A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1136: Calmly Xuanhua!

"But... wait a while!" The big turtle took a breath and looked at the cyan around him, showing solemnity.

"What's the situation!" The beautiful and ugly person also shook their body wildly, looked at the nothingness outside the whirlpool, and saw the cyan silk threads.

"The silk of Weiyang Heavenly Dao!!" In an instant, they recognized this thing, and their eyes suddenly revealed heart palpitations. They knew that some of the Weiyang clan's arrangements in this gray starry sky could also be felt under some special circumstances. Even the existence of the cyan silk thread has also been in contact in these few days.

Therefore, it is clear that these cyan threads are very strong, and any one of them has the power to severely damage them, and once more, they are bound to fall.

Fortunately, these Weiyang Heavenly Dao Qingsi, as long as they don't take the initiative to provoke them, they won't be threatened, so gradually these Tianjiao here are also used to the existence of Qingsi.

But it was the first time for the two of them to see hundreds of scenes that appeared at the same time. In the past, it was only one or two at most, so right now their hearts were shaking and they all stood up instantly.

And in their astonishment, this whirlpool was absorbed by Wang Baole, and along with a large number of broken rules, poured into Wang Baole’s natal scabbard, the natal sword aura became more and more red, and only Wang Baole came out. The humming sound that can be heard.

A large amount of breath was returned, making his physical body constantly erupt and climb continuously at this moment, and in the process...the number of blue silks gathered around has also broken through the previous hundreds of thousands!

This scene immediately caused the big tortoise and the beautiful and ugly person to set off stormy waves in their minds, not only heart palpitations, but also deep fear.

"What's wrong with this!"

"Thousands..." The two scalps were tingling, leaving intentionally, but the surrounding green silk was so dense that they did not dare to move, but soon they regretted...

Because the green silks around, in a short period of time, the number has increased from thousands to thousands, and it is still continuing, which made both of them tremble, looking at Wang Baole suddenly, obviously already aware This... is the source.

"What did this guy do!"

"Crazy man, isn't he afraid of death!" The big tortoise shivered, and the whole body shrank in a flash, and finally turned into a light, rushing to the outside world, he thought it out, he didn't participate, if he didn't leave, I am afraid that there will be more blue silks here, especially since he felt these Weiyang Heavenly Dao green silks, now they seem to be very grumpy.

As if...the next moment he is about to pounce together, he is afraid...

The beautiful and ugly person on the side was also afraid, spewing blood at this moment, turning into a blood mist, and then shrinking and galloping toward the outside world.

In this way, this beautiful and ugly person and the big tortoise used different methods to carefully shuttle those blue silks. Fortunately, the goal of these Weiyang Tiandao blue silks is Wang Baole, so that the two of them are nervous and smooth. 'S escaped, and in the process of their escape, the number of green silks here has reached more than five thousand.

After escaping, the two did not leave immediately. Instead, they were far away and looked into the distance with palpitations, wanting to see what the madman was going to do, and whether he would be killed directly.

But at the moment they looked at it, the whirlpool where Wang Baole was, roared loudly everywhere, this huge whirlpool, after being absorbed by Wang Baole for so long, was finally sucked up, and all the breaking rules in it were all integrated into it. In Wang Baole's natal scabbard!

And this scabbard, at this moment, also seems to be under continuous absorption, such as dry and cracked soil, it needs to be neutralized to better absorb it, so in the next instant, as the whirlpool roars into a black hole, the surrounding thousands of Weiyang Tiandao green silk, in an instant He became violent, went straight to the whirlpool in the roar, and whizzed away!

From a distance, this scene is shocking and earth-shattering. Even because the black hole of the vortex is too large, there are also Weiyang Tiandao blue silks that are attracted farther away, and they are coming quickly, which makes the big tortoise and the beautiful and ugly person. , The heart trembled even more.

But the next moment... an even more shocking scene appeared!

Those thousands of Weiyang Tiandao Qingsi, in this roar, under this rush, all got into Wang Baole's body, but Wang Baole did not perish as these two thoughts, on the contrary...With Weiyang Tiandao Qingsi As he merged, his body was trembling, and there were waves of formidable aura that burst out!

That is the power of the flesh!

The natal scabbard in Wang Baole's body, with the absorption of the cyan silk thread, as the feeling of dryness and cracking dissolves, and with the moisturizing, it also releases a large amount of breath in feedback, making Wang Baole's physical body roar, directly breaking through the level of cultivation. , Reached the mid-stellar stage.

It's not over, it's still climbing. The blue silks around are still merging in quickly. In an instant, five thousand green silks were absorbed by Wang Baole, and more green silks also whizzed from all around, the number is probably tens of thousands. many.

The cultivation of the big tortoise and the beauty and ugliness were both dumbfounded at this moment, and looked at each other in a daze.

"I'm an illusion, this guy... is absorbing the power of heaven?"

"It should be an illusion. I haven't heard that the power of heaven can be absorbed by people. Only when this thing reaches the level of the **** emperor, can it try to absorb it to assist in cultivation. This is common sense... what is so... he is the incarnation of the **** emperor? ?"

The two bodies trembled even more. They looked at Wang Baole. Although they were no longer sluggish, they were as if they had seen a ghost, especially when they noticed that the suction power of the whirlpool was reduced, and the blue silk threads of Weiyang Heavenly Dao in the distance were not dragged. The body trembled and fled suddenly.

He is completely scared, whether the opponent is absorbed by a special method or is really the incarnation of the emperor, he can't provoke him, continue to stay on the sidelines, fearing that he will be easily killed.

And that person with the same beauty and ugliness did the same, escaping instantly without looking back.

Just as these two ran away quickly... Beside the area where they were before, the black fish once again turned out, the body was obviously swollen, the eyes were anxious, and the mouth was whirring, as if... one saw the food Being robbed, anxious to the extreme puppy.

In the end it seemed to be unable to help it, and rushed out suddenly, outside the whirlpool, biting towards those blue silks, eating one bite at a time, as if to compete with Wang Baole.

While eating, the black fish blinked suddenly, while eating the blue silk, while looking sideways into the whirlpool, at this moment, Wang Baole, who was constantly digging into the blue silk, was faintly in the cross-knee. It seemed that this seemed good.

Before, these green silks were like insects, very flexible. As soon as they felt that they were gathering in large numbers, they seemed to be swallowed back, and they were also afraid, so they could only swallow a small amount sneakily, and to please the shameless Chenqingzi, because Chenqingzi could. Grab these blue silks for yourself.

But now... these Qingsi ignored themselves, and in a short time, he ate hundreds of them.

"It seems...this little thief is better than Chen Qingzi?" Hei Yu thought about this, and immediately became happy and ate faster.

And while the big and small were constantly devouring the blue silk, the gray starry sky was covered, and the hundreds of thousands of Weiyang beetle warships floating in the gray starry sky invisible to the Wanzong family trembled one after another. The cyan smoke released is also thinner.

This scene once again attracted the attention of Divine Emperor Xuanhua. Sitting cross-legged in the void, he opened his eyes and looked at the gray starry sky, but the heavens were chaotic, and he couldn't see clearly, he could only feel that there was a whirlpool inside. Constantly devouring Weiyang Tiandao.

"The Heavenly Dao of Mingzong... dare to swallow it so blatantly... Or if you can directly hold it to death, the formation here can be broken in an instant."

"Interesting, just a faint way of heaven, I see how much you can suck!"

"The people will listen to the order, increase the influx of the heavenly Dao aura, and explode this Mingzong heavenly Dao!" Xuan Hua said calmly and said lightly.

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