A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1184: Submerged!

Chen Qingzi was silent.

Ming Kunzi's eyes remained unchanged and did not speak.

All the cultivators of the Mingzong all around bowed their heads. They were unable to participate in this matter, nor were they capable of participating. Only the male and female quasi Mingzi who differentiated between Yin and Yang, looked a little unwilling at this moment, after vaguely glanced at Wang Baole, they chose to bow their heads.

But Wang Baole, with blue veins bulging on his forehead, and his body trembling violently, he was struggling, his heart was roaring, and even faintly, there were some clicking sounds outside his body, as if there was an invisible seal, which was breaking.

After a few breaths, Chen Qingzi nodded.

"If this is the master's insistence, then the disciple should promise, from then on, all behaviors towards the younger junior disciple... unchecked, unstoppable, unblocked, undisturbed, even if he wants to get out of the stele world!"

"Shan." Ming Kunzi smiled, his gaze retracted from Chen Qingzi, and fell to Wang Baole again, seeing the blue veins on Wang Baole's forehead, seeing his struggle, Ming Kunzi's eyes showed unbearable and softness, and murmured softly. .

"Don't be sad, it's a fluke that I can exist as a teacher so far, and such a haunting remnant and guarding the tomb are already exhausted as a teacher, so let me...get free."

"And the liberation of being a teacher is worth it. My big disciple will achieve the glory of Mingzong because of my liberation, and inherit the mission. My little disciple will be able to complete his own way. Since then, he will lose a piece of causal fetters. If he didn't go far, and at the same time obtained the qualification to leave, this matter... is a pleasure and a pleasure." After talking, Ming Kunzi laughed, and the smile became more and more loud, and the laughter became louder and louder, spreading everywhere. Quartet, spread throughout the tomb of the Emperor Underworld.

The surrounding fluctuations were visible to the naked eye, making all the disciples of the Mingzong retreat one by one, and even the three soul lamps on the coffin of the Emperor Underworld shook violently, and the first... instantly went out!

Wang Baole screamed inwardly, but he couldn't stop it. He could only watch Master in the laughter, his body slowly transparent, until the second soul lamp on the coffin went out, until the figure of Master, healed. When the hair is blurred...

The third soul lamp went out.

The figure of Ming Kunzi completely... disappeared.

"Master!!" Wang Baole let out a stern roar. At this moment, his body resumed action due to the disappearance of Ming Kunzi. The suppressed inner roar finally came out. This voice was filled with endless sadness. There was an inexplicable madness, and the whole person instantly reached the place where the master disappeared, raising his hands as if he was about to grasp something.

But it was empty, there was nothing...

"Wang Yue!!" Wang Baole's eyes were red. At this moment, there were no people here in his mind. Even Chen Qingzi had not been noticed by him. The only thing he thought was to change everything.

The law of the waning moon unfolded in an instant, but... the all-pervasive magical powers of the years have lost their effect at this moment, not unfolding, but despite the passing of the twenty breath of time, the master disappeared in front of him. Figure.

But Wang Baole was not reconciled.

"Wang Yue!"

"Wang Yue!!"

"Wang Yue!!"

As the unfolding time and time again, Chen Qingzi's eyes fell on Wang Baole's body. There was a moment in the depths of his eyes, showing pain and struggling, but he quickly regained his firmness. His gaze retracted from Wang Baole and looked towards the coffin of the Emperor. When he raised a finger on his right hand.

Suddenly, there was a roar from the huge coffin of the Underworld, and the lid of the coffin was slowly opened by an invisible force, and gradually lifted, until it was fully opened, the richness to the extreme aura of death burst out.

In this outbreak, rays of light gleamed from the coffin, and finally a corpse floated out of it. The corpse was mutilated, only the upper body was left, completely decomposed, and only bones existed. If you look closely, you can see the bones. Every inch of the rhyme of death exudes the rhyme of death, and every ray of rhyme seems to contain countless fuzzy runes, the entire skeleton...for the Mingzong, it is the most precious holy thing.

none of them!

At this moment, the bones lifted into the sky, slowly drifting towards Chenqingzi. All the Mingzong cultivators trembled with excitement. While kneeling, they showed longing and expectation in their eyes. Only... Wang Baole, did not look at the slightest, he was still standing by the master. The place that disappeared, like a demon, unfolded the law of the waning moon again and again.

