A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1111: Dao Heng!

This god-man is tall and tall, and there is no trace of a fat man on his body. All he can see is a figure like a mountain and a pine, standing between the sky and the earth!

The clothes are dancing, the feet are on the stars, and the Dao stars on the head are transformed into an eternal rainbow on the sky in the eyes of everyone. With the help of the power of the gods, the Dao stars... go straight to the sky!

Higher and higher!

At this moment, the sky changed, the wind and clouds rolled back, and the roar of all directions turned into sky thunders, constantly exploding in this entire land of stars!

While the loud noise was shaking the sky, the sacred cow roared, and the Dao star held up by it was also rapidly red with naked eyes. For example, there was a huge stove inside, emitting infinite flames, making the temperature of Dao star seem to be The more extreme it spreads out, so that everyone who sees seems to see...a sun!

At this moment, everyone in the land of the stars held their breath. At this moment, all the monks who saw this scene roared in their hearts!

In the roar of the mind, the sacred cow was getting faster and faster, the Daoxing’s light became more and more radiant, and the flame inside it became stronger and stronger, until finally... At the end of the sky, the sacred cow rushed away so powerfully, his body Suddenly!

It seemed that there was an invisible barrier blocking it in front of him, preventing Dao Xing from being promoted and preventing the sacred bull from jumping. With the pause, Wang Baole, who was standing on the back of the sacred bull, showed a sharp light in his eyes.

He felt the diaphragm, and even seemed to be able to see it, and even more sensed the repulsion from the invisible diaphragm, like a seal and suppression.

"Heaven doesn't want the Tao to become permanent, so there are restrictions..." Wang Baole murmured, which was exactly the same as his previous perception.

"But... all my preparations are accumulated just to break this restriction!" Wang Baole's eyes shone brightly, and his hands were raised with a sudden wave!

Suddenly, a vast force was also in the body of the sacred cow as if it was gathering momentum, and exerting pressure from all directions, causing the sacred cow's two front hooves to bend slightly in the sky, as if nothingness was under its feet like land, and the final preparations were being made!

"The most critical moment has arrived!"

"In the legend, the Dao star is as constant as a dragon, like a fish leaping over a dragon door, and you have to break the limit of the starry sky!"

The generation of ancestors and the contemporary emperor of the Land of the Fallen Stars looked at each other with solemn expressions. Although their cultivation bases are high, this kind of scene of the Taoist Stars being constant, even they are only heard in legends. However, if you witness it with your own eyes, it is the first time in your life!

At the moment they looked at it, Wang Baole's raised hands suddenly dropped, and there was a low drink from his mouth!

"Get up!"

As his words came out, the whole body of the sacred cow under his feet shook and issued a more vast and terrifying roar. In this roar, his majestic body slammed forward and slammed directly into the invisible. On the diaphragm of the sky!

There was a silent roar, in the minds of all beings in the land of the stars, when they were madly exploded, the diaphragm heard the sound of cracking, and the next instant it collapsed, forming endless ripples that echoed in the sky, in the center of this ripple. , The huge figure of Shenniu, supporting Daoxing, has already jumped up!

But all this is not over, as the rushing up, as Daoxing's light and heat become more intense, there seems to be another barrier, suddenly appearing!

In other words... what exists here is not a barrier, but an astonishing number of layers!

At this moment, with the collapse of the first layer and the spread of ripples, the originally invisible and invisible diaphragm finally appeared, reflected in the eyes of everyone, and also in front of Wang Baole!

"It's not a layer..." Wang Baole narrowed his eyes. With the help of the power of the sacred cow, his divine sense suddenly dispersed at this moment, spreading towards the place where the diaphragm was. As it spread, he gradually clearly felt the limit Dao star The number of promotion barriers has reached a million!

A million diaphragms, blocking all living beings, suppressing the starry sky, like a million rules, condensed into a huge seal, blocking everything!

But... soon Wang Baole was blessed to his soul. From Dao Xing’s feedback and his state, he gained some enlightenment, Dao Xing was promoted... In fact, as long as he broke through the first barrier, he was considered a success, not necessarily. To break all the millions of diaphragms.

Today, he only needs a single thought to allow the Dao star held up by the sacred cow of his own supernatural powers to be promoted to permanent Dao in an instant!

