A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1349: Don't worry (second more)

   Cheng Lingzi’s words made Shenludao’s heart suffocated even more. He really couldn’t understand. He obviously should be two people who hated the sky, why... it turned into the current state.

  Also, he had secretly checked before, and he didn't feel the slightest trace of being controlled on Cheng Lingzi. In other words, all of these were things Cheng Lingzi was willing to do when he was awake.

  This made Shenludao incomprehensible, and at the same time, there was a stronger fear of Wang Baole. He had already given up the idea of ​​devouring the other party. At this moment, he was thinking about leaving here as soon as possible.

Because he has already seen that this terrifying Meteor Finger is indeed under the control of Wang Baole. A Wang Baole is already a little bit difficult to fight against, and coupled with Meteor Finger, this is no longer for him to go. Suppressed.

  Just... he wanted to go, but the speed of those black tentacles was too fast, and he caught up in an instant, enveloped him, and was about to entangle him.

At this time, Shenludao’s own strength and difference from Feng Di were also completely revealed. Compared with Feng Di’s loss of resistance when facing these black tentacles, although it was due to the struggle with Wang Baole, in the final analysis, it was still Not strong enough.

But Shenludao is different. He was the first meaty appetite in Appetite City many years ago, and he was amazingly talented. Although he was enveloped by black tentacles at this moment, the next moment...he looked terrifying and let out a low growl inside his body. In an instant, a monstrous heat wave broke out.

  Like its body, it turned into a huge furnace, like the sun, in the blink of an eye, it released an unimaginable high temperature, like a sky fire, burst out in all directions and burned away.

Although those black tentacles were extraordinary, they lost part of their suppressive power due to the confrontation between Wang Baole and Meteorite. At this moment, they were filled with heat and fire. Although they were not burned, they were still weakened in speed and power. Here, God Furnace Road, seized the opportunity, and in a flash, he broke through the encirclement and rushed out along the gap.

   Seeing to run away... But how can Wang Baole make him do what he wants.

Wang Baole, who opened his eyes, showed a deep light in his eyes. He was very satisfied with the performance of Lingzi. In fact, if the first wave of Shenludao's first shot was not against Feng Di, but his own words... then it would not be right. He has an impact on life and death, but it is bound to break the balance, which will increase the suction power of Meteorite's fingers, which will damage himself to a certain extent.

  For Wang Baole, this will be a little troublesome, and there is still God's Furnace Dao looking forward to it. I am afraid that at that time, Wang Baole will be very embarrassed here.

The flicker of the spirit child made Shenludao's judgment wrong. He shot towards Feng Di and wiped out most of the black tentacles. This broke the balance at the end of the Meteorite finger, which was completely beneficial to Wang Baole. Things.

So with this opportunity, Wang Baole’s suction exploded from his body. Although he did not completely **** up the Meteorite’s fingers, he still sucked at least 20% of it, making the law of his appetite completely full from the previous emptiness. Reached the pinnacle of the fleshy disciple, and more indirectly, possessed part of the qualifications to control the Meteor's fingers.

  Satisfied at the moment, Wang Baole looked at the God Furnace Road, which was fleeing quickly, with a faint glow in his eyes. Compared with the breath of absorbing the remains of the Meteorite, he still prefers the meatless.

The latter is not only easier to suppress, but also easier to absorb, and he can feel that as long as he swallows the appetite law of God Furnace Dao, then he will break through the limitations of the existing law to a great extent and reach the level of a glutton. .

And the glutton, as the supreme ruler under the master of desire, his own law of appetite, to some extent, has been regarded as one of the sources, and according to Wang Baole’s judgment, after being promoted to the glutton, he can be regarded as true...and the law of appetite Regardless of each other, if he falls, the law of appetite will also be weakened by him for a period of time.

   Therefore, when he was promoted to Gluttonous Lord, he was to a large extent the true self of Appetite City. This was also the reason why Appetite City's Appetite Lord said that sentence before he came to this hunting feast.

   "So..." Wang Baole narrowed his eyes, raised his head and glanced at the Meteorite fingers in the mist above his head, and then looked at the God Furnace Road, which was constantly moving away from the distance.

  He understood that with his current control over this finger, he could not support and drive him to pursue it, and as long as he let go, the opponent would probably hide again.

  But... he possessed some qualifications, and he could find it again after taking some time based on induction, so this measurement didn't last for a few breaths, and Wang Baole had an answer in his heart.

  In the next instant, Wang Baole directly released his hand holding the black tentacles, and actively disconnected the absorption of the Meteorite fingers. The moment he let go, Wang Baole stepped forward suddenly.

In the sky, he could see his afterimage flashing by. In a flash, the face of the God Furnace Road, which was escaping quickly, changed suddenly, without any hesitation, and with all his strength, the heat wave inside his body burst out suddenly to the surroundings, causing nothingness around it. All were twisted in an instant, as if everything existed beside him, it would be completely burned.

  But obviously...this is not absolute. In the blink of an eye, in the permeation of this distorted nothingness and high temperature, a hand came out of nowhere, directly pressed on the forehead of Shenludao, and gently pushed.


The sky seemed to collapse, the earth-shaking loud noise, and the monstrous eruption, Shenludao let out a stern roar, his body seemed to be out of control, as the force of his forehead was sent like a storm, his body was directly in this violent power Down, suddenly rolled back, the speed was even more violent than his previous escape, and he was directly blasted to the ground.

  With the roar of the earth, his body was directly hit on the ground like a meteorite, forming a huge depression.

  In mid-air, Wang Baole stood there with his hair flying and his eyes showing faint glow. He looked down at the struggling divine furnace in the deep pit, and then looked up at the sky where the Meteorite’s fingers had been before.

  There...it was already empty. The moment Wang Baole let go, Meteorite's fingers had already moved away. Although they disappeared, they could still vaguely feel the position of the opponent moving rapidly at the moment in Wang Baole's induction.

   "Come one by one, don't worry." Wang Baole licked his lips, and withdrew his gaze to the sky. With a shake of his body, he directly cut through the void and appeared on the ground pit, looking down at the divine furnace road below.

At this moment, the whole body of the God Furnace Road was almost torn apart, with blood in his mouth, and the eyes looking at Wang Baole showed horror and unbelievable, wanting to struggle, but in the next instant, dozens of Wang Baole’s dark nightmare appeared in the surrounding area. Hold it tightly.

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