A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1114: The Lord of Weiyang!

With the tremor of the body, the soul seemed to be frozen at this moment. This is because the eyes formed by the aura that converged in the sealed vortex, not only contained indifference, but also a monstrous evil spirit!

This evil spirit is strong, even if Wang Baole has experienced his past life perceptions, his mind is still trembling, because whether it is Luo, Gu, or Wang Yiyi's father, the degree of evil spirit... actually has something to do with the existence in this whirlpool. gap! !

It is precisely because of the horror of this evil spirit that even the gaze, separated from the whirlpool and the seal, can affect Wang Baole, making his body tremble and dare not to move forward, but slowly turning around and looking down Seal.

When he looked at the vortex under the seal, there were bursts of purple mist. Although it did not penetrate the seal, as the mist diffused under the seal, his eyes became clearer and faint, Wang Baole It seems that I heard footsteps, slowly spreading from the vortex under the seal.

"Senior..." Wang Baole was nervous, and read the Taoist scripture several times, but still did not see Wang Yiyi's father appear. At this moment, he looked at the purple eyes and listened to the footsteps in the fog. Suddenly speak.

"Senior Xu, my surname is Wang!"

As soon as Wang Baole spoke, the footsteps stopped. After a while, a low and cold voice came out through the seal from the whirlpool.

"you know me?"

"I was here with my father-in-law before, and I met Senior Xu." Wang Baole looked solemn, and said this without any pause, let alone blushing, as if even he himself thought so. At this moment, he has completely replaced the son-in-law. In his identity, he bowed his fist after speaking.

The sound of footsteps did not come out, but within the whirlpool, the converging eyes revealed a strange meaning.

"Is the cultivation of Weiyang Dao realm as shameless as you? Even if your place is just a boundary of Weiyang Dao realm." As the words echoed, his eyes retracted, and the sound of footsteps came again, but it was not close. Instead, he went away, but Wang Baole here, after hearing this sentence, his eyes suddenly shrank, his heart roared, and he immediately spoke out.

"The predecessors just said that the place where the junior is located is just a boundary of Weiyang Daoyu? What does the boundary mean, isn't Weiyang Daoyu the real Weiyang?"

"You little guy don't need to follow Xu's words. There are some things. When I saw you, I knew you already knew it, but it doesn't hurt to tell you."

"The Weiyang Dao realm, in addition to the main realm, has countless boundaries, like seeds scattered in the universe at all levels, and you are in one of them."

This sentence fell in Wang Baole's ears, and after fusing with the memories of his previous life, it turned into a sky thunder, and Wang Baole's chest rose and fell as he spoke quickly.

"Senior, please tell me how to get to the real Weiyang Dao realm?"

As the footsteps went farther away, Wang Baole waited anxiously for a long time, until the mist in the whirlpool had completely dissipated, a sound that seemed to come from a distant place echoed in his mind.

"When you are in the Weiyang boundary, the emperor's clone awakens."

"Who is the emperor?" Wang Baole's heart was shaken strongly again, and he spoke again.

After a while, he faintly heard an answer, but he was not sure if it was an illusion.

"Lord Weiyang!" Wang Baole murmured, these were the last four words he heard, and through these four words, countless thoughts came into his mind.

"Wei Young has several boundaries, so can we say that the beginning of the second ring, the first world born, is actually just the boundary of Weiyang Dao domain..."

"And this senior Xu has also talked about universes at all levels. If we judge this way, the universe where the first and second rings are located is just one of many universes..."

"If this is the case, then how strong is Wei Young?? The emperor is the lord of Weiyang, and how strong is it... and the avatar of the emperor he said, will Weiyang's divisions be related to his practice and need to be scattered. Do clones, make clones grow?"

"Also... if what this senior Xu said is true, then the emperor clone in this stele world... who would it be?" Wang Baole had too many thoughts in his mind and was a little confused. It is really the information he got this time, too big Up!

After pondering these thoughts in his heart again, Wang Baole was not good at judging the true content in it, but his intuition told himself that what the other party said was true in all likelihood.

In the silence, Wang Baole narrowed his eyes. He felt that the world he was in was full of infinite mysteries, the blood-colored centipede, Wang Yiyi and his daughter, the wreckage of the ancients, Luo's seal, and his own body... the black wooden board from another whirlpool. .

Now he can be certain that the vortex from which the black plank comes from is different from the vortex here!

"There is still a date after sixty-eight years." Wang Baole whispered silently. When he raised his head for a long time, he buried all the doubts deeply in his heart, and a deep sense of urgency spread more and more in his heart. .

"Even if I reach the level of Dao Heng, it is still not enough...I want to get stronger faster!" Thinking of this, Wang Baole flashed his eyes, his body stepped forward, and the whole person turned into a long rainbow in the roar. , Directly across the sea, from the surface of the paper sea, jumped up in the roar!

While flying out of the paper sea, Wang Baole, standing in mid-air, immediately saw the attention of the generation of emperors, the Emperor Xingyi and the surrounding paper people.

"Thank you senior, thank you Majesty!" Wang Baole took a deep breath, clasped his fists, and bowed deeply to the generation of emperors and the emperor of the stars. He did not say too many words of gratitude, because all the gratitude has been recorded in his soul.

Wang Baole knew very well that if he hadn't been promoted in the land of the stars this time, it would be difficult for him to go so smoothly, and there would be more danger of death, so this favor was great.

Seeing that Wang Baole was okay, the generation of the emperor and the Emperor Xingyi also breathed a sigh of relief. After a greeting, Wang Baole left. Under the eyes of the two, he no longer needed a boat escort, but himself Suddenly lifted into the sky, at the end of the sky, at the edge of the star-falling formation, Wang Baole turned his head and bowed again to the people below.

"In the future, if there is a need, Wang must go all out!" As he said, Wang Baole turned towards the end of the sky and took a step forward. His figure instantly turned into a black hole, and instantly... disappeared!

"I can see that in the outside world, a legend will appear soon!" The Emperor Xingyi murmured while staring at the place where Wang Baole disappeared, with anticipation in his eyes.

"This has nothing to do with me. Wang Baole obtained the Daoxing star here and was promoted to the star here. The kindness from Xingyu is sufficient. If he completely rises in the future, the good destiny we wait for will also result. If there is no rise, I look forward to it. It's also useless." The Great Emperor shook his head and retracted his gaze toward the sky.

At the same time, as the cultivation base unfolded, Wang Baole, who looked like a black hole, seemed to melt into nothingness after his figure disappeared. When he appeared in the next moment, he was already in the starry sky beyond the land of stars.

In the starry sky, the first thing that appeared was an infinitely folded strip of paper. As it continued to open, the starry sky was instantly covered by white paper. In the center of this white paper, Xie Haiyang, Chen Han and others could see it instantly. Here...the figure of Wang Baole who appeared there!

A white dress, black hair, eyes like stars, shadows like a bright moon, and body like a hot sun!

Almost at the moment he appeared, all the monks who saw him roared in their hearts, and awe was uncontrollable in their eyes, and Chen Han's flattering sound echoed rapidly in the inner vibration of the crowd.

"Congratulations dad, congratulations dad, promotion to the star realm!"

"Congratulations to Uncle Master, Uncle Master was promoted to a star in one fell swoop. This talent is rare in the world. From then on, there is a vast ocean and the sky is a place not to go without an Uncle Master!"

Listening to the openings of Chen Han and Xie Haiyang who followed Chen Han, Wang Baole's face unknowingly showed a faint smile like an expert, and after sweeping his eyes, he fell into the distance... outsiders' eyes were empty. The starry sky, speak slowly.

"sorry to keep you waiting."

Almost at the moment when Wang Baole's words came out, where he looked at, it seemed that a curtain was suddenly lifted, revealing the inside... a very dignified face, even more fearful in his eyes... a tall figure!

Exactly, Chong Barley!

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