It's just that this kind of perseverance, although it can be regarded as transcendence, but after all...not the ultimate!

Because according to Wang Baole’s enlightenment, every time Dao Xing breaks a barrier before promotion, his power and potential will be even greater after he is promoted to Constant Dao!

"Let's take a look, where is my limit!" Wang Baole showed persistence in his eyes, with a more vigorous fighting spirit. At this moment, he did not continue to think after his thoughts were mastered. Instead, he took a deep breath, and his body cultivation was about to explode. The roar merged into the sacred cow, causing the sacred cow to gleam with light, roaring like a madness, holding the Dao star... and hitting it again!

The sound of booming resounded crazily, and the sound of the collapse of the diaphragms spread all over. From a distance, the sacred cow had already turned into a rainbow, holding the Daoxing, rushing all the way, destroying the diaphragms, one after another. Smashed!

Three floors, ten floors, thirty floors, fifty floors, one hundred floors...

Three hundred stories, nine hundred stories, one thousand five hundred stories!

There is no end, three thousand floors, five thousand floors...

Between the roar and fragmentation, the sacred cow supported Daoxing. After collapsing to the 5974th layer of the diaphragm, the speed slowed down, and after a little gain, with another roaring impact, This time it was directly shattered to the 9397th floor!

At this time, as if the limit was approaching, the sacred bull erupted with its last power in the dim figure, holding Daoxing and shattering hundreds of layers of barriers, until it reached the ten thousand layers, it lost all its power and dissipated. Come!

"Ten thousand layers, how could it be enough!" Wang Baole looked up to the sky and screamed, raising his left hand to directly hold up the majestic star, which is no different from the star, and even enough to make other stars astonishingly inferior to the Dao star, pinching his right hand, suddenly pointed!

Suddenly the illusory shadow of the zombie in the previous life, with one of its fingers falling, suddenly transformed into a beam of light, moving towards the diaphragm in front of it, blasting away, the speed and the strength of destruction made all those who saw it shocked. Just this light, in an instant... 10,000 layers shattered!

The light dissipated, and Wang Baole's figure, also supporting Dao Xing, stepped onto the 20,000th floor, without ending. With the appearance of the magic blade and the Fire God Race in his body, there was also that amazing hatred. The avatar walked out, and the diaphragm broke and roared amazingly!

30,000 floors, 40,000 floors, 50,000 floors...

In the next instant, with the collapse of the subsequent 30,000 layers of diaphragms, the little white deer's figure slammed into it with a dazzling dazzling brilliance. This collision directly smashed another 30,000 layers!

This allowed Wang Baole to hold up the figure of Dao Xing and stand on the eighty-thousandth layer of the diaphragm. His Dao Xing... also with the collapse of the layers of the diaphragm, he became larger and larger, and it did not look like a star anymore. Like a strange celestial body gathered by a large number of stars!

"And... the last blow!" Wang Baole trembled, and a touch of madness appeared in his eyes. The afterimage of the black wooden board was lifted up with his right hand, and it instantly turned out. After a lifetime of the black wooden board appeared in his mind, he suddenly fell!

In this fall, the sky buzzed like never before, and the more than 900,000 diaphragms remaining in front of it trembled together, as if an indescribable force broke out at this moment, causing the layers of diaphragms to shatter like paper. !

One hundred thousand floors, two hundred thousand floors, four hundred thousand floors, six hundred thousand floors...

"Continue to me!!" Wang Baole's eyes were red, and his body burst out, causing the power from the black plank to shed like a sharp blade that can cut everything. In an instant... it shattered to 700,000 layers. After one hundred thousand layers, up to nine hundred and ninety thousand layers, it will eventually reach the extreme!

Even so, the rest of the force, like this, exploded 10,000 more layers in the extreme, and the invisible seal of the million rules was directly...shattered!

Along with the fragmentation, a moment of enlightenment appeared in Wang Baole's mind. At this moment, it is difficult for all laws to cover his eyes, and all things cannot cover his heart!

And his Dao Xing finally at this moment... the light and heat exploded to the extreme, until there was no light!

Become... a black hole that can swallow stars!

His cultivation base, also at this moment, suddenly climbed, breaking through the planet, and stepping into the star!

Very special, unprecedented...stars! !

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