A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1307: Gradually

That starry sky has isolated everything for countless years...no one can step into it, like a forbidden place in this big universe.

But at this moment, as he stared, Wang Baole clearly realized that there were two familiar feelings there. In silence, Wang Baole closed his eyes, and a strong premonition emerged in his heart, as if he wanted to move in that direction at this moment. Take a step, then both the body and the **** will blend in.

This kind of integration is a complete fusion, as if walking past this way, he will become...part of the starry sky.

The reason for this is because of these two senses of familiarity, just like the most accurate coordinates in this universe. One comes from... his ontology, and the other comes from... the stele that he has integrated into himself. World.

The Stone Tablet Realm, the former name, was called... Weiyang Daoyu.

It was transformed by one of the 100,000 divine thoughts divided by the emperor, so to some extent, whether the stele world or the emperor clone within it, are actually part of the emperor.

According to the emperor’s normal plan, within the differentiated Weiyang Dao realm, the born emperor divine mind will merge the Weiyang Dao realm where it is located, and finally turn it into a puzzle-like existence, return to Yuanyu Daokong, and integrate into the real emperor.

This is the key to the emperor's recovery.

And Wang Baole here became an accident, but...In any case, there is still a close connection between him and the emperor. This connection... makes it difficult to accurately locate Wang Baole's identity.

He is not only a ray of Divine Mind from Kuroki, but also...part of the true emperor.

For a long time, Wang Baole, who was standing on the tenth bridge, opened his eyes, and he gave up the idea of ​​raising his footsteps, because the past was too public, and I was afraid that as soon as he entered... it would immediately attract the instinctive attention of the emperor. .

Such as the dark night, suddenly there was a fire, which was too conspicuous.

This kind of conspicuousness is not beneficial to Wang Baole, on the contrary, it will cause a series of bad situations to happen... Although the emperor is asleep, after all his instincts are still there, Wang Baole is not sure whether he will trigger a certain mechanism after entering so swagger. The emperor was in a deep sleep, instinctively to get rid of the chaos, swallowing and fusing himself.

So... the safest way is to enter the source space in the most secretive way.

Thinking of this, Wang Baole lowered his head, and the figure standing on the tenth bridge slowly blurred in the next moment, but while it was blurred here, under the first bridge, the Wang Father and Yiyi and Situ were in front of him. Slowly appeared.

The blurring and appearance are carried out at the same time, just like two hands, one hand holding the eraser and the other hand holding the paintbrush, proceeding synchronously.

This scene does not seem so strange, but in fact, looking at the entire universe, very few people can do it. This involves the use of multiple ways, including space, time, life and death, and at least six. The manifestation of this kind of path, and each one needs to have the power of the source.

And to be able to use the Dao to accomplish such a seemingly simple thing, only...with the power of the fifth step, can it be done so casually.

The fourth step is to grasp a source.

The fifth step is to use all things in the universe.

In this way, when Wang Baole's figure on the tenth bridge completely disappeared, under the first bridge, Wang Baole's figure had fully emerged. He took a deep breath, and at the moment he appeared, he held his fist deeply towards the king's father. worship.

"Thank you senior!"

Wang Yiyi showed a look in his eyes and wanted to say something, but he looked at his father and the uncle beside him, so he did not speak. As for Situ, he swept Wang Baole with a smile but looked at Wang Yiyi again. He coughed, and said nothing.

From the Prince's father, his expression was as calm as ever, his eyes fell on Wang Baole, and at a glance, he seemed to see through Wang Baole's body inside and out.

Wang Baole was shocked, but soon calmed down without trying to block the opponent's gaze.

After a long while, the king's father nodded slightly and spoke lightly.

"When will you go?"

This question was very abrupt, but Wang Baole could understand that he was asking himself when to go to Yuanyu Daokong.

So he pondered for a moment, and responded in a low voice.

"I plan to go soon."

"How to go?" The king's father asked again.

"Junior has a friend next to him, and now to see it, he should have been teleported from Yuanyu Daokong by the fifth step. Therefore, there must be traces of going back on his body. To follow this trace, the junior should be able to go. "Wang Baole didn't hide his thoughts, and spoke slowly.

"The law of others is not safe." The royal father shook his head, raised his right hand with a wave after hesitating, and suddenly a blue jade slip came out of nothingness, pointed at him, and came straight to Wang Baole.

Wang Baole grabbed it and looked at the royal father.

"This method uses dreams to enter the Tao, and practitioners can make their dreams come true to a certain extent. It is suitable for going secretly, and more suitable for hiding one's own energy."

"The one in Yuanyu Dakong is the strongest person born in the first era in this big universe. Compared with that, we...are all latecomers."

"When I waited for the beginning of enlightenment, he was asleep, and he is still asleep now. I have never been to the place where he is."

"And between you and him, there is cause and effect. This is because it is useless for others to participate, because this is your own business, your way, and you need to solve it yourself."

"Success, you will be happy from now on." The king's father stood up and turned and walked away. Situ smiled at Wang Baole. Just as he was about to speak, the king's father in the distance heard a leisurely voice.

"Situ, the wine is already warm, and it won't taste good if it's too late to go back."

When Situ heard this, he laughed, and walked towards the figure of the royal father in front of him.

Under the first bridge, there are only Wang Baole and...Wang Yiyi at this moment.

"Bao Le..." Wang Yiyi said softly.

"Miss sister, accompany me for a walk, okay?" Wang Baole smiled and looked at Wang Yiyi. Wang Yiyi looked at Wang Baole, and gradually smiled on his face and nodded.

"where are you going?"

"I want to see... brother."

"I'll be with you."

At this moment in the setting sun, as the stepping on the bridge returned to calm, the sentient beings on the Xiangang Continent also slowly withdrew their gazes. Although the ups and downs of their minds were still strong, they knew that stepping on the sky was over.

And under the first bridge that they couldn't see, with the afterglow of the setting sun, the figures of Wang Baole and Wang Yiyi, in the afterglow, gradually walked away, like a beautiful picture.

The golden afterglow renders this picture a warm meaning, and the ancient vicissitudes of walking on the sky bridge, at this moment, seems to have become a part of the background, setting off all of this.

Although the two figures are not very close to each other, like a gentleman's acquaintance, when they go away, the shadows in the afterglow are constantly being elongated, seeming to be...connected together.


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