Because of the unfolding too much, he himself is a bit unbearable, and the surrounding void is distorted so fast that his figure is looming, and within a few meters of his surroundings, in the flow of time, due to multiple waning moons. , Has been completely different from other regions.

"Certainly possible!"

"The waning moon is the law of time, it can definitely be done!" Wang Baole's eyes were red, and he murmured quickly pinching the tactics, ignoring the remains of the Underworld emperor that floated above his head like a holy relic in the minds of the monks. Concerned that the remains gradually fell into Chen Qingzi's hands.

Until Chen Qingzi's raised right hand touched the remains, the remains turned into a little bit of fluorescence and merged into Chen Qingzi's arm, making this piece of emptiness appear in his arm. The first strand was in addition to gray and black and white. , Other colors.


These colors radiate from his arms and gradually spread throughout his body, until finally covering the entire body of Chenqingzi, the aura of heaven on his body bursts out instantly, becoming richer, more thorough, and even faintly on the top of his head. The vast vortex.

This vortex spreads across the endless range of Nine Netherworlds. Every Nether Sect cultivator can see and feel it when he raises his head. In that vortex, there seems to be a passage, a...that can allow all Nether Sect cultivators to step in and go... aisle!

At the end of the passage, it is... the Weiyang Dao domain of the outer world!

During the roar, as the whirlpool revolved, the entire Jiuyou trembled, and the Styx also rolled, as if everything flowed in Chen Qingzi's thoughts.

After feeling his own difference and the more smooth bearing of Heaven's Dao, Chen Qingzi's eyes became calmer, and finally took a deep look at Wang Baole's back. He turned around and walked towards the outside world.

Behind him, the cultivators of the Mingzong quickly followed one by one, with enthusiasm, excitement, and perseverance in their eyes, but... the two cultivators, one man and one woman who turned into yin and yang, are now There was a sense of unwillingness in the middle. When following, he looked back at Wang Baole, until he was about to leave the tomb of the Emperor Underworld, and when he stepped out of the Styx, his right hand suddenly disconnected from himself, turning into a black energy, and at a very fast speed, went straight... …Wang Baole at the bottom of the tomb of Emperor Hades is gone!

As he rushed away, the arm formed a small person whose appearance was exactly the same as that of the quasi Mingzi. At this moment, the murderous intent was pervasive, but the speed was not very fast. It seemed to be judging and waiting, but after finding that the heaven did not come to stop, this The villain thought he felt the hint, so the speed surged, and in an instant he approached the three-zhang area where Wang Baole was.

Without a pause, he went straight in, trying to take advantage of Wang Baole's confusion and shot him, but... the moment the villain entered this area, his body trembled suddenly, visible to the naked eye. Yes, the appearance of this villain changed rapidly, as if in the blink of an eye, countless hours flowed back on him.

The moment turned into an arm, then into black energy, and then into a drop of black blood, and then nothing remained, as if it was erased.

Even at the moment it was erased, it seemed that there was cause and effect permeating, cutting off its root cause, making it disappear completely in Jiuyou.

Not only that, the Quasi Mingzi, who had broken his arm and deployed this method, also trembled violently, spewing a large mouthful of blood, and the spirit was blurred at this moment, and even the woman beside him was like this, with blood spraying. Out.

As for the other monks of the Underworld, many frowned and stopped talking, but Chen Qingzi, who walked all the way forward, did not stop at all from beginning to end, nor did he try to stop him. Only at this moment, his body has a slight rhyme. Fluctuations, so the next moment...

This pretentious person thought that he would be Empress Wang Baole, the first child of the Mingzong, and the second male and female practitioner of the future leader to differentiate between Yin and Yang. His body was instantly shaken, his eyes were unbelievable, and he even had the opportunity to speak. Not at all, the body is just in the next breath... it is directly decomposed, the body and spirit are destroyed, and even the reincarnation is not qualified, and it is erased by the heaven...

Chen Qingzi's figure, step by step, continued to walk far, full of Taoist rhyme, magnificent aura, making nothing tremble, making Jiuyou roar, and the formed vortex covered endless.

Behind him, at the bottom of the Tomb of the Underworld, another figure, with disheveled heads, pale, bloodshot eyes, is constantly unfolding the waning moon over and over again...

Gradually, the two of them moved further and further away, until Chen Qingzi left the Styx, the Styx roared and filled it again, submerging the Styx Tomb... and isolating everything.

At the moment when the River Styx flooded the tomb of the Emperor Underworld, Chen Qingzi muttered a voice in this world that only he could hear.

"I must be right!"

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