A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1197: Seven days of Rongxing!

  This disc does not seem to be too surprising, only the sense of time is very obvious on it, and there are even dirt that cannot be wiped off in many places, as if it was stained with blood from a few years ago.

  However, there was no abnormal smell at all. The whole body exudes an oak-like smell, and at the same time, there is obviously a finger-width angle missing on the right corner.

This missing corner seems to be hit by external force, causing the disc to break. It can even be seen that there are cracks in the missing corners, deep and shallow, spreading the entire compass, making the meaning of the compass more time. To increase.

   "Ascension disk." Wang Baole murmured while holding the compass. This disk may have many functions, but Wang Baole only knew one, and that was...to raise the level of civilization.

  He doesn’t know what the principle is, but he thinks that this thing should be a certain kind of existence, which can increase the thickness of civilization, and then add history out of thin air, like grafting, to make a civilization leap.

  As for how to use it, it is not complicated, just integrate it into the star.

  Wang Baole raised his head after pondering, glanced at the star and sun, but didn't immediately integrate it. After all, this thing came from Styx, from Jiuyou, Wang Baole was not very sure in his heart, so he needed to study more before he could decide whether to use it.

  "The arrival of Zijin Civilization will also raise the level of Federal Civilization..." Wang Baole thought for a while, closed his eyes and meditated silently.

  Time passed, and seven days passed quickly.

In the past seven days, visitors from Wang Baole’s home have been in an endless stream, from the misty ancestor Li Xingwen, President Wu Mengling, Vice President and Mars Domain Master Lin You, Gui Daoyou, as well as the Jin family ancestors who have never seen the March Group and Wang Baole, Until the Zhang Tian and others of God Eye Civilization, there are also the nervous Qing Lingzi in the vast Dao Palace...

These high-level officials of the federation have come to visit one after another. They have different attitudes towards different people. For example, Li Xingwen and Wu Mengling and others, Wang Baole treats each other as a junior, and as for others, Wang Baole smiles. , But no matter how gentle he is, he still inevitably makes other visitors besides Li Xingwen and Wu Mengling nervous.

  There are also the newly joined Zijin civilization ancestors, who are here, respectfully and respectfully in front of Wang Baole, and dare not make any inconsistent actions and words. This also makes these high-level federations more and more fearful of Wang Baole in their hearts.

  Whether it is on the table or under the table, Wang Baole’s identity and status are unparalleled in the entire Federation, and even some monks in the Federation are already talking about Wang Baole, calling him the ancestor.

  Federation ancestor!

This title spread quickly, and no one disagrees, because everything in the Federation today can be said to have been acquired by Wang Baole. The integration of the vast Taoist Palace, he is the dominant, the integration of the gods and civilizations, and he participates in the whole process. Now Zijin Civilization is even more admired.

  So in today's federation, although Wang Baole still has not fulfilled his childhood dream of becoming president, it is not important anymore.

  After meeting all the visitors, in order not to disturb his parents, Wang Baole left a avatar to accompany him, and the body left the earth and went to the sun.

This was a star that he could not enter back then. Now for Wang Baole, it is like going to his own garden. The reason for this is that on the one hand, his cultivation is not what he used to be, and on the other hand, the gods’ stars are controlled by him. After merging into the sun's stars, it naturally made the sun belong to Wang Baole.

  In the sun star, Wang Baole sat cross-legged among the solar flares. While practicing, the Zijin civilization and the Federation had reached a consensus on the details, and the fusion was on the agenda.

   fixed in half a month!

  In the past half month, there are still a lot of prerequisites to do, such as dividing the area after fusion, and how to deal with the hundreds of civilizations attached to the Zijin civilization, and the seat of the Zijin civilization in the Federation.

After all, the Zijin civilization is too big compared to the federation. Without Wang Baole, the federation would be completely passive in this fusion, but now the Zijin civilization has taken the initiative to regress and proposed to let the Zijin star fully integrate into the federation star, and gave up The initiative, as well as the hundreds of small civilizations attached to it, were handed over to the Federation.

  Since then, these small civilizations are no longer affiliated Zijin, but affiliated federations.

