A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1318: Tsing Yi Girl

At the same time, Wang Baole, who was sitting cross-legged on the top of the second world mountain, seemed to have noticed something. He looked up at the sky, his eyes narrowed slightly.

At that moment, he faintly felt as if he was swept away by his divine mind, but the divine mind lacked agility, it was very mechanical, as if it was only an investigation of the rules of the outside world.

But here, Wang Baole, now his whole body is filled with the law of joy, both inside and outside, and within a few months, he has already completely concealed the rules of the outside world in his body.

This point has a lot to do with the fifth step of his cultivation base. Because everything is available, he can achieve the ultimate in subtle manipulation, so it can be perfectly hidden.

If the fourth step is changed, because it is only the source of one, it is too deeply involved, but it cannot be completely hidden like Wang Baole.

"In this source space, the water is deep..." Wang Baole retracted his gaze toward the sky, closed his eyes, and continued to meditate, causing the Seed of the Joy of Path in his body to exude countless tentacles, which continued to grow in his body.

Time passed slowly in this way, and three more months soon passed. Wang Baole’s rules of happiness have reached a more complete level at this moment. At the same time, he also experienced the kindness from the residents of the villages under the mountain. It seems that those who practice this kind of happiness are themselves. Most of them are kind, which is related to the origin of this rule.

This kindness has also been recognized by Wang Baole.

But...obviously in this source universe, the quality of goodness is not the main theme. It is like a torch that appears in the dark night. If the darkness cannot be suppressed, then the final outcome can only be regarded as an alien, in the dark. Extinguished.

This is the case in this branch village of joy. One night after a few days, Wang Baole, who was sitting cross-legged on the top of the mountain, suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the mountains in the distance.

From there, the darkness was so heavy that there seemed to be nothing unusual. I could only use the faint moonlight to see the dark shadows formed by the vegetation, but... it was too quiet.

Perhaps it was this quiet that made Wang Baole's ears faintly heard a strange sound of opera.

"I will never die..."

"Back view is always..."

It was a woman's voice, filled with resentment, weird, and even more depressed, as if it contained stern unwillingness and howling, but it could not be released.

When it entered Wang Baole's ears, Wang Baole's whole body shook suddenly, as if the heart was held by a pair of invisible hands at this moment, and was slowly squeezing it, as if to crush it, tearing the blood vessels connected to it, and giving birth to life. Pulled out of the body in general.

Even at this moment, in front of Wang Baole’s eyes, the dark mountains in the distance turned translucent. The faint moonlight seemed to penetrate in this translucent space, making the world seem clearer than before. a lot of.

And with this clarity, I can see...a woman wearing a long skirt and black hair shawl, with her head down, is walking from the mountain range. Her figure is very tall, even with the mountain range, so she can see Drops of blood slowly fell on her face covered by black hair.

Around her, there are hundreds of vague figures floating, sometimes turning into a rhythm, and sometimes returning to a human form. Together with this woman, they are slowly walking towards the village below the mountain where Wang Baole is located.

The singing voice became clearer.

"It hurts Acacia, gets dusty..."

"Who is waiting for someone to come back..."

Wherever he passed, the surrounding translucent mountains were stained red with dripping blood, and all vegetation was withering, the voice of the resentment became more intense, and the suppressed and stern thoughts seemed to have reached the extreme at this moment and were about to burst out.

Wang Baole's mind roared again, and the way of joy in his body dissipated in an instant. He squinted and stared at the woman in Tsing Yi walking in the distance. Based on his understanding of this world, he knew the origin of the other party without guessing.

It was the monk from the City of Tingyu, but it was obvious that the one who appeared this time, and what he encountered in the red mist, was not a level at all. The latter was just a short note, not a complete piece of music.

But what has appeared now is not only more complete music, but also lyrics.

It can even affect his mind, and it can be seen that the identity of this woman in Tsing Yi must be a great power in the city of hearing.

"Is it coming to me? Or the branch of joy under the mountain?" When Wang Baole's eyes flashed with cold light, in the recessed ground under the mountain where he was, the monks of the heart of joy were also awakened one after another, accompanied by bursts of joy. The meaning of joy was immediately permeated, as if suppressed in the darkness, but the fire that was unwilling to extinguish, was reluctantly insisting.

It was even in the dispersal of this joyful meaning that a certain method of transmission was formed, which was continuously opened, and a soft light curtain could be seen, rising from the edge of the concave ground, as if it were about to transform into a cover.

As the orthodox branch of the joy line, even if it is weak now, but because of being hunted down all the year round, there are naturally some life-saving methods. This relies on the transmission of the meaning of joy, which is one of them.

When the light curtains are connected together to form a complete cover, it is the moment when the transmission begins.

It’s just that, obviously, the city singers who came this time were too strong. The weird and bitterness of their singing directly affected the minds of everyone in the village, making every cultivator of joy, like a heart grabbed, with a complexion. At the same time as she was pale, vitality was fading rapidly, as if to wither.

This makes their law of happiness have been impacted and affected. The opening of the method of teleportation cannot be completed in an instant. It is even more distorted in the fluctuation of the song. The rising light curtain shows signs of collapse. .

Wang Baole sighed softly. After living here for half a year, he recognized this village, so at this moment, whether the other party came to him or the target was this village, he didn't make sense to stand by.

So at the moment when the teleportation light curtain of the village was distorted, Wang Baole looked at the woman in Tsing Yi who was slowly walking in the distance, with a smile on his face. Almost the moment his smile appeared, the rule of happiness burst out on him, forming a wave. The invisible fluctuations of emotions spread out to the surroundings.

Wherever it went, the withered grass and trees seemed to reappear vitality, and the blood-stained mountains also appeared as if they were washed away. Even this translucent world was forcibly forced at this moment. reset.

And the woman in Tsing Yi who came in the distance gave a violent footstep. The singers and monks floating around her immediately had seven or eight people, smiling uncontrollably, their music was interrupted by themselves, and their bodies were The moment the smile appeared, it was...the body and spirit disappeared.

With the help of this momentary opportunity, the light curtain of the village under the mountain was connected instantly, and the teleportation array was suddenly opened. As the cultivator of the happy division in the village teleported away, the woman in Tsing Yi who stopped in her footsteps slowly lifted up. beginning.

In the moonlight, you can see the face of this woman in the gap between her black hair, that face... the blood is bleeding from the seven orifices, and there is a deep black bruise on the neck.

Her eyes are deep and faint, as if faintly in her eyes, there is a figure of a woman, like an actor, dancing lightly, singing a more repressive and spiteful drama.

"Yeyu and evil autumn lights are on..."

"Light up the empty stage..."

"The ones that should come, don't come..."

"What should be there is not..."

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