A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1354: Treachery (second more)

Wang Baole’s complexion changed suddenly, his speed reached its limit, and finally when the palm of his hand fell suddenly, he rushed out from its edge, but the pressure and storm formed by the fall of this giant hand still swept over Wang Baole’s body, causing his body A staggering, but the next instant, the speed expands again, without looking back, sprinting to escape.

And the finger that chased him, at this moment, merged with the giant hand that fell, appeared at the location of the severed finger, and gradually grew together.

After Wang Baole noticed this scene, he escaped faster, because after the fingers were connected to the palm, the five fingers of the giant hand moved slowly at this moment, turning into fists, and following each other's movements. Touching, as if reaching a consensus, after opening, toward Wang Baole, chasing him at a faster speed.

"Too much deception!" Wang Baole was very depressed. With one finger, he can still fight, but with five fingers and a palm, it is impossible to suppress it unless his own body arrives.

Even if he was overtaken by him, Wang Baole worried that he would be swallowed and absorbed by the other party soon, which made Wang Baole a headache, but he did not regret his previous greed.

After all, the pursuit of wealth and danger, if it were not for my previous efforts, how could the law of appetite soar, from more than 300 meters to a height of more than 500.

So even though he was depressed at this moment, Wang Baole was also satisfied, his body quickly fleeing, turning into a long rainbow between heaven and earth, flashing past Cheng Lingzi and the others.

Cheng Lingzi and the others stared blankly at Wang Baole's back, the huge palms that seemed to contain anger, each of them pale. After looking at each other, even though they were shaken by Wang Baole's powerful force, they couldn't help but raise a guess.

The new glutton... is it going to fall here...

Even Cheng Lingzi, who has always been enthusiastic about Wang Baole, shakes his confidence at this moment, opening his mouth to say something, but looking at Wang Baole's embarrassed figure in the distance, he is still silent.

Wang Baole also has a headache. Although his speed is fast, his palm is as amazing and he is chasing after him. Even if he escapes into the mist, he still chases after him, and under the fog of the sky, his palm still doesn't let go. , Seems to be able to pursue it until eternity.

There were even a few times when I didn't know how to spread this finger, but suddenly accelerated and grabbed Wang Baole. Although it was all empty, it still made Wang Baole's mind trembling.

"It can't go on, otherwise, the further you go, the more dangerous it will be..." In anxiety, Wang Baole suddenly looked down at the earth, his eyes showing struggle, but soon the struggle disappeared and replaced by decisiveness.

His body shook, this changed direction and went straight to the ground.

Since neither the sky nor the midair can get rid of the palms behind him, there is only one way before Wang Baole, and that is underground!

"Look at whether this palm can fight against the sea of ​​scattered wills underground!" Wang Baole's speed was astonishing, and with a boom, his figure had reached the ground without any pause, stepping directly into the ground, rushing in the mud, and fleeing towards the ground. .

After him, those thousands of feet of huge fingers were already chasing, and they pressed on the ground with a boom, and they penetrated like a bamboo, and continued to chase Wang Baole.

Soon, Wang Baole reached the position of more than two thousand meters underground. The scattered will here was already very strong, but Wang Baole's speed did not slow down at all. After noticing that the palm behind him continued to chase him, he sank again.

Until he reached the position of more than four thousand meters, as the law of appetite dissipated, Wang Baole obviously felt that he was more calm than when he first came to this depth before. At the same time, he also noticed the palm behind him, which seemed to be there. Under the impact of the scattered consciousness sea, the speed was slightly slower, especially its five fingers, which seemed to be a little uncoordinated with each other.

This scene made Wang Baole's spirits refreshed and rushed away again. Just like that, when Wang Baole rushed into more than five thousand feet, a call for help came faintly in his ear.

"Save me...Save me..."

This cry for help seemed to contain a certain thrilling power, and the moment it came, the law of desire in Wang Baole's body immediately experienced strong fluctuations.

Wang Baole himself felt intense discomfort, but when he noticed that, after chasing his palm, his five fingers became more and more confused, as if to split each other, he gritted his teeth fiercely, and galloped away in the direction of the call for help. .

Here, it is the same depth as Wang Baole’s first entry into the ground before, but the location is different, but it doesn’t matter. The cry for help, like coordinates, makes Wang Baole gallop in this underground, toward the cave that he has visited. Coming closer.

After a stick of incense, the cry for help became clearer, Wang Baole's mind was affected, and only felt that his mind was buzzing. Fortunately, the law of appetite had a great effect at this moment, helping him to constantly counteract it, so that Wang Baole could maintain his sanity, but behind him The chase came to the palm of his hand. In this position, perhaps because of his inconsistency of will, to the extreme, all five fingers were separated from the palm of his hand during the roar.

With the separation, the five fingers and palms immediately moved backwards in six directions, and Wang Baole finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then felt bitterly, the withered fingers that had been absorbed by him were gone. direction.

"Wait for me!" After murmured from the bottom of his heart, Wang Baole groaned for a moment, did not leave, but continued to rush towards the place where the cry for help came from.

This was his previous plan. He was going to see what was going on in that cave. Now that he was here, he had no reason not to go. So after another stick of incense, when Wang Baole reached a level that could bear it. After the limit, the mud in front of his eyes disappeared, and a cave suddenly appeared in front of him.

In this cave, there was a figure floating in midair, and his body was entangled by a large number of tentacles. These tentacles penetrated into his body, wriggling, constantly absorbing his life and soul, and transmitting it to unknown places.

And the scattered will here was extremely violent, Wang Baole forcibly endured the pain that his head was about to explode, his eyes were red, and he looked at the floating