A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1143: Nine ovens!

With the order of the Emperor Xuanhua, the more than 100,000 Weiyang warships immediately buzzed, and the Weiyang monks in it continued to increase their efforts, drawing more Weiyang heavenly auras, turning them into Clusters of cyan fog fell into the gray starry sky.

At the same time, Wang Baole was also going crazy here, a large amount of blue silk was constantly pouring in, absorbed by his natal scabbard, and then fed back to the power of nourishing the flesh, forming a cycle, making Wang Baole almost forgetful here.

And Xiao Wu and Little Donkey were both excited at this moment. Although they didn't dare to rush into the massive blue silk, they were devouring desperately from the outside. As for the little black fish, the same was true.

It's just that after looking at Little Donkey and Xiao Wu, with a look of disdain, his body flew directly into the massive blue silk, with a big mouth... directly swallowing hundreds of thousands!

In this scene, Little Donkey and Xiao Wu were not reconciled immediately, so they both increased their efforts and deployed their own means. Little Wu did not know what method was used, and their bodies directly turned into a small whirlpool, absorbing the blue silk.

The little donkey is even more extreme. It cannot turn into a whirlpool, and it does not have such a big mouth, but after absorbing the Mingzong Heavenly Dao and Weiyang Heavenly Dao, its shape is already very special. At this moment, most of the body is restored, and it turns into a sway. It made a pie shape, spread it out, and blocked a part of the galloping blue silk, all the blue silk that fell on the pie disappeared quickly.

At this moment, the four of them, it can be said that they have their own magical powers, and they are all absorbing crazy, but in general, Wang Baole alone accounts for 50% of the absorption, and the little black fish is 30%, as for the little five and the little donkey. , It is one side 10%.

Although it looks inferior to the little black fish, and even worse to Wang Baole, the total amount of blue silk here is too much, and the black hole that the majestic vortex turns into, the suction is earth-shattering, making the hundreds of thousands of blue silk less and less visible to the naked eye. !

This made Wang Baole a little anxious. His physical strength is now the peak of the late stage of the stars. It seems that he is only half a step away from Dzogchen, but in fact, he is very clear that because of his too many stars, even his physical body is affected. , So the further you go, the more terrifying the power needed for promotion.

For example, now, his natal scabbard has absorbed nearly one hundred thousand green silk, and it has also fed back the same level of aura to enhance his physical body, but the distance has broken through, and there is still a lot of gap.

Fortunately, in the next instant, under the eruption of this vortex black hole, another large piece of blue silk was attracted. At the same time, thanks to the help and supplement of the Emperor Xuanhua... more distant, more blue silk also approached in a whistling. Coming, Wang Baole and the four fellows were excited again.

At the same time, the more than one hundred thousand Weiyang clan battleships outside the gray starry sky trembled again, and the Emperor Xuanhua also stood up, with doubts in his eyes, but after hesitating for a while, he gritted his teeth severely.

"I don't believe it, continue to enlarge it for me!" In the roar, the more than 100,000 Weiyang clan battleships were released again, this time they released even more, but... these blue mist clusters integrated into the gray starry sky After entering into a massive amount of green silk, he was immediately led to the place where Wang Baole was.

In the roar, around Wang Baole, the number of blue silks once again gathered to hundreds of thousands, which made Xiao Wu and Xiao Donkey more excited, and Xiao Hei Yu shivered with excitement.

And under this crazy absorption, although this whirlpool is very vast, the suction power is still slowly weakening after all. It is at this time that Xiao Wu can't bear it first, he needs time to digest, so he has to end it. Absorbed and watched the green silks leave, his unwillingness became stronger after seeing the little donkey and the little black fish.

"These two foodies are too good to eat!" Xiao Wu was helpless, it was the black fish, because it is the way of heaven, so it is reasonable to be able to eat, but the little donkey...this guy can actually persist, this Slowly shocked Xiao Wu.

Especially when he saw the big pie turned into by the little donkey, it was full of holes at the moment, and it seemed that if it continued, it would collapse, but the little donkey was still clinging...

"It's not going to kill you!" In the shock of Xiaowu, the donkey did persist to the extreme, but he was not convinced, he still wanted to eat, and when the voice of son ah came out, he had to persist, so as to form Most of the pie collapsed in the next instant, but it... was still swallowing.

