A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1069: Be late!

"The Palace of the Hades..." Wang Baole narrowed his eyes. At this moment, after pressing that palm, the power of the heavens in his body has dissipated. The dissatisfaction of pressing down the scabbard of his life, Wang Baole has no intention of weakness. Hanoi, the bottomless mountain, the statue on the top of the mountain, and... the dark temple.

Wang Baole didn't know much about the Emperor of the Underworld, and there was not much description in the original Mingmeng. He just knew that this was the leader of the Emperor of the Underworld, superior to the nine elders.

But for years of retreat, the power of the Mingzong was basically left to the nine elders. In the war of the Weiyang clan, the Minghuang was the first to be beheaded. As for the cost of the beheading... Wang Baole didn't know, but since then In his understanding, he knew that the Heavenly Dao of the Mingzong was beheaded by the Weiyang clan along with the Minghuang.

Then came the emergence of the Weiyang Clan's Heavenly Dao, and the decisive battle against the Nine Vein Mingzong controlled by the Nine Great Elders, until the Nine Vein Mingzong was destroyed, and 90% of the deaths were caused.

At this point, the splendor of the Mingzong was completely covered by the curtain and became history, while the Weiyang clan completely rose up and became the master of the Dao realm, while its heavenly Dao spread throughout the Dao realm and became orthodox.

Furthermore, when he came to Jiuyou, the secret that Wang Baole knew from his senior brother Chen Qingzi, the Underworld... was transformed by Luo Tian's finger.

"A finger... Then who can kill the Emperor Luo Tian transformed by a finger..." Wang Baole's eyes showed deepness, and he thought of what he had known about what happened to the outside world in his previous life perceptions. The story, these stories made him understand the strength of the other people who had killed Luo Tianyizhi.

From this, it can be more or less inferred the power of the Underworld Emperor and the strength of its opponents.

"Is that the original ancestor of the Weiyang clan who made the seniors afraid...Is this a clone of Ditian? Or the blood-colored centipede?" Wang Baole was silent, Chen Qingzi in the void behind him, with a faint glow in his eyes at this moment. With calm words, speak slowly.

"Entering the palace of the Emperor of the Underworld and fetching the remains of the Emperor of the Underworld, the time is limited, and the passage is open and can only last for three hours!"

As soon as his words came out, all the Nether Sect cultivators all around were excited, with decisiveness and determination in their eyes, and the figure roared and burst straight to the passage of the Nether Emperor's handprints.

In an instant, hundreds of thousands of figures, like meteors, rushed into the tunnel, and went straight to the top of the mountain below. There were also those Zhun Mingzi, including the masked senior brother Zhun Mingzi, who also took flight. Out.

At this moment, if the place where the Underworld Mansion is located is regarded as a world, then the Styx is the firmament of this world, and the people of the Underworld have penetrated the firmament and descended into this world!

In fact, this is indeed the case. Wang Baole shook his body after the crowd, stepped into it, and after traveling through the million-meter-long passage, as he continued to approach the palace of the Emperor of the Underworld, the resonance of pulling and calling became more and more intense. Strong, until he rushed out at the bottom of this channel, all around him was a world!

To be precise, this is a world in the Styx, or even more accurately... This world is just a huge bubble, this bubble... Inside the Styx, there is nothing else here, there is only a bottomless mountain.

Maybe it’s because of the bubbles. The sky is gray and the earth is like this. It is conceivable that there may be a lot of such bubbles in Styx, but now is not the time to think about other bubbles. After stepping into this world, Wang Baole is just about to approach the Hades. Mansion.

But at this moment, four figures suddenly appeared and stopped in front of Wang Baole. These four figures were all elders. After blocking Wang Baole, they did not speak, but bowed slightly.

Among the four of them, one has cultivated as a star field, and the other three are just stars Dzogchen, and blocking is more symbolic. If Wang Baole really wants to break through, it is not impossible.

Wang Baole raised his eyebrows as he was about to go around, but the Star Territory Mighty sighed softly at this moment and spoke in a low voice.

"Friends of Daoist, please rest here. The next thing, the people of Mingzong, can solve it by themselves. Thank you, fellow of Daoist."

Wang Baole paused, looked at the four people in front of him, and then looked behind them. At this moment, all the monks of the Mingzong, centered on the masked master, are all entering the black temple under the statue. Inside, no trace.

There is no need to think about this matter, Wang Baole can see clearly at a glance.

No matter whether it is glorious or declining, there are internal struggles. The luck and cause and effect that I have just shown here, as well as the mudra of the dark fire, are not invisible to the monks of the Mingzong, but... after all In their hearts, they are outsiders.

Therefore, emotionally and profitably, they will still stand on the side of the senior brother Zhun Mingzi, especially now that the channel is open, whoever can obtain the remains of the Underworld Emperor for the heavens is equivalent to making a peerless contribution.

Therefore, in this matter, they naturally did not want Wang Baole to participate. If Wang Baole hadn't shown his strength before, it was like this, they were afraid to stop at the same time.

But after all, Wang Baole's identity and luck are there, so even if it is blocked, this old man in the Pluto Sect Star Territory has a complicated heart, so he will be polite and behave.

Although everyone is for the Mingzong, selfishness is not something that everyone does not have.

Wang Baole felt clear and nodded after being silent. His goal is to retrieve the remains of the Underworld Emperor for his senior. It would be good if he could retrieve it with his own hands. If not, he could accept the same ending.

Seeing that Wang Baole agrees to this matter here, the three stars are also a little complicated. The old man in the star field who talked with Wang Baole also sighed, did not say much, but there are more wrinkles on his face, and he is deeply moved towards Wang Baole. worship.

Afterwards, the five people sat down cross-legged outside the temple. Wang Baole did not continue to speak, but looked up at the statue of Hades. From this position, he could see the face of the statue of Hades.

It was a very ordinary-looking face, nothing surprising, very ordinary, except for the look carved in the eyes, which was somewhat different.

It seems to contain some special thoughts.

"Regret..." Wang Baole murmured in his heart. This is the emotion he saw in the eyes of this statue.

And just as Wang Baole felt this emotion, there was a muffled roar, which came from the temple, and was mixed with some roars and fighting.

This scene caused Wang Baole to turn his head and swept away. The four people in front of him also stared at the past, but they were outside, the place was strange, so I couldn't see what happened inside.

But soon, the roar became more and more frequent and dull, as if the people inside were constantly deepening, and it was very intense, until an hour passed, the dull roar suddenly disappeared.

The whole temple fell into a dead silence, and the complexions of the four cultivators of the Mingzong were changing at this moment, especially the star field power, who quickly took out a jade slip. After a long time of concentration, he looked surprised and hesitated. After looking at Wang Baole, he looked at the temple again, got up under gritted teeth, called the other three, and went straight to the temple.

Wang Baole didn't move. He watched these four Mingzong cultivators step into the temple. After the roars, there was dead silence again. At this time, it was less than two hours before the passage was closed.

Obviously, there is a great danger in this temple, and it exceeds the judgment of the monks of the Mingzong. The life and death of the people who entered inside is now unknown. In silence, Wang Baole sighed, stood up, and walked towards the temple step by step.

When he reached the door of the temple, he stopped, and he was silent for a few breaths, one step... stepped into the temple!

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