A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1131: Into the gray domain!

"This is the old fox!!" After hearing the voice of the ancestor of the flames, even if Wang Baole felt that it was a bit wrong to describe his master like this, but thinking about the man in front of him, he could ride on his own, and would not care about it.

In fact, before Wang Baole made the shot, he really thought it was Master who wanted to stand up for himself. Although there were some doubts in his heart, he did not expect Master's goal here to be this.

"If you think about it carefully, this is indeed the case. The Weiyang clan covers itself, just because they don't want to be noticed by others, and the troubles of Master here have forced the Weiyang clan to come forward, which indirectly exposes some of the arrangement."

Wang Baole thought of this, looked at the ancestor of the flames, and squeezed out some worship. He knew what his master needs, and it was true. After feeling the worship in Wang Baole’s eyes, the ancestor of the flames coughed, proudly Lifting his head, my heart is very happy.

The sacred cow who sat down also narrowed his eyes, showing a proud expression.

"Good disciple, now you know that Master is amazing." The ancestor Flame raised his chin and spoke to Wang Baole.

"Master, the martial arts, the deduction is shocking. The disciple's dream in this life is to be able to obtain one-ten thousandth of the master's achievements. I thought I already have it, but now I look at it. It is still a lot worse. Master, please accept the disciple's conviction! "Wang Baole still worshiped in his eyes, his tone was emotional, and he bowed deeply to the ancestor of flames.

The ancestor of the flames was happier, and the sacred cow trembled a few times.

"Don't be discouraged, as long as you work hard, you will eventually have this day." Lieyan turned to look at Wang Baole, patted his shoulder, and his eyes fell on the gray starry sky not far away.

"See the gray starry sky, spread your senses, feel it carefully, and then tell me what you noticed." With this joy, the ancestor of flames also pointed out Wang Baole.

Wang Baole heard the words and scanned the gray starry sky. In fact, when he arrived before, he had already noticed the figures coming and going in the gray starry sky. He already had some judgments in his heart, knowing that there must be weirdness in the gray starry sky, making ordinary monks unable to If you stay for a long time, you need to return to repair after a period of time and enter again.

Therefore, this scene of many figures coming in and out.

As the Qi Shizong disciples said, their third senior brothers are just like this. Now in this gray starry sky, they haven't reached the limit, so they haven't come out for a while.

At the same time, this gray starry sky can be easily discovered if you look at it for a long time. As more and more people enter, its color gradually becomes richer.

Despite these analyses and judgments in his heart, Wang Baole still disperse his spiritual consciousness, spreading towards the gray starry sky, and soon touched him, and the moment his spiritual consciousness touched the gray starry sky area, Wang Baole's body shook suddenly, and he Feel a force of repression and repulsion.

"Huh?" Wang Baole condensed his eyes and felt it carefully.

Realizing that this repulsive force was not very strong, but it continued, and as Wang Baole's spiritual consciousness spread, the feeling of suppression and rejection became stronger. At the same time, based on the performance of other people entering the gray starry sky area, he immediately saw the difference. .

This repulsive force, in the body of different monks, is stronger as it goes deeper, but the degree of enhancement is different. Some planetary monks don’t seem to respond much to this repulsive force, but some stars, Obviously exhausted when coming out, seemingly exhausted.

"According to the cultivation level, the higher the cultivation level, the stronger the rejection and suppression after entering, or...There are restrictions here, restricting the entry of monks above a certain realm!" Wang Baole immediately understood. After observing again, he suddenly spoke.

"You cannot enter the star field here. As for the planets... Although they can enter more smoothly, they are too dangerous. Only stars... are the most suitable realm to enter here!"

The ancestor of the flames smiled when he heard the words, and looked at the gray starry sky as well, with a deep vision in his eyes, and then spoke softly after a long while.

"You're right, there is suppression here, the star field is not impossible to enter, but after entering... it is difficult to move!"

"It is precisely because of this that after the Wanzong family knew the news of this place, the Tianjiao arranged for the various clans to come to practice and obtain good fortune, the Weiyang family seemed unwilling, but in fact...it was willing."

"Because the more people entering, the more chaotic the power of cause and effect in this gray starry sky area, and once the cause and effect are completely chaotic, it will make their sacrifices go smoother!"

"It's just that there is a danger of life and death here, so the Weiyang clan didn't take the initiative to invite, but chose the seeming acquiescence. As a result, if there are a lot of deaths in the clan Tianjiao, it has nothing to do with the Weiyang clan."

"And the clans are not fools, they know this well, but the good luck is so great that it is difficult to give up, so this scene has appeared." The ancestor of the flames slowly spoke and said this time. The reason for the gathering of clan families.

"The power of cause and effect?" Wang Baole was startled when he heard the words and looked at the ancestor of the flames.

"What do you think is the purpose of the Weiyang Clan's suppression outside?" Old Flame Ancestor smiled.

"Of course the goal is not to save the Emperor of the Split Moon, because it is too difficult to do so unless Xuanhua also enters and participates in this battle, but does he dare? So their purpose is to make the death of the Emperor of the Split Moon more valuable. And meaning."

"For example... Explode yourself!" The flame ancestor narrowed his eyes, and Wang Baole looked solemnly aside.

"At the same time...Although the Weiyang Clan is jealous of Chen Qingzi, it is only jealous. No matter how threatening Chen Qingzi is, he is only one person, but now it is different. The Mingzong Heavenly Dao has recovered!"

"The blue silk smoke that you have seen scattered from the battleship Never Young, but a good thing, that is the power of Weiyang Heavenly Dao, this is to use Weiyang Heavenly Dao to suppress Mingzong Heavenly Dao."

"In this way, it can not only help Split Moon, make it last longer, but also make it have the power to self-destruct at the moment of life and death, and at the same time, it can also prevent the recovery of Mingzong Tiandao, and it is not impossible... to severely injure Chen Qingzi."

"But... I always feel that this is Chen Qingzi fishing!" The flame ancestor muttered, and the words that made Wang Baole ponder for a long time. At this moment, after his spiritual consciousness hovered on the edge of the gray starry sky, he was about to withdraw. But in an instant he felt a call coming from the depths of the gray starry sky.

The moment Wang Baole felt the call, his divine consciousness did not withdraw, but continued to spread inward. The ancestor of the flames noticed it and did not stop it.

Soon Wang Baole's divine consciousness spread over the edge of the gray starry sky, but without a physical body, it was difficult to spread farther. It only reached a range of several hundred meters, but it was enough.

At the moment it spread to several hundred meters, the intention to summon suddenly became strong, and a familiar voice faintly reverberated in Wang Baole's mind.

"Come... Junior Brother, come to me."

Wang Baole's eyes brightened again, looking at the ancestor of the flames.

"Since you want to go, let's go." The ancestor of flames was silent for a few breaths, smiled, and encouraged in his eyes.

"Don't worry, if you feel it's wrong, you will set the leaves on fire for your teacher. If you have a good teacher here, you will be safe!" The ancestor of the flame rubbed Wang Baole's head.

"Thank you, Master!" Wang Baole was touched and warm. After holding a fist to the ancestor of flames, he rushed out in a flash and went straight to the gray starry sky. Xie Haiyang on the sacred cow behind him hesitated and did not follow. It's the sound transmission quickly.

"Uncle Master, don't forget to speak nice things to my father."

Wang Baole laughed, his figure instantly stepped into the gray starry sky, and the moment he entered the gray starry sky, in the deepest part of the gray starry sky, there were nine huge ovens.

Eight of them surround the outside, and one is at the center. At this moment, in this central oven, there seems to be a world, and in this world, one is dressed in white, with long hair, holding a hip flask, and a circle around him. The young man with the blue wooden sword raised his head and drank the wine in the jug, looked to the distance and laughed.

"Little Junior Brother is coming."

Almost at the same time he opened his mouth, there was a stern roar in the distance of this world, and he could see the area where the roar was coming. There was a black mist, shrouded in a huge Weiyang clan figure, constantly corroding, At this moment, only 30% of the flesh and blood is left.

"Chen Qingzi, kill me, kill me!!!"

"Don't worry." Chen Qingzi drank the drink again, smiling.

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