A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1331: Popular (first more)


It's just that Wang Baole can supply ice spirit water infinitely, and the shopkeeper and others don't know about it, so although their eyes are bright, they see more of the temporary hotness.

In fact, for them, they have not even considered that they can manage a type of Qiqing food for a long time. After all, such a thing can only be available in three or four super popular restaurants in Appetite City.

And such alcoholic beverages often have a glutton behind them.

It can even be said that only gluttons are qualified to have stores that supply Qiqing ingredients for a long time in this appetite city, and not be snooped by others.

Therefore, the shopkeeper, dwarf and others at this moment did not realize what kind of storm the ice spirit water in front of them would bring to this shop.

But these are all under Wang Baole's consideration.

This is also his decision after seven or eight days of evaluation. Sometimes, hiding does not necessarily have to be low-key, to make yourself more valuable, perhaps better to hide.

Therefore, the launch of Bingling Water is only the first link in Wang Baole's plan.

Soon the night passed, and when the shop reopened the next morning, all the regular customers who came frequently were surprised to find that the guys and shopkeepers in the shop had swept away the decadence of the previous days, and they all became vigorous. , The smile on his face has never disappeared.

At the same time, in addition to the daily food, the dwarf and the little fat man kept pushing a drink called ice spirit water to the diners. Because the price was not very expensive, there were still some monks who tried it.

After taking the first sip, the monks who tried to buy, without exception, all shook their bodies suddenly, their eyes widened, and it was difficult to hide the intoxication in their eyes, and their faces were more or less exposed. Smile.

This scene immediately caused those who had not tried to buy, to be surprised, and some were curious to buy a bottle, and the next moment it changed like this.

After a long while, someone exhaled a long breath.

"Seven love rules!"

"This is... the breath of joy?"

"It turned out to be a drink with the scent of joy. This thing... has an amazing effect for my practice!"

Wang Baole has long sensed that the seven emotions and six desires in this world are opposed to each other, and this confrontation is more embodied in swallowing and fusion. For each other, both sides can strengthen themselves.

This is also one of the reasons why Qiqing had to hide in this world and was almost extinct.

In view of this, after tasting the magic of the ice spirit water, its sales have naturally risen. However, for the ice spirit water, after getting it last night, the shopkeeper and others have long discussed that it will be sold in limited quantities.

On the one hand, they don’t know that this water can produce unlimited output. On the other hand, all the purpose of the ingredients is to elicit more greed. Therefore, the limited sale is not the first of their stores, and it will sometimes exist in other stores.

Therefore, after purchasing one bottle, the monk who wanted to buy the second bottle was quickly informed about the matter. Although there were regrets and desires, they all understood that this matter could only be waited for.

In this way, with the arrival of noon and night, with the introduction of ice spirit water, this Appetite City can be considered a small part of the sensation, but because the number is too small, and the shop itself is not well-known, it is a sensation. The range is very small, and it did not attract the attention of other shops around.

But...Anything that has an explosive point, plus enough accumulation, will emit amazing fluctuations. This is the case with ice spirit water. After ten days have passed, with the limited supply of one hundred bottles per day in the store, slowly The story spread, and everyone who had tasted it became more and more eager, so soon... Outside this shop, in the middle of the night, people began to line up.

This kind of queuing is, to some extent, the best publicity, making all passing people surprised and curious, especially when seven or eight days have passed, the number of people lining up at night outside this shop has reached hundreds. Eventually, within a certain range, a stronger volatility was set off.

Other shops in the surrounding area also began to move and investigate. There are so many people lining up, and their desire and appetite have become more and more intense, so that others can't help but care.

Similarly, the emergence of queuing has also made Wang Baole, the owner, more smoothly absorbing the breath of appetite, and the regular growth of appetite in the body has also reached a very fast rate.

Even the shopkeeper, dwarf and others have reaped great benefits. Although they have lost the shop, they now absorb more cultivation nutrients than they did when they owned the shop.

Violence can make people submit to the body, but interest can make people obey thoroughly. Put it on the shopkeeper and others. That's it. They have no resentment against Wang Baole, and even if Wang Baole proposes to leave at this moment, they will not agree.

The increase in common interests made them more dedicated to guarding than Wang Baole.

Soon, the surrounding shops suffered a serious decline in business, but they did not think that ice spirit water could last for a long time, and many shops had done this, and it would disappear within a month at most.

Therefore, regarding the popularity of the shop next door, they chose to wait and see, until... the fiery heat of the ice spirit water became stronger and lasted for more than a month. After the number of people in line reached more than 1,000, the matter was in Appetite City. , It can be regarded as a larger-scale outbreak.

The other shops around, finally couldn't sit still. The first to find trouble was the shop nearest to them. The buddies and shopkeepers inside, watching the people in line outside, broke into the door late at night and forcibly broke in.

As the door of the shop closed, there was no sound inside, and people watching from the outside also frequently observed it, but until the early morning, there was no movement inside.

It wasn't until it was time to open that the little fat man who was blind with one eye walked out proudly and opened the door of the shop. After normal business, the monks in the queue outside found out one by one that there were too many buddies in the shop. digit.

Those many people were the shop next door. The monks who broke in last night, all of them listless, with frightened eyes in their weakened eyes.

At the same time... the scale of the shop has become larger, and the shop next door, I don't know when it will be opened, and they are connected together and become a family.

This incident shocked the diners in the queue, and even the monks who were watching the other shops here took a deep breath, and for a while, no longer dared to act rashly.

In this way, another month passed, the ice spirit water was like rain, soaking into Appetite City, and almost half of the monks' minds became the most popular rumors in the eastern part of Appetite City.

At this time, a large-scale restaurant in the Eastern District locked its greedy eyes on this place.

"Send a message. Either hand over the ingredients and formulas of the rules of happiness, or...you can't see the sky of tomorrow." A faint word came from the large-scale restaurant.

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