally felt a layer of vagueness. No diaphragm!

This barrier, like a certain restriction, prevents Dao Xing from being promoted, just like there is a boundary in this universe. Only when Dao Xing jumps up and crosses the boundary of collapse can he be promoted smoothly!

He had instinctively felt that as long as Dao Xing was burned and consumed, the same was true. Because of burning, he could exchange for more jumping power, and because of consumption, Dao Xing could be reduced and make it easier to jump up!

But he didn't want it!

At this moment, Wang Baole raised his head suddenly, and his voice was solemn and solemn, spreading all over the sky.

"In the sky, the stars...who would like to accompany me, walk the galaxy all the way, to see the real starry sky!"

As soon as his words came out, the millions of stars that were originally excited and radiated light were all crazy at this moment, and the light burst out to an unprecedented degree, making the stars in the sky countless and amazing.

There are tens of thousands of stars in it, with the strongest rays of light, and those are...special stars. At this moment, in the violent shining, Wang Baole raised his right hand, his eyes were clinging, and he spoke softly.


The words were almost reverberating. Millions of stars roared and rushed towards Wang Baole, but the tens of thousands of special stars inside were the fastest, surpassing other stars almost in the blink of an eye, and went directly to Wang Baole's surroundings, suddenly surrounding the room. , They seem to have formed a stand, and while excluding other non-special stars, they also gathered their full strength to radiate the stars and merge into Wang Baole's Dao Star!

Almost at the moment when the light of tens of thousands of special stars merged, Wang Baole's Dao star's momentum skyrocketed, and its scope unexpectedly expanded again, and its aura reached the level that most paper people's expressions changed drastically.

As for Wang Baole, he seemed to be able to hold it all at once. He was short of breath, pinching his hands with both hands, and he stood up directly from his knees and let out a low growl.

"Fall the stars!"


At 6 o’clock tonight, I’m live broadcast on Douyu, room number 9199288, cough cough, I heard that five girls have turned into the characters in my book, please eat chicken...don’t think it’s crooked, it’s a spirit tail chicken. .....

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