A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1150: The Mingzong is immortal, and the emperor can't come out!

Two bangs!

The two Tianjiao of the Ten Thousand Clan families are themselves stars Dzogchen, but apparently their combat power is not at the same level as Wang Baole. Wang Baole’s physical power is too strong, and the soul is the same. At this moment, the cultivation base will be blessed. Even if the magical powers are not used, but the flesh is only, it is still earth-shattering.

With the roar, the bodies of these two Tianjiao collapsed and exploded in an instant. In their feelings, they only felt an indescribable force hitting their bodies directly. The next moment they lost their consciousness, and they did not even feel the pain. The flesh was torn apart, and as for the soul, he couldn't escape, and was instantly torn apart by Wang Baole's violent power.

And from the beginning to the end, Wang Baole's body did not stay. Instead, under a sway, he slammed directly into the other Tianjiao of the Ten Thousand Family Family. This man is middle-aged. Although his eyes are crazy at this moment, he instinctively wants to dodge. But it was too late.

In the next instant, Wang Baole slammed into him, and the whole body collapsed in the roar, and Wang Baole was about to continue his action, but at this moment, the prince Weiyang and the silver dragon woman who were entangled by his nine clones, and the young man with the five-element ancient sword, The three of them were suddenly blurred, as if a strange force enveloped them, so that the three of them directly escaped from the entanglement of Wang Baole's quasi-stellar clone and appeared around Wang Baole.

As soon as they appeared, these three broke out and suddenly killed!

The woman who transformed into the silver dragon, with blood shining in her eyes, pinched the tactics with her hands, suddenly the silver dragon became red, roaring up to the sky, and entangled directly towards Wang Baole.

The same is true for the youth of the Five Elements Ancient Sword. The blood vessels of the whole body were bulging, and the five ancient swords actually split, from five to ten, from ten to twenty. Under the continuous multiplication, they reached thousands in an instant, overwhelming, from Go straight to Wang Baole all around!

There was also the prince Weiyang, who broke out without hesitation. After the roar of three heads and six arms, his body jumped. At the expense of breaking one head and two arms, he unfolded a huge handprint and suppressed Wang Baole from top to bottom.

Any of these three is good, and placed outside, each of them can suppress the Bafang Tianjiao, surpassing the so-called second echelon, and even the first echelon of most of the clans cannot be compared with the three of them.

And at this moment, he spared no effort under this madness, so even if Wang Baole is now physically perfect, but facing these three at the same time, although he can fight, but... in this strange area, after all, there is still that mysterious and carrying Malicious little girl!

So in the next instant, Wang Baole narrowed his eyes, retreated in an instant, and was pulled by the Qi. The three immediately rushed towards him, entangling the red dragon, and between the whistling of a thousand swords, Wang Baole's seemingly backward body suddenly reversed to make it faster. The speed rushed forward.

This retreat, the burst of speed before and after, under the qi machine's traction, immediately formed an opportunity for Wang Baole. If the three rational existences were replaced, it would be difficult for Wang Baole to use the Qi machine to win the opportunity, but it is still possible.

So in the next instant, his body was at this sudden burst speed, directly avoiding Chilong and Qianjian, and when he appeared, he appeared in front of the handprint made by Prince Weiyang, without any hesitation, he directly roared, one Fists blasted out.

The power of the physical body exploded in an all-round way, and even the quasi-dao star clones around and the clones of all special stars surged at this moment. After all returned to their positions, Wang Baole's punch was earth-shattering.

Void tremors, the starry sky collapsed, and the handprints of Prince Weiyang broke apart, and blood spurted out of him. Wang Baole's punch directly slammed back thousands of feet, hitting an invisible wall in the void. Obstacle!

With the sound reverberating, there were cracks in the void around Prince Weiyang's body. It seemed that there was a gap here. At this moment, the gap caused Wang Baole's eyes to shrink!

He was about to rush away, but at this moment, his vigilance exploded, his body twisted at an incredible angle, he leaned back suddenly, and retreated quickly on the void, and at the same time, he took out a leaf without hesitation and moved towards where he was before. , Suddenly suppressed.

This leaf is just a gift from the ancestor of flames, and it contains a shocking curse.