  Their galaxy will surround the edge of the future federal galaxy and become a part of the federal vortex. At the same time, within the territory of the confederation, 20% of the area will be divided and given to the Zijin civilization.

  This is a disadvantage for Zijin Civilization. After all, their integration can expand the federation too much, but Zijin has no dislike for this, and instead pushes it with all strength.

  Everyone can see, and they all know that to Zijin, the Federation is nothing. They came here to...be attached to Wang Baole.

  Under this full cooperation and promotion, half a month passed in a flash, and the predecessors were perfected. Finally, on this day, the integration of Zijin civilization officially began on this day, simultaneously broadcast throughout the entire Federation!

  At this moment, Wang Baole is a clone of hundreds, spread out in all directions, and meditate on the outer edge of the solar system to prevent accidents and changes. As for the body, he still sits in the stars of the sun, leading this fusion.

So soon, the people of the entire Federation saw a star much larger than the sun on the firmament, slowly revealing from the blur, there were countless meteors around it, which seemed to be pulling and pushing. Bring this strange star slowly closer to the sun.

  The whole process lasted for fourteen days. In the first seven days, the temperature in the solar system has increased a lot, and the spiritual energy has also skyrocketed. All the people have seen everything through the broadcast of the solar system array.

Everyone is inspiring, and so is the civilization of the gods, because for them, the integration of Zijin will also increase their life level, and their cultivation will soar in an instant, and the vast Taoist palace is the same, even more expectant, because Once merged, their injuries will be forcibly recovered a lot in an instant, and even some injuries are not very serious, and it is possible to heal directly.

  This is the rule and law of the starry sky in the stele world, whether it is the Mingzong Heavenly Dao or Weiyang Heavenly Dao, it contains the Tao.

  Civilization integration, level promotion, back-feeding sentient beings, just like changing one's life and changing lives, essentially affecting aptitude and increasing cultivation!

  Until the eighth day, the Zijin star and the federal sun completely touched each other, and each other emitted a large amount of flocculent mist, and slowly merged under the suppression of the Zijin ancestor and Wang Baole.

   From a distance, the sun is very small and the Zijin star is very large, but during the fusion, the Federal Sun is absorbing and the Zijin star is paying. The process lasted for seven days.

  The second seven days, for the Federation, seemed to change the world and the earth. The great changes have shaken everyone's minds!

  The border of the Federation instantly expanded, more than ten times!

  The god-eye civilization in the federation starry sky and the original planets of the solar system, the spiritual energy in these more than ten planets burst out in an instant, exceeding the previous hundred times.

  The temperature of the starry sky reached an astonishing level, but under the guardianship of Wang Baole, it did not affect the planets and did not hurt people at all. At the same time, with the richness of temperature and spiritual energy, the entire solar system was hazy.

  The meaning of obscurity is stronger, and some unconscious spirits faintly appear. These spirits are innate beings, born with auras, and look different, flying in the starry sky, making all those who see them vibrate.

  The planets belonging to the Zijin civilization appeared in the previously designated area in the solar system as if they were being pulled. Although fuzzy, their appearance made the solar system seem to set off a storm. After the storm, aura erupted again.

  All the people of the gods and civilizations, all the lives of the Federation, and the cultivation of the vast Taoist palace, all at this moment, the body trembled strongly, and a breath of breath broke out from too many places in all directions, that was a breakthrough, that was a climb!

The seventh day...The purple gold star completely merged into the Federation Sun, which expanded the scope of the Federation star domain again, reaching hundreds of times its original size. There were hundreds of planets belonging to the Federation within it, and hundreds of small civilizations on the edge surrounded each one. Within civilization, there are ten different planets.

  Looking from afar, the starry sky...In the original position of the solar system, the solar system disappeared, and replaced by a larger...multiple star vortex!

  At this moment, in the Zuo Dao Sanctuary, many sect families have felt one after another, looking at all directions from the Zuo Dao Sanctuary...where the solar system is!

  Sorry everyone, the author's meeting will be held in Hainan tomorrow, and almost all of them will be there, so we cannot update it tomorrow. Also, if Shanghai used to take the nucleic acid sheet, I am going to do the nucleic acid now. I guess I have to wait in line. I am afraid that I will not have time to write the second chapter.

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