A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1133: Dissatisfaction with God!

"What kind of mouth is this!" Wang Baole's eyes widened suddenly, and his body rushed out with a whine, and he was about to flee. It was really that he felt like a crow's mouth. He was clamoring for thirty or fifty strands before. It didn't take long before so many really came...

This made the bottom of his heart hairy. The three or four strands before made him frighten. Although it can offset it, he can also feel the threat to himself.

After all, this is the power of Weiyang’s Heavenly Dao, just like Weiyang’s Law, and his own astrology is regarded as a crime by him. In addition, as a Hades, if the power of Weiyang’s Heavenly Dao enters the body, he will be aware of it in an instant. , Regard himself as the remnant of the previous dynasty.

Yu Ni, this is the name Wang Baole has figured out from the standpoint of the Weiyang clan.

"Fellow offenders plus the remnants of the previous dynasty..." Wang Baole thought of this, sweating on his forehead, faster escape, and rushed out of the whirlpool in the roar, but although he was not slow, due to the vacuum of the whirlpool, those Weiyang Tiandao who were attracted Qing Si was faster than Wang Baole, and almost immediately when he rushed out of the whirlpool, he enveloped it, without giving him the slightest chance to react, and came crashing down with the intention of killing and destroying.

Wang Baole’s eyes contracted, almost as if his soul was scattered. He was about to summon brothers and masters to rescue, but at this moment... he absorbed the broken rule of the natal scabbard in his body, suddenly shining, and in an instant a suction was released, causing The Weiyang Heavenly Dao Qingsi near Wang Baole exploded at speed again, and before Wang Baole asked for help, they slammed into every position along his body.

"Your sister, I'm not going to die like this, right!" Wang Baole's mind suddenly shook, and he instinctively let out a scream of crying without tears, but Wang Baole's eyes widened as soon as the cry came out. Shows a sense of uncertainty and introspection.

He saw those Weiyang Heavenly Dao blue silks that had penetrated into his body. At this moment, while tearing part of his own flesh and blood, he went straight to his natal scabbard, and Sharan was swallowed by the scabbard and sucked in.

More than forty strands of blue silk disappeared completely in Wang Baole's body in an instant, and the speed was so fast. If the flesh and blood where the blue silk passed by in his body was torn at this moment, there was a tingling pain. I am afraid that Wang Baole would have thought that the hallucination had just occurred. .

"Nothing?" Wang Baole blinked, and immediately looked at his natal scabbard, and as soon as his consciousness swept through, a powerful force suddenly radiated from the natal scabbard.

The emanation of this power contains not only the might of the scabbard itself, but also the rhyme of broken rules, and the power of Weiyang’s Heavenly Dao. The three are strangely fused together. At this moment, they are erupting. Centered everywhere, spreading the entire range of Wang Baole's body.

With the spread, the place he was injured before, instantly healed, and at the same time, his body was like a dry earth, suddenly acquiring nectar, which was immediately absorbed.

This scene immediately shocked Wang Baole's mind. He did not act rashly, but carefully observed it, and finally a touch of shock appeared in his eyes.

"My natal scabbard is evolving... the breaking rules here, as well as the power of Weiyang's heavenly path, can trigger the evolution of the natal scabbard!"

"In addition to evolving, the aura from the scabbard of this life is also very helpful to my physical body, making it stronger!"

"Here... to me, it's all a treasure!"

"I understand, the brother called me, not only to give me the opportunity to absorb the power of the emperor, but also to me the underworld here. At the same time... the brother has calculated that the Weiyang clan will come to Weiyang. Power, so... these Weiyang Heavenly Daos were also attracted by the seniors for fishing!" Wang Baole suddenly understood and was excited.

"It must be so, haha, I'm so smart, brother, thank you!" Wang Baole laughed and was touched in his heart, and he was more proud. Instead of looking for a whirlpool, he stood there and turned the underworld in an instant. Absorb the dead air around.

In an instant, life around was tumbling, rushing in along Wang Baole’s seven orifices, making his underworld fire more vigorous, and his cultivation seemed to be refined. Although it was still in the early stage of the star, in terms of combat power, Wang Baole could feel it. Get it, it seems a bit stronger than before!

At the same time, in the depths of the gray starry sky, in the central oven surrounded by eight ovens, Chen Qingzi, who was drinking, had a slight look on her face, noticed the deadness around her, and whispered.

"Someone is absorbing...the one who can absorb the power of the Mingzong Heavenly Dao, except me, there is only Junior Brother."

