A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1305: Give away

  The Ninth Bridge is sacred and full of awe for all beings on the Xiangang Continent. Because of the ages, there are only four people who can pass this step!

   Of these four, one is the Lord of Xiangang Continent, and the other three are the three strongest Great Heavenly Sovereigns.

  But at this moment, there is one more person!

  At the same time, the eleventh sun on the Xiangang Continent was shining again in an instant, with a dazzling light, as if to shroud the entire world in its light.

  In this radiant light, Wang Baole, who stood at the end of the ninth bridge, had a sharp light in his eyes. He felt the resistance in front of him, felt his body seemed to be frozen, and could not continue to take his footsteps.

  Like... His journey to the sky will stop here.

"I won't stop here!" Wang Baole whispered, slowly raising his head, the light in his eyes suddenly changed at this moment, a faint glow in his pupils, like a drop of ink falling into the water, melting away quickly, rendering All directions.

In an instant, his eyes turned black directly, and a breath of death spread from him, covering the surroundings at the same time, because of the strange breath, Wang Baole who was standing there seemed to be no longer looking. Like a living person, but a corpse!

  Deadness rolled again, and the black mist dispersed from the sweat pores of Wang Baole's body, and spread rapidly to fill the surroundings, with decay and death. This is...Wang Baole's way of darkness!

At this moment, all the gaze masters who looked at Wang Baole felt waves of varying degrees, because in the dark mist, in the firmament on the ninth bridge, this black mist suddenly gathered a huge statue. statue!

This statue...is exactly the same as Wang Baole, except that the whole body is black and the face is cold, and there is no emotion in it. Holding a book in one hand, it seems that the book controls the death of the world. From a distance, it is full of inexplicable meaning. .

   "Incarnation of the way of death!"

  "In the legend, after mastering the way of death and becoming one of the sources, you can be transformed into...the Pluto!"

   "This...is it the body of Pluto?"

  The moment the cultivator's mind in the Xiangang Continent was strongly shaken...The figure of the statue formed by the black mist, forward...a step forward!

  This step is shaking the earth, making the starry sky roar, and the big universe causes violent fluctuations.

  This step shakes all directions, so that the minds of those who converge innumerable light will directly thunder.

  This step is like moving from the mundane to the immortal god, that is...the fourth step of consummation, that is...the sign of the fifth step!

At this moment, the roar echoed loudly, the sky faded, and the wind and clouds rolled back. It was accompanied by a click that could not be concealed. It came from the sky, as if a barrier was broken, and the figure of the statue directly jumped out. The end of the ninth bridge appeared in the void between the tenth bridge and the ninth bridge.

  At the moment of falling, the figure seemed to run out of energy and could not continue, as if the wind was blowing, degrading its existence into mist again, dissipating, and revealing...Inside this huge statue, Wang Baole's figure!

"Is the fourth step consummated?" Standing in the void between the ninth bridge and the tenth bridge, Wang Baole looked calm. He felt his own state at the moment. He had an accurate feeling that his current self only needs one. Pointing, you can destroy yourself.

  Between the two sides, the gap is too big.

  The previous self, although it was also the Octopus Dao, was also the fourth step to a certain extent, but here is the Wood Dao, because the body is self, so it is the natural origin, but other Dao seem to be the source, but in fact it is not, only own power.

  And now I, in every gesture, gold, earth, water and fire are all sources. Although it is only one of the sources of these five elements, there are others who share it with myself, but... this is already a monk who can reach the extreme in the five elements.

  Under normal conditions, no one can enjoy any of the five elements alone.

  But Wang Baole’s wooden road, yes!

  In addition, his path of Yin and Ming is connected with the path of death in the universe, and he is transformed into a Pluto. So at this moment, although he is also the fourth step, but... can suppress almost all the fourth step!

  Others, most of them are from one source, but Wang Baole here is the source of the five paths, plus the true source of the wood road. In this way, the fourth step is in front of him, and there is only the result of being suppressed.

  It can be said that Wang Baole at this moment is the strongest fourth step, there is no one.

But... this is still not the end of Wang Baole. Standing in the void between the ninth bridge and the tenth bridge, he raised his head at the moment and looked at the tenth bridge. With his realm at the moment, he can already see the tenth bridge. , There are three figures impressively.

  These three figures are not unfamiliar to him. The two standing at the top of the tenth bridge are the two strongest gods in Xiangang Continent who once made Wang Baole feel crisis.

  And standing in the middle of the tenth bridge is...Situ who is playing chess with him.

  As for the tail of the bridge, there is no figure, and the last eleventh bridge, there is still no figure.

  This has two meanings. Maybe no one has walked through it, or maybe...completely walked through, so no one is left behind.

   But anyway, in Wang Baole's eyes, there is no one after the middle section of the tenth bridge!

  "Can I walk on this tenth bridge?" Wang Baole narrowed his eyes. He knew very well that the ninth bridge represents the fourth step, and the tenth bridge represents...the fifth step of practice!

  As long as you walk up, it means that you have already counted the fifth step. If you go to the middle, it means that you have half of the practice in the fifth step. If you can reach the end, it means that you have reached the level of the fifth step.

  But Wang Baole is not sure, his way... has been exhausted.

  Although there is still the Tao of Yang Sage, there is no thing to carry the Tao. As for Xiaoyao, the same is true.

   "It's a pity..." Wang Baole sighed lightly, but just then.

  The king's father, who was sitting cross-legged beside the first bridge, suddenly spoke.

   "Bao Le, go on!"

Hearing this, Wang Baole's eyes flashed, thinking, his body shook suddenly, and he walked forward, and even as he walked forward, his body aura suddenly changed, and the meaning of darkness dissipated and became rich. His vitality exploded on him in an instant.

  This is... the opposite of the way of Yin and Ming... the way of Yang Sage!

  This way is the most sacred and sacred, it means magnificent as soon as it comes out, it comes to the sky, the light is bright, suppressing all light, the vitality, suppressing all death!

  But it’s only a pity...There is only the meaning of illusion, without the actual body, it is like water without roots, like duckweed catkins, it seems strong, but it seems that there is only a superficial level!

  Because, in Wang Baole’s Octopus Dao, apart from being free, it belongs to the Yang Sage’s Dao, and there is no thing to carry the Dao. He did not find it in the stele world, which made this Dao unable to be completed.

  At this moment...At the moment when Wang Baole’s Sun Sage Way spread, the royal father under the first bridge slowly raised his right hand, and an irregular stone appeared in his hand.

This stone is only the size of a fist, and there is a magnificent meaning on it. It is obviously not big, but it gives people the feeling that it is infinite. Even if you look carefully, you can see that there are a large number of shining marks on it. Its texture …It seems to be the same as Stepping Over the Bridge!

"This is the remaining bridge stone when Wang was shaping the eleventh bridge. I will give you... as something to carry!" During the words, the king's father waved his hand casually, and the bridge stone immediately burst out with a strong light towards Wang Baole. There, whizzing away!

  The moment is approaching, instantly blend in!

  Wang Baole's body shook suddenly, and the way of Yang Sheng broke out!

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