A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1117: I will suppress you with all my strength!

"This is..." Chongyizi's complexion changed drastically, and a strong sense of crisis broke out in his mind. Even the clone formed with all his secret methods was also affected, and there was a tremor.

At this moment, the only thought that appeared in Chongyizi’s mind was to avoid the edge. Even if he was unwilling to do so, after all, his own star is late, but now whether it is the feeling of heartbeat or the perception of his mind, his instinct has overwhelmed his reason, and his body instantly Just go backwards quickly.

At the same time as he was retreating, he held the golden spear in his right hand, and threw it at Wang Baole with all his strength. The golden spear suddenly turned into a golden lightning, and went straight to Wang Baole, trying to block one or two.

But even if he reacted extremely quickly, there was almost no hesitation, but it was still... late!

In other words, the appearance of Wang Baole's resenting soldier, while falling down that slash, possessed the destined meaning, and has already been slashed, so it cannot be avoided and cannot be dodged!

So... the golden spear that turned into lightning, as soon as it appeared in front of Wang Baole, it collapsed on its own, and fell apart in the blink of an eye, directly turning into countless golden fragments and spreading in all directions.

"Although this constellation has just been promoted to the star, and only displayed 30% of the combat power, but... Chong Yizi, if you only have this combat power, I will be very disappointed." Wang Baole heartily heart, this battle, except for a few Apart from the uselessness of this assassin, he had already exploded with all his strength.

However, the posture of the master has been engraved into instinct, so the words floated out, and the expression was even more disappointing.

But in fact, his internal organs are tumbling at this moment, the power of the stars is constantly erupting, destroying the golden spear, not so calm on the surface, nor is there an indestructible barrier in front of it, but... …Wang Baole’s grieving soldiers, with speed and momentum imperceptible to everyone's naked eyes, blasted past this golden spear at that moment.

Combining the grievances of previous lives, the sharpness of the grieving soldiers themselves, and the blessing of Dao Heng and the stars, made him look like invincible!

In the next instant, this grieving soldier appeared in front of the retrogressive Chongyizi, not giving Chongyizi the slightest chance to resist. At the moment when Chongyizi's complexion completely changed, suddenly...From his huge body, It's like splitting a mountain, just fall straight down!

At this moment, the starry sky collapsed and all directions roared, and the huge body of Chongyizi was cut in half in the eyes of everyone around, half of which turned into fly ash, and the other half withered instantly, but did not dissipate. Instead, a figure reunited in the starry sky.

But at the moment this figure appeared, it sprayed three mouthfuls of blood in a row, and its body suddenly retreated. At the same time, Wang Baole’s Nine Dao incarnation clones also erupted at the same time. These nine quasi-Dao stars exploded at the same time, each unfolding The law of rules that resonates almost to the extreme.

From a distance, you can see the scarlet blood shaking the sky, the orange music and the sky, the yellow flames erupting, the endless green plants, the blue clouds shaking the stars, the blue wind like a hurricane, and the purple biting the sky!

There is also black mist and endless light!

The eruption of the clones transformed by the nine quasi-dao stars directly caused the clones of Chongyizi to vibrate and retreat one after another. The blood spurted out one after another, but Chongyizi had a deep cultivation base, so even if his supernatural powers were Broken, but the origin obviously won't be hurt so easily. At this moment, while the clone is shattered, its origin regresses and merges into the body of the giant who had been chopped off Chongyuezi, into the regressive body.

As it merged in, the regressed body originally had a somewhat trembling aura, and it quickly stabilized, but its aura was still frustrated. At this moment, it was not until it exited the range of the grieving soldiers that the expression stopped in amazement and looked at Wang Baole firmly. Growl inwardly.

"Is this really the early stage of the star? It's still 30%? Your sister...you lied to the ghost!!"

Although he roared so wildly in his heart, Chongyuezi's expression returned to normal in an instant, and even a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, like the previous embarrassment and the beheading of the clone and the main body, it was just a test for him. Speak lightly.