During the words, Chen Qingzi suddenly rolled in nothingness beside Chen Qingzi, and a black fish that seemed to be the size of a palm, but actually seemed to be different, turned out there and let out a roar at Chen Qingzi.

"I know, I know, isn't it just being absorbed some aura? The junior brother is not an outsider, and how much he can absorb, rest assured." Chen Qingzi soothed.

The black fish seemed a little dissatisfied and roared again.

"Even your food was eaten by him? It's okay. Don't be so stingy. Weiyang's power of heaven. You like to eat. It doesn't mean that the younger brother likes it. He may be curious. Besides, he can't eat too much. many."

Under Chen Qingzi’s comfort, the black fish suppressed his dissatisfaction and slowly dissipated. At the same time, outside the oven, in the gray starry sky, Wang Baole at this moment, as the dead air was absorbed, gradually surrounded Dozens of cyan threads surfaced quickly, and as soon as they appeared, they locked the target, brought the killer, and went straight to Wang Baole.

"Come on! Give me a suck!" Wang Baole looked proud, and did not dodge, letting the dozens of blue silk approach, the three strands of blue silk closest to him in a flash, first penetrated into his body, and exploded in his body. !

Wang Baole shook his body, spouting a mouthful of blood, and his eyes were dull.

"Why don't you breathe it!!" The natal scabbard in his body seemed to have his own temper, and he just tried to absorb it, but now he was motionless, and he didn't even look at the blue silk that got into Wang Baole's body.

This caused Wang Baole’s scalp to numb. Seeing the remaining Weiyang Tiandao Qingsi was rushing towards his face, he screamed and slammed backwards, galloping away, afraid to absorb lifeless energy, and abolished the strength of the two tigers and pulled a lot. After a large area, Weiyang Tiandao Qingsi who was pursuing from behind slowly dissipated.

"What's going on!" Wang Baole wanted to cry without tears, looking at the Weiyang Heavenly Dao Qingsi who was gradually dissipating, feeling the deadness here, and then observing his own body.

The aura that strengthened the flesh body released after the natal scabbard absorbed more than forty strands of blue silk before did not improve his cultivation, but it made the flesh more refined, which seemed to be a sign of breakthrough.

"Death energy can improve refinement and cultivation, and Qingsi can strengthen the flesh..." Wang Baole's eyes slowly turned red. As he saw it, there were treasures all around, so after recalling the scene he had absorbed before, he shook abruptly. Quickly search for the land of the whirlpool.

Soon, Wang Baole found another whirlpool. This whirlpool was slightly larger than the previous one. Someone was meditating in it. But at this moment, Wang Baole, who was red-eyed, didn’t matter who was in the whirlpool. He was so fast. , The moment was approaching, and inside the whirlpool was a middle-aged monk sitting cross-legged, who had cultivated to the stage of a star. He noticed it instantly, opened his eyes suddenly, and was about to shout.

But in the next instant, Wang Baole's cultivation base burst out, the Nightmare Eye Secret Art descended, the regular silk thread condensed, and the shadow of the **** cow slammed into it!

During the roar, the middle-aged monk's expression changed drastically, blood spilled from the corners of his mouth, and his eyes appeared astonished. His body rolled back in an instant. After hesitating, he did not continue to entangle him. Instead, he quickly left.

"Who is this guy!" He doesn't know Wang Baole, but he can feel the sharpness of the opponent's shots, his heart is jealous, and this place is full of good fortune, he doesn't want to waste time, so after taking a deep look at Wang Baole, he turns faster and disappears in an instant .

After driving out this person, Wang Baole was not in the mood to chase him down. Instead, he sat down cross-legged, with anticipation and anxiety, and immediately absorbed the broken rules here. In an instant, his natal scabbard broke out again, breaking the rules around him. After swallowing them all, more than seventy green silks appeared in the eight directions, whizzing towards Wang Baole.

Looking at so many blue silks, Wang Baole's scalp was a little numb, and he could not avoid it. He wanted to try, is it the only way to absorb this blue silk.

Although it was dangerous, Wang Baole would be unwilling if he didn't try it. So under this cruelty, there were seven or eight lines of blue silk in a flash, first penetrated into Wang Baole's body, and the next moment... Wang Baole's eyes suddenly brightened.

"Sure enough!"

His natal scabbard is now rapidly devouring the blue silk that has penetrated into the body, and Wang Baole, who is in excitement, has not noticed at all. In the void beside him, a black fish turns out, with grievances, as if being Snatching food, glaring at him.

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