In this scene, the little black fish who watched were also shocked. When he looked at the little donkey, his eyes showed vigilance and strong fear.

Fortunately, after another stick of incense time passed, the big pie that Little Donkey had turned into collapsed, and it screamed backwards, and this ended the devouring, so Xiao Wu and Xiao Hei Yu were relieved in their hearts.

And the little black fish actually persisted to the limit, it also needed time to digest, it was difficult to absorb endlessly, and finally had to give up, making this place, now only Wang Baole is still there to absorb.

With the absorption of the natal scabbard and the continuous influx of the power of feedback, his physical aura also exudes astonishing fluctuations. This fluctuation is getting stronger and stronger, representing that his physical power is in the late star stage, Towards the star Dzogchen impact.

"It's still a little worse, it's a little worse!!" Wang Baole's eyes were red, and his cultivation base was revolving. Thousands of stars were transformed behind him, and the spirits were blessing, making the natal scabbard in his body more powerful, and countless blue threads poured into the room. The power of feedback became more and more amazing, but... after all, the vortex could not continue to be sustained. After another half an hour passed, the black hole formed by the vortex of Wang Baole's meditation slowly dissipated.

The suction power also dissipated, and the blue silk around it was also scattered around due to the loss of suction at this moment, and quickly disappeared into nothingness. At this moment, Wang Baole suddenly rushed out with a roar, toward the blue silk that gradually disappeared into nothingness. Grabbed it.

But the speed is not as good as before, so even if he tried his best, he still didn't catch too much.

"Just a little bit!!" Wang Bao's eyes were red, showing a terrible light. He was a little irritable at this moment, because he could feel that his current powerful and terrifying body could only be broken through and stepped into it. Stellar Dzogchen.

"The last seven or eighty thousand green silks!" Wang Baole didn't know how much he had absorbed before, but he could feel that if there were tens of thousands, he would be promoted!

If you swallow the death spirit despite the brother’s persuasion, Wang Baole feels that it will be fast, and tens of thousands of Qingsi can swallow it, but he already knows that death is the power of the Heavenly Dao of the Underworld, and the little black fish is not strong, so continue to swallow If it is, I am afraid it will have an impact.

Therefore, after Wang Baole tried his best to restraint, his heart became more and more irritable, his eyes could not help but look at Xiao Wu and Xiao Donkey, and the terrifying fluctuations emanating from his whole body, and the trembling gaze, Xiao Wu and Xiao The donkey and the little black fish were a little scared.

After a while, Wang Baole reluctantly restrained and suddenly raised his head to look into the depths of the gray starry sky. He knew very well that there was no place around except there to allow him to absorb a sufficient amount of blue silk. As for the small vortex, it was too slow. Up.

So his eyes flashed and he let out a low drink.

"Follow me to the depths!" During the words, Wang Baole shook his body and stepped straight forward. With a roar, his powerful physical body at this moment directly caused nothingness to be distorted, stepped down, stepped out of this space, and appeared. In the gray starry sky, toward the depths, roaring away!

Xiao Wu, Xiao Donkey, and Xiao Hei Yu, after hesitating for a while, they all followed quickly. In this way, the four of them were fast, and soon... they entered the central area of ​​this gray starry sky!

As soon as he entered here, Wang Baole immediately saw the front, and there was a huge...shocking, majestic and endless huge bronze oven!

There is still flame burning in the oven, making the surrounding heat wave shocking, and the oven here is not one, but...nine!

Eight statues surround the outside, one statue inside!

The eight statues on the outside are all filled with flames, but the one inside... is black mist!

Almost at the moment when Wang Baole stepped into this area, around the eight ovens outside, there were about a hundred of the ten thousand family monks who entered this place before Wang Baole. Some of them were comprehending, some were fighting and fighting, but no matter what they were doing What, swept towards Wang Baole at this moment.

Those who can enter here are not weak, so they care about newcomers!

Similarly, it is precisely because of this that there are no weak people, so while they look at Wang Baole, Wang Baole also feels that the hundreds of people here are considered to be infinitely close to the top tianjiao generation in each clan!

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