A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1314: Under the mask

   "Split?" Wang Baole narrowed his eyes slightly, but soon realized that this was not a split, because if it was split, then the two emperor spirits that appeared should not be in the breath, and the same as before, are the fourth step peaks.

  This is more like...a calling.

  Once one dies, two will be summoned. It is conceivable that if these two also perish, then there is a great possibility that four will appear, and in this way, the so-called eternal immortality will be reached.

   "But it is a little different from the normal peak of the fourth step." Wang Baole looked at the two emperor spirits that had converged, thoughtfully amidst the trembling and tension of the Xidao youth around him.

  Whether in the Xiangang Continent or comparing himself, Wang Baole is no stranger to the fourth step, so he quickly noticed the flaws of the Emperor Spirit in front of him.

  They seem to be the fourth step, but in fact they are like a re-enactment, lacking a soul, and more like tool-like puppets, and such a fourth step, even if it has its power, is still not small.

  Don't talk about Wang Baole, even if the Xiangang Continent takes a fourth step, you can directly crush an emperor spirit.

   "Besides... such a call can't have an end." Although he had a judgment in his heart, Wang Baole was not prepared to expose himself too much before obtaining complete information about this place in this strange source universe.

  He knew very well that he entered this universe by the way of dreaming. To a certain extent, he came from smuggling. The purpose of this was to prevent the emperor from being aware of it, so as to achieve his plan to cut cause and effect with him.

  According to Wang Baole's analysis, today's emperor has a high probability of being in the dormant stage, so the possibility of his success is still great.

  The root of this plan is to walk up to the emperor before he notices it, blend into the black wooden nail, and give the opponent a fatal blow.

  It seems simple, but to do it, you still need to adapt accordingly.

But in the final analysis, the necessary concealment still needs to be done. At the same time, the behavior of temptation is still necessary. So after turning these thoughts quickly in my mind, at the moment when the two emperor spirits raised their heads and rushed towards Wang Baole, Wang Baole retreated suddenly.

The speed of    was so fast that he directly escaped from this area and crashed into the golden net that emerged in the blood mist behind him.

  At the moment of contact with the golden net, Wang Baole's cultivation base ran at full capacity, but it did not completely explode. Instead, it closed with the golden net behind him.

With the help of this moment of touch, Wang Baole immediately tested the extreme that this golden net can withstand. He is sure that after his own cultivation level is concentrated at one point, with the Octopus Dao, he can break it in an instant and escape. Out.

  After he tentatively discovered this point, Wang Baole narrowed his eyes and left without anxiousness. Instead, his eyes flashed with coldness, and he rushed towards the two emperor spirits who were chasing him.

   "You, you, you... why are you still rushing up, why don't you leave." The young man who was grasped by Wang Baole's right hand, now wailed.

  In his cognition, the emperor spirit is like a god. It is uncontestable and non-blasphemous. It represents the heavens of the entire world, but the fierce man who captured himself alive chose to shoot again.

  This made him mourn, while fear filled his mind.

  Perhaps he thought his wailing was not good. When Wang Baole rushed out, he directly put the young man in his cuff using magical powers. The speed did not decrease, and he immediately touched the two emperor spirits.

   During the roar, the rules of the waterway came, and the two emperor spirits directly stiffened in the dimness of all directions. It seemed that the blood and Taoism in the body had reversed, and their bodies stagnated for a while.

  This is death.

  Wang Baole approached as he walked, his right index finger turned into an afterimage, and he clicked on the brows of the two emperor spirits' masks. With a boom, the masks and their heads collapsed at the same time.

  Wang Baole frowned. He originally planned to break the mask first to see what the other party looked like, but the mask seemed to be completely integrated with their faces and could not be separated separately.

   "It doesn't matter if you don't look at it." Wang Baole snorted coldly, waved his hand, and the pressure from all directions rose again, directly crushing the bodies of the two emperor spirits completely.

  In the next instant, the flesh and blood that had been crushed by Wang Baole were re-assembled, and four emperor spirits appeared directly, still wearing masks, still silent, with empty eyes, and rushed towards Wang Baole.

   Soon, four became eight, eight became sixteen, and then thirty-two...

  Wang Baole was still in the fight, and he made a lot of moves, and continued to kill, but his brows became more frowning and tightened, until the emergence of the emperor spirit reached sixty-four times...Wang Baole also breathed slightly.

  Even if these emperor spirits are far behind the real fourth step, they have no souls, just like magic weapons, but this kind of advantage in the outside world is already a terrible terror.

   is enough to destroy any big power.

  It can even be said that looking at the entire universe, including all regions of the Xiangang Continent, I am afraid that the number of the real fourth step is less than dozens.

  So even if Wang Baole has reached the fifth step of his cultivation, his sense of crisis is still increasing at the moment, especially... these emperor spirits seem to be endless.

What made Wang Baole even more critical was that when the number of emperor spirits appeared, at sixty-four, he had a faint perception. It seemed that there was an unknown place far away from here, and there was a breath, looming, like a sleeping one. Human eyelids moved slightly, and there was a sign of awakening.

   And this breath gave Wang Baole the feeling that it was... the emperor he was looking for!

   "Can't continue!"

   has tested the degree of division of the emperor spirit, I am afraid that more than one hundred is not a problem, but also tested that too many divisions of the emperor spirit will cause the emperor's awakening, so Wang Baole decisively chose to regress.

The body banged against the golden net, causing the big net to collapse instantly. At the same time, dozens of emperor spirits chased over. The one in the front, at the moment the big net was broken, arrived in front of Wang Baole. To be shot.

  Wang Baole's eyes flashed, and his right hand suddenly lifted. At this moment, a bright white light appeared on the tip of his finger, like the reflection of paper, directly on the eyebrows of the coming Emperor Ling.

   is exactly the paper rule.

  This is also what Wang Baole thought of. The way to take off the Emperor Spirit mask is to turn this mask into paper!

As Wang Baole's fingertips fell, the paper rule suddenly came, and the emperor spirit who was chasing after him in an instant, the mask on his face became thin, and it directly turned into white paper, seemingly unable to be worn, falling from his face, revealing something. Zhang... After Wang Baole saw it, a face of 100,000 days of thunder roared in his mind.

  That face...Although there is no expression, although it is very numb, and although pale, it is similar to Wang Baole's appearance...

   exactly the same!

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