A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1200: Dao heart is clear!

  What is the star field.

  Wang Baole had a lot of understanding before. In the earliest days, when he hadn't reached the planetary realm, he thought that it was a realm, extremely advanced, a level that a monk had dreamed of all his life.

Then, as his Dao star rose to eternity and stepped into the stellar realm, his thoughts changed. In his understanding, the star realm is basically the same as the star realm in the universe, and both contain nonsense. A single galaxy, which gathers together to form a vast sea of ​​stars.

  Because of the different number and scale of the galaxies, the star regions are divided into different sizes. If these star regions are compared to beings, then they are called star regions.

But now, his thoughts have changed again. This time the change stems from his past life perceptions on the Destiny Star, from the tears and kowtows in the Nine Nether Lands of Underworld. In his cognition, the star realm is more than just It's as simple as thinking of a sea of ​​stars in the universe as beings.


  Find your own way, and continuously push this way to the extreme, to the end, until finally complete this way, this...is the essence of the astral realm cultivator.

  Each star field actually contains different Taoisms between itself and others. Some people have one path, and some people have several. It is difficult to distinguish between strength and weakness. It depends on the understanding of Tao.

Like the ancestor of the flames, it is the fusion of the way of cursing and the way of flames, as in other star regions that Wang Baole has encountered, and although there are rumors of 3000 Dadao in the entire universe, the Dao is actually not fixed, far more The so-called number of three thousand.

Wang Baole doesn't know how much    is, but he clearly knows that the way he is walking now is freedom and freedom.

   Taoist peace? Full of mind.

  This is... the heart is clear.

  "Goodness." Wang Baole, who was sitting cross-legged in the sun star? He smiled slightly, his eyes closed again? He actively absorbed the majestic and endless aura that had been absorbed from the entire left dao sanctuary after the ascension disk merged into it.

  The effect of these auras? Isn't it to give Wang Baole the nutrients for all the ten thousand stars in the star field to be promoted to stars? All his stars have already passed this step, reaching the so-called stellar Dzogchen degree.

  The effect of aura is to...light up tens of thousands of stars in Wang Baole's body? Let the Tao of all stars manifest in his heart? Let these Taos finally converge to form what he seeks... freedom.

  Because he wants to be free, Wang Baole is stronger than others!

  Because he wants to be at ease, Wang Baole’s enlightenment should be more comprehensive!

  And the process from the first step to a hundred steps of Dzogchen Dzogchen? This is his pursuit of freedom.

  At this moment, has reached the fifteenth step? Still going on.

During the roar, the vortex that aura turned into? Has covered the entire sun star, and is still spreading around? That is, just a few breaths? It filled half of today's new solar system? Make this moment, Zuo Dao Sheng All the powerhouses in the domain who paid attention to this place felt the breath of Wang Baole while perceiving the supreme suppression in this place!

  "Wang Baole, the flame chaser!"

   "This breath is that he is right, he is being promoted to Star Territory!"

   "This is not a big deal, the most important thing that can suppress the solar system is the key!"

   "Now the Weiyang clan and the Mingzong are about to go to war, if I can have such a treasure, I will be able to have a little more confidence in this catastrophe!"

A series of divine thoughts suddenly appeared in the clans of Zuo Dao Sanctuary, but now the strength of the Federation is revealed, it can still dispel many people who are greedy, but... for Kyushu Dao and Zuo Dao Sheng As far as the top five sects in the domain are concerned, the moment they perceive the treasure, the greed in their hearts has risen.

Even if he knew that there was an ancestor of flames behind Wang Baole, he still operated the secret methods of their respective sects at all costs. Through different methods, the divine consciousness was strongly blessed from all directions and spread over the air. Go and see for yourself. What the **** is that treasure.

  If it is not something famous, or if its power is different from their judgment, or if it is now the extreme, then although they have greed, they still have to weigh the gains and losses after all.

  So in the next moment, outside the solar system, in the twisted starry sky, divine thoughts from all directions gathered and looked towards the solar system.

It's just... as the secret methods of the various sects unfolded, as they looked, when they saw the figures in the ascending disk and the solar system, a brief silence suddenly appeared, followed by bursts of unbelievable exclamations and The heavy breathing suddenly burst out in the sects that these divine minds probed away.


   "Ascension disk!! It is the ascension disk that has been shattered in the legend, this is impossible!!"

   "Rise! World! Disk!!!"

   There was an uproar, and there were more than a dozen star field auras in Kyushu Road. The other four sects ranked in the top five, the same is true, the auras all roared at this moment.

  The temptation to rise to the boundary is too big!

And just when the hearts of the strong inside the sects were shaking, and they were about to move, the star-winged ancestor from the vast Taoist palace in the solar system suddenly opened his eyes, and his spiritual thoughts spread out without hesitation, sweeping towards the outside of the solar system. , Forming a deterrent.

There was even a cold snort, which seemed to come from far away, echoing in the minds of the powerful people outside the solar system who used secret methods to view this place. This voice...contains the power of flame and the law of curse. It is the old flame. Ancestor.

  Star Wing is okay, it's just an ordinary star field, but the ancestor of the flames is not. His cold snort immediately caused many experts in the clan to tremble in their hearts.

  I really guess that the ancestors of the flames will come, and it is not the same as feeling the other party's arrival.

  At the same time, in Wang Baole's mind, the voice of the ancestor of the flames came.

   "Bao Le, get promoted with peace of mind. All the offenses will be blocked by your teacher. I want to see, who dares to ruin my disciple for promotion!"

  "Master...no need to be like this." Wang Baole opened his eyes, warm in his heart, and spoke softly.

  How could Wang Baole not notice the approach of the powers of the various clan powers in the Zuo Dao Sanctuary? Even though he is now in the process of rising in perception, he can still feel all this.

  Because, this is what he expected before.

  Wang Baole certainly knows the meaning of the ascension disk. He understands better that the rise of the Federation, especially his own promotion, is tantamount to re-dividing the Zuo Dao sanctuary, so he will naturally be targeted, prying on, and even blocked.

   But he can't always stay where he is for fear of being blocked and daring to move forward. At the same time, he also intends to take this opportunity to mobilize the powerhouses of the Zuo Dao Sanctuary's clans to... here...

  This time Liwei will determine the status of the Federation, and it will also determine whether Wang Baole will be free and detached in the future. At the same time...more importantly, this is also the nutrient reserved for promotion to the Star Territory in order to prevent accidents!

  After all, the ascending disk is still missing a corner after all.

  So after hesitated to detect those divine thoughts, after hearing the words of Master, Wang Baole spoke like this.

   "Are you sure?" The ancestor of the flames came.

   "I dare not say all of them, but there are some. If it is really wrong... Master, can I suppress it for a few months?"


  Hearing the words of Master, Wang Baole smiled slightly, his own Taoist rhyme suddenly dispersed, and instantly spread out of the solar system, so that the divine thoughts that arrived outside the solar system, in hesitation, saw Wang Baole's ontological state in the solar system one after another!

  In an instant...All those divine thoughts vibrated strongly again!

  "God and soul step on the star field with a hundred steps! Like the flesh, step on the star field with a hundred steps! Cultivating a star to achieve great perfection...The goal is also to step on the star field with a hundred steps!?"

  "This...this...unprecedented! This is the legendary body of Shidao!!"

   "Once you succeed, you will be the strongest star field under the **** emperor. If you are promoted to the middle star field...you can fight the **** emperor!!"

   "Left Sanctuary, want to be the overlord?!!!"

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