A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1342: Have a look

As far as Wang Baole's ontological personality is concerned, in this universe, there are fierce beasts that can threaten him and don't care about its coercion, not to mention there is no, but it is definitely rare.

Even to a certain extent, such a fierce beast would inevitably have sufficient intelligence in itself, and there is a high probability that it would not have a life-and-death battle with Wang Baole because it does not involve life or death.

Therefore, even if this clone is not as strong as the main body at this moment, it is the most normal choice for Wang Baole to use some of the personality to suppress it.

"The body is sleeping and let me do these troublesome things. In that case, it is reasonable for me to take advantage of my personality." Wang Baole snorted coldly, standing on the back of the hill beast at the moment, with a cold look in his eyes when he lowered his head. mango.

This cold light, combined with coercion, is the biggest threat, causing the hill beast to gradually tremble. Its spiritual intelligence may have been possessed, but now it has almost dissipated in the deep sleep, leaving only instinct.

And the subconscious of instinct, after encountering a life-and-death crisis, will be more direct.

Therefore, almost in an instant, the hill beast was trembling, and its entire body softened, turning from the appearance of a hill into a pile of fleshy mud.

"Get up, use your full strength to break this piece of burial ground." Wang Baole frowned slightly and said lightly.

His voice was the supreme command to the sour hill beast that had been frightened. At this moment, his body vibrated rapidly, his mouthparts like a tunnel pierced into the ground madly, spreading towards the depths of the earth.

Wang Baole’s spiritual thoughts spread, and he felt the hard work of the hill beast. In his perception, the other party’s mouthparts could only go deep into the earth for about a thousand feet, but it seemed that in order to show his own value, the hill beast did not know how to do it. Yes, in the rapid shrinking of the body, its mouthparts continued to extend, eventually reaching a range of two thousand feet.

This made Wang Baole very pleasantly surprised. Under a sway, he followed the mouthparts of the hill beast and went straight to the depth of two thousand meters underground, but the moment he walked out of this channel and really stepped into the underground soil, a wave came from The scattered will in the mud from all directions, like the raging waves of the sea, came from all directions.

These scattered wills, to look at it alone, have no offensive power, but at the moment the number is too large, and the sky is overwhelmed in all directions. When gathered together, it is like turning into a source that can destroy all souls. With the eruption, they are immediately let out of the channel. Wang Baole's heart was shaken strongly.

His mind was in a flash, as if he had received countless souls and memories, but there was no complete picture, all invisible fragments, constantly impacting his soul.

As strong as Wang Baole, he was a little lost in a moment.

Fortunately, he himself is strong. With the blue veins bulging on his forehead, he survived the first wave, and the law of appetite in his body also circulated rapidly, forming a vague twist outside his body, constantly blocking this piece. Shrouded by the vast sea of ​​will.

"How many lives are buried here..." Wang Baole looked ugly, he could feel the scattered will from all directions, the number of which exceeded the number of sentient beings in the stele world countless times.

And this was only two thousand feet underground, Wang Baole could perceive that the further downward, the greater the concentration of this sea of ​​will and the stronger the violent.

"Below... I don't know the depth." Wang Baole narrowed his eyes, did not act rashly, but felt the effect of the law of appetite here, until he saw that with the law of appetite in full operation, he was at a position of two thousand meters underground. Gradually a balance was reached, and the sting of being submerged by the sea of ​​will disappeared.

This made Wang Baole feel a little relieved. At the same time, he also noticed the peculiarities of the law of appetite...This law, when confronting people, seems to affect the opponent's body, causing it to be hungry and greedy, but in fact...its effect It is the soul and will.

In other words, the reason why this law of appetite can resist the surrounding sea of ​​will is because it is like a source of pollution and is working hard to pollute the scattered will that comes.

And these scattered wills, their own resistance in this regard is extremely fragile, just like encountering natural enemies, being far inferior to their appetite laws in quantity, and gradually solidifying.

Until the balance was reached, Wang Baole pondered for a moment, and then his body shook and shuttled towards the bottom of the soil. His speed was not fast, and each shuttle was controlled at about ten feet.

In this way, with the continuous sinking, ten zhang, thirty zhang, eighty zhang...until it shuttled more than 700 zhang, the overall position was already at the position of 2.7 hundred zhang underground, Wang Baole's body was a little bearable. Can't help it.

The balance of the law of appetite also shows signs of collapse and disorder. It is in this position that the sea of ​​wills gathered by scattered wills is far more violent than the previous position, and the number is even more astonishing.

The most important thing is that in this position, Wang Baole felt the countless scattered wills, and began to appear some...the spiritual thoughts that belonged to the fourth-step monks.

Each of these spiritual thoughts has no mood swings, but the impact inside it is still very strong, and...there are too many.

"Will you leave, or... rush over to take a look?" Facing this sea of ​​will, Wang Baole hesitated a bit, but soon, his eyes flashed.

"It's all here, how can you be willing to leave like this!"

"I want to take a look, in the depths of the earth, why do those powerful people who are born in the universe and the sky are sleeping, and what secrets are contained in it!"

Wang Baole's eyes flashed sharply, and the law of appetite in his body suddenly dispersed. As he was spinning around him, his body also rushed forward at this moment.

Under this rush, it is directly...three thousand feet!

In an instant, Wang Baole appeared at the position of five thousand seven hundred zhang. Here... is the limit he can sprint. With more, he will not take risks, but commit suicide.

And even if it wasn't deliberately committing suicide, the violent content of the sea of ​​will in this position also caused Wang Baole's body to roar in his mind and his consciousness was chaotic for an instant.

Fortunately, his personality caused him to have a trace of sanity in the chaos. He glanced around quickly, and as the shock in his eyes rose, he quickly retreated without hesitation.

Even though it regressed like this, the sea of ​​will seemed to be detonated, gathering crazily, constantly impacting, as if to completely assimilate him here, even if Wang Baole regressed at an amazing speed, the chase of this sea of ​​will was as terrifying.

In the end, at the moment when Wang Baole's consciousness was about to dissipate, he finally escaped to a range of two thousand feet underground. In the mouthpiece passage of the hill beast, the moment of entering, the sea of ​​will also surged crazily.

"All you can do to stop it!" Wang Baole let out a low growl.

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