And at the moment he retreated, the moment the leaves were taken out and suppressed, a strand of black hair appeared at the location where his head was before, and split instantly there.

Then the figure of the little girl walked out of nothingness there, but what greeted her was the suppressive force from the leaves. Amidst the roar, the little girl shook her whole body, her expression distorted, and a chaotic appearance appeared in her eyes. A pupil, in the eyes of a normal person, there is only one pupil, and at this moment, this little girl has at least seven or eight in each eye, so it looks dizzy and terrifying!

Even after these pupils appeared, the little girl showed pain and made a stern sound. At the same time, there were different voices, like roaring, coming from her body.

"Mingzong, it's time to kill!!"

"Mingzong, to be destroyed!"

"Nether Sect, Nether Sect, the stone stele is transformed by its own rules...cannot be stored in the world!!"

"Why can't, my Mingzong walks on behalf of the stele world. Without me, this world will hardly exist!"

"The Mingzong is immortal, the emperor's body is difficult to show, and the emperor's body can't come out...How can this world return!!"

"Return! Come back!! I feel the call, Wei Young returns, Wei Young returns!!"

Various voices, with ancient and madness, constantly erupted from the little girl, and the little girl’s expression became more and more distorted, her body swelled and contracted from time to time. Wang Baole was just about to continue making moves, but at this moment , All the pupils in this little girl's eyes are all merged together, as if recovering from an out of control state.

At the moment of recovery, the little girl shook her body and appeared next to the prince Weiyang who was hit hard by Wang Baole, and went straight in.

This prince Weiyang immediately let out a stern roar, the head that he had exploded before, flesh and blood was growing in the location at this moment, and the next moment... he actually grew a head again.

But... this head does not belong to him, but the little girl! !

It was even at the two arms where Prince Weiyang blew himself up, as well as the hands of the little girl, growing out of the blood and flesh, and then shaking his head, controlling Prince Weiyang's body to walk out, looking coldly at Wang Baole.

But in the depths of his eyes, a hint of fear flashed by.

At the same time, Wang Baole felt a strong shock in his heart here. This was the first time he heard someone talk about the name of the stele world. Many speculations surfaced in his heart, but now it is not the time to think, almost at the moment when the little girl recovers, Wang Baole recalls the dimness. After removing some leaves, his body retreated suddenly. After avoiding the blockade of Chilong and Qianjian again, he went straight to the second oven.

The moment came, Wang Baole didn't hesitate, and immediately began to absorb. He had noticed that his natal scabbard could indeed be released at this moment, but he was not sure that he could directly kill the little girl. As for breaking through this area, it was a bit difficult.

But it doesn't matter. The existence of the natal scabbard is more of a killer feature, and Wang Baole feels that if he continues to absorb it, when his natal scabbard is completely transparent, its power must be more amazing.

Therefore, during this retrogression, the broken rules of the second oven suddenly surged, and at the same time it was quickly absorbed by him, the clones all dispersed, enveloped the surroundings, and turned into defense again.

Accelerate absorption within yourself!

Prince Weiyang, who was occupied by the little girl at the moment, hesitated in his eyes and suddenly spoke.

"You all go over and blew yourself up and hurt him!"

As soon as the words came out, there were more than fifty people left here. Except for the silver dragon girl and the ancient sword youth, all the others rushed out instantly and went straight to Wang Baole. When they were close to his clones, the seven or eight in front , Immediately blew himself up without hesitation.

During the roar, both the Silver Dragon Girl and the Thousand Sword Youth also took action. Suddenly, Wang Baole's clones were once again collapsed, and Wang Baole, who was being protected, narrowed his eyes at this moment.

"I don't move. Once I move, my scabbard and leaves will move together!" Wang Baole's eyes flashed with cold light, and despite the constant roar of the surroundings, he frantically absorbed the rules of broken oven.

The breaking rules in this second oven were instantly reduced, and soon there were 40%, 30%, 20% left... Until 10%, the little girl occupying the body of Prince Weiyang had a glimmer of light in her eyes. His body shook, disappeared instantly, and when he appeared, he was beside Wang Baole.

And at the moment it appeared, Wang Baole slammed his head, murderous intent broke out in his eyes, and instantly took out the leaves, and his life's scabbard exhaled even more!

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