A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1340: Qingyangzi? (Third more)

Wang Baole's words were icy cold, and at the moment it spread, not only the young man was shocked, but the people in Appetite City were all in an uproar at this moment, and Tuo Lingzi, who shot, was also the first time his complexion changed drastically.

Zhou Huo did the same, and the other gluttons also had their eyes sharpened in an instant.

But all this reversed so quickly that even Tuo Lingzi didn’t have time to deal with it. In the next moment, as Wang Baole’s words echoed, he grabbed Cheng Lingzi’s right hand and yanked it suddenly, and he would suddenly become Lingzi’s. The body squeezed directly, and hurled behind him with a whirr, in the direction that Tuo Lingzi's big hand grabbed it.

The whole process was extremely ingenious, Tuolingzi's eyes were instantly red, and the large hand that had been turned out suddenly retracted, but he still touched his beloved son.

At this time, Cheng Lingzi's body slammed, and the younger half was directly collapsed. The blood was blurry, and his screaming screams could not be heard. Wang Baole's right hand was stuck in his throat. The violent trembling of the body expresses his pain at the moment.

Wang Baole ignored the ugly face of Tuo Lingzi. At this moment, after speaking plainly, his right hand vigorously, with a bang, directly squeezed the Lingzi in his hand, instantly squeezing it.

With one inhalation, Cheng Lingzi’s fragmented body contained a large number of laws of appetite, which was immediately inhaled by Wang Baole, but Cheng Lingzi was a meatless disciple with many cards. At this moment, his shattered body was in Wang Baole’s mouth. After absorbing part of the law, it burns directly, and instantly becomes fly ash.

In the next instant, near the whirlpool in the distance, with the distortion of nothingness, his figure formed out of thin air, but it didn't look like a teenager anymore, but an adult appearance, his body... even thinner.

His face was pale, his breath was too weak, and the eyes that looked at Wang Baole also revealed unprecedented fear.

"Huh?" Wang Baole was a little surprised. He raised his head to look at Lingzi, and his body disappeared without a shadow. When he appeared, he was in the place where Lingzi was before.

But Cheng Lingzi, who had endured a life and death crisis before, was shockingly alert, just like a frightened rabbit. When Wang Baole arrived, his figure had disappeared again, and when he appeared, he was in the whirlpool!

He didn't dare to find his father. Time was too late and the other party would do it. He had a hunch that before his father stopped him, he... would definitely die.

He believed that he had no chance to use the same life-saving method as before, so his only vitality at the moment was to rush into the whirlpool and hide inside.

The fact is indeed the case, because at the same time, the emptiness between Wang Baole and the Altar of Appetite City, a large number of nightmares of desire, came out of thin air, forming a blockade.

If Cheng Lingzi's escape direction is here, he will definitely be intercepted.

"Interesting, I also like to play hide-and-seek, so you have to hide it." Wang Baole squinted. In fact, if he uses his own external power to become a spirit child, he can suppress it by flipping his hand and will not let the other party escape. Opportunity.

At this moment, he didn't care too much. Wang Baole, who walked towards the whirlpool, had more divine thoughts locked on the altar, and there was a strong murderous Tuo Lingzi in his eyes.

After the opponent made the first shot, he didn't continue his shot. It wasn't that he didn't want to, but... from the altar, the coercion of Appetite City's Desire Lord, Yu just swept lightly on him just for a moment.

This sweep made Tuo Lingzi no longer have the power to shoot if it was sealed, so at this moment, his murderous intent would become crazy in this inability to break out.

Wang Baole narrowed his eyes and looked at the meat that was standing on the altar at this moment.

"Become a glutton, forget the past, if I fail, I will retrieve the law of appetite from you." The appetite city master, looking at Wang Baole with a strange light in his eyes, slowly spoke.

The sound of his voice changed the color of the sky, the wind and the cloud turned upside down, and the whole world was shaking.

Wang Baole gave his due respect to this appetite master who was as powerful as his own body. After hearing this, he nodded, turned and went straight to the whirlpool. In the next instant, his figure disappeared in the whirlpool.

Until this moment, the other meaty disciples entered the vortex one by one in bitterness and helplessness. Finally, when the last person stepped in, the Lord Desire on the altar raised his hand again, and the vortex on the sky suddenly disappeared slowly.

The food-satisfied person and the fruit-bearer should have participated, but apparently the appetite city master had changed his mind. At this moment, he looked up and looked at the vortex that was gradually dissipating, and suddenly smiled.

"is it him…"

Yuanyu Daokong, under the second world, there is an endless red mist, and at the bottom of this mist, here is the first world, also known as burial soil.

Because here, the many universes that Yuanyu Daokong used to be buried, and in countless epochs, there are countless living dead here.

The consciousness is asleep, and perhaps they will never be able to wake up, and it is different desires that support their physical activity.

"The Desire Lord of Appetite City... saw my identity." At this moment, in this world full of burial soil, Wang Baole stood in the air, looking down at the earth.

What his eyes saw was that the earth of this world was pitch black and boundless, and the breath of death was so strong to its extreme that it turned into a gloomy cold, as if it could freeze everything.

But it happened... he could feel that in the depths of this earth, there were countless...respiratory fluctuations.

There are strong and weak.

The weak is like a mortal, but the strong... In Wang Baole’s eyes, his pupils have shrunk a bit at this moment. Because of the ontological personality, he can use the fifth step of the ontological perception to feel that he is in the deepest part of the earth, Faintly, there seemed to be more than ninety... the same aura as the guardian who was chasing down.

All this made Wang Baole finally understand, in Yuanyu Daokong, where the eight figures surrounded by the emperor had gone.

In silence, Wang Baole raised his head again and looked at the red mist rolling above.

"The breath buried below does not meet the number of 108, but if... plus the Lord of Seven Emotions and Six Desires..." Wang Baole was silent, and after a while he took a deep breath.

"So, the Appetite City Desire Master who sees my identity almost all the time, is himself one of the 108 generals?"

This is inconsistent with Wang Baole's earliest guess. He originally thought that the cultivation of the same level as the Lord of Appetite City should be the rule of the source of the seven emotions and six desires of the emperor, similar to a relatively independent clone.

"Yuanyu Daokong's water... very deep, very deep." Wang Baole squinted, suddenly raised his right hand, and grabbed it towards the void. Suddenly a strand of black hair appeared out of nothing in the void where he was grasping, like the original. He came quietly to entangle Wang Baole, but at this moment, after he was caught, he yanked, and suddenly a large amount of black hair buzzed from the void, like a flood, spreading like ink.

In this continuous diffusion, the source was finally revealed. It was a head, a woman's head, appearing in the void, staring at Wang Baole firmly.

In the eyes, indescribable hatred!

"Qingyangzi, you are Qingyangzi!"

There will be

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