A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1323: To make friends

"The new Wang Baole?" Wang Baole, who was sitting cross-legged deep in the ground, smiled and didn't care.

The clone is indeed independent. There is no cause and effect in the past with Wang Baole. If it is true, perhaps the rules of pleasure and the rules of desire are now permeated in Wang Baole's body, so there will be more or less existence in the clone.

But it doesn't matter. These two laws are originally owned by this second world, and they are not causal with him.

There is only one true hidden connection, and that is...they have the determination to dissolve the cause and effect with the emperor.

This is enough.

"With a calmer and more decisive mentality, perhaps it can open up the situation better." Wang Baole stared at the avatar who was walking away, and slowly closed his eyes. For him, success is the best. If the avatar fails, it doesn’t matter, presumably that. At that time, I have completely solved the hidden dangers of my own external laws here.

The law of happiness is completely integrated with the law of desire to listen. At that time, he can walk out again without worrying about being locked and searched.

In this way, after Wang Baole's body closed his eyes, his whole person was immersed, while his avatar, at this moment, was out of the desert, galloping away between heaven and earth.

Different from Wang Baole's low-key thoughts, the avatar did not fluctuate in the slightest at this moment, and the Nascent Soul's cultivation base was fully dispersed, blessed at speed, and whizzed forward.


Wang Baole's clone didn't know where he was going. The world was too big and it was very strange to him, so according to his idea, he now needs to ask a local monk to ask.

With this thought in mind, Wang Baole was fast, and time passed while galloping, and four days passed quickly.

In the four days, wherever he went, a monk was not seen. The earth gradually changed from deep purple. Until the fifth day, the color of the earth became a little yellowish and the vegetation became a lot more luxuriant.

Wang Baole, who was in a gallop, swept his eyes across the ground, just about to move on, but soon he changed his expression and looked to the right side. There seemed to be traces of law fluctuations in the forest in the distance.

After taking a look, Wang Baole's body shook his direction and went straight to the area, but as soon as he approached the jungle, there was a sound of breaking through the air.

Wang Baole didn't move his legs, and took his upper body back at random. He saw a black shadow in the corner of his eyes, and it flew directly in front of him. This figure appeared on the canopy of a big tree not far away.

This is an old man with a skinny body like a monkey, dressed in black, and his cultivation is in the middle of Yuan Ying. He is now squatting on the canopy with green lights in his eyes. After staring at Wang Baole, he opened his mouth hoarsely.

"Who is here!"

"Guji City monk." Wang Baole said calmly, without telling his name, his eyes gathered together and looked at the old man.

"Gu Jicheng? You are not welcome here, so leave immediately." The old man narrowed his eyes and licked his lips, his voice a little sharp.

Wang Baole glanced coldly, then looked at the jungle where the other party prevented him from entering, faintly, he felt that there were three eyes in the jungle, locked on himself, with malicious intent, his nose was also Smelled some strange aromas.

This incense doesn't know what kind of meat is cooking. Although it is very weak, it falls into Wang Baole's nose. His body instinctively produces the idea of ​​wanting to eat, as if his body is craving.

If you want to come to these people, it should be here to guard this foreign object. If you change his body, you may be interested in it, but at this moment Wang Baole, he doesn't care.

"Give me a map of this area, and I will leave." Wang Baole retracted his gaze and said directly.

The black-clothed old man frowned, and the other party's words made him feel a bit stunned and weird. So after looking at Wang Baole for a few times, he raised his right hand with a wave, threw a jade slip out, and was caught by Wang Baole. , Sweep the spirit, turn around and leave.

But at the moment when Wang Baole left for less than tens of feet, a deep voice suddenly came out in the jungle.

"The Daoists in Gu Ji City are also predestined to meet each other. Would you like to come in and enjoy it together?"

Almost at the same time when these words came out, the black-clothed old man seemed to be transmitted, his eyes squinted and his body shook, his speed turned into an afterimage, and he appeared directly in front of Wang Baole, blocking his way.

"What do you mean?" Wang Baole paused, expressionless, and said calmly.

"It's not interesting, I just want to make friends." It was not the black-clothed old man in front of him who answered Wang Baole, but the man in the middle of the three monks flying out of the jungle at this moment.

These three monks all looked like middle-aged. Two of them were in the early stage of the Yuan Ying, and only the person who spoke was the one who had a fluctuating cultivation base, revealing the aura of the latter stage of the Yuan Ying.

At this moment, when he looked at Wang Baole, there was a sense of greed in his eyes, and he even licked his lips, full of malice.

"Oh." Wang Baole's expression did not change at all. At the moment of nodding his head, his body speed exploded in an instant, surpassing too much before, almost blinking, before the four people did not react, he had appeared in black clothes. Next to the old man, his right hand lifted up and grabbed the old man's neck, and pressed hard, while his left knee was lifted and pressed against the old man's crotch.

With a click, accompanied by the old man's screams, his body was **** from bottom to top. Together with Yuan Ying, he also collapsed directly. Only the head was held by Wang Baole, and he turned to look at the three faces whose complexion changed drastically. After the monk, he threw it over.

"Make friends, you need a meeting ceremony. Wang came in a hurry and didn't prepare, so let's make a gift with this head."

Among the three Yuanying monks, apart from the previous Yuanying stage, the remaining two instinctively stepped back, looking at Wang Baole with strong dread.

The ability to kill a Nascent Soul instantly, in their opinion, is already a powerful enemy that cannot be provoked.

Even the cultivator of Yuanying's late stage gave a chuckle in his heart. After taking a deep breath, he smiled kindly and opened his fist.

"Friends of Daoist are too polite. I like this gift very much. The forest has prepared a cooking pot with different animals and fine wine, please!"

Wang Baole didn't move, glanced at the late-stage Yuan Ying cultivator with a faint smile.

"You need a meeting ceremony to make friends. Where's my gift?" After speaking, Wang Baole swept the necks of the two backed monks.

Noting Wang Baole's gaze, these two people's complexion changed drastically, their bodies retreated again, and their cultivation bases were running at full capacity.

The monk in the late Yuanying stage also changed his complexion. After looking at the two backward cultivators around him, his thoughts turned rapidly. He asked himself, even if he could not do so cleanly in the middle stage of the Yuanying stage, he focused his attention on them. Instant kill, so since the person in front of him can do this, he understands that he is not an opponent.

The provocation is first, so if you don't handle it well, there will be a life and death crisis today, so he squinted, enduring heartache, raised his right hand with a wave, and a token appeared in his hand.

"The entry order of Appetite City includes two places to enter the city, as a gift, okay?"

I recommend a book to everyone, nine quiet ten places, the subject of tomb robbery, written by a reader who has read my book for many years after the 90s. I gave the name. It is not easy for newcomers to cover their faces. I hope you can support me

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