"It's interesting, Wang Baole, since you can survive the warm-up phase of this seat, it is worth using 20% ​​of your combat power to let you know what is strong!"

"Why is it 20% combat power and warming up? I vomited blood and vomited a few mouthfuls, true hypocrisy!" Wang Baole sneered inwardly, but on the surface he still made himself as calm as possible and smiled indifferently.

"I don't bully you, then I will take back 20% of the combat power and suppress you with 10%!" During the words, Wang Baole's body's cultivation was tumbling, and all the twelve points of combat power became active.

"Shameless person, even the star map appeared, and he can say that it only took 30%, this Wang Baole's face is changed by the stars!!" Chongyizi despised her heart, bragging about who can't, so she inside The cultivation base broke out in an all-round way, and words came out gently.

"Are you ten percent? Don't worry, I will use half percent to pick up your magical powers!"

The conversation between the two at this moment fell into the ears of Xie Haiyang, Chen Han and others around them. Even if they were shocked by the match between the two just now, they still looked strange.

Even Chen Han, who was already able to slap his horses and beards, hesitated for a while now, not knowing how to speak, and Xie Haiyang kept blinking, hiding the helplessness in his eyes, and he felt so tired.

The other stars are all silent, but their hearts are very rich...

"These two... are not fighting, but thick-skinned than who?"

At the same time that everyone’s hearts are rich and colorful, as Chongyizi’s words are spoken, and as his cultivation base is fully revolving, the stars behind Chongyizi reappear and become more majestic, and even countless ones can be seen inside. The runes are transformed, these runes are the power of the formation!

Every rune possesses great power, which can be instantly crushed by the planetary monk when he touches it. He knows that Wang Baole has many rules, and he also feels the terrifying and powerful rules of those rules, so he does not go to the rules that he is familiar with. Instead, they intend to suppress the opponent with the power of infinite formations.

With a violent wave of his hands at this moment, countless formation runes burst out of the stars behind him, instantly pervading the starry sky, looking like a sea of ​​formations, towards Wang Baole and his clone , Besieged away instantly!

"Xiaoshu, Array Kill!" Even as the vast sea of ​​formations filled the starry sky and roared towards Wang Bao, Chongyuezi still didn't forget to speak, like this assassin he used to burst out with all his strength. It's just his countless small spells.

"Do you want a face?" Wang Baole frowned, and at the same time he was contemptuous, his eyes narrowed and he spoke lightly.

"Formation?" Wang Baole shook his head, pinched the tactics with both hands, while the cultivation base inside his body was running, he slammed outwards, and the roar of the star map behind him was extremely radiant, but all the rays of light at this moment are the perseverance in the star map Star's foil!

The brighter they are, the more the Star of Perseverance, whose center is pitch black like a black hole, becomes more obvious. Finally, in the explosion of Wang Baole's wave and cultivation, the laws contained in the Star of Perseverance burst out!

"With the paper of one of the three thousand small methods in this seat, enough for you!"

Xie Haiyang and Chen Han, as well as those stars guarding the way, their face twitched again at this moment, and the feeling of exhaustion became stronger... and at the same time they were exhausted, Wang Baole's paper rules had already exploded.

The first thing that was affected was that all the starlight outside of Hengdao instantly turned into a note, and then under his full blessing, it spread out suddenly, and directly touched the infinite array sea of ​​Chongyizi.

The roar echoed in all directions of the starry sky, and the countless array runes that were visible to the naked eye, in an instant, directly seemed to be infected, and they became paper charms one by one!

Looking at it, the starry sky is like a sea of ​​paper at this moment!

And in the middle of the paper sea, is Wang Baole's indifferent figure, enduring the tremor of his body at this moment, raising his right hand, facing the same indifferent, but his heart was tumbling for nine days, and he pointed slightly.



Sorry to all fellow fellows, I just came back at noon today. I was so exhausted every day last week. In the afternoon, I started to code words without stopping and resume updating. Then I owe ten chapters. I will make up as soon as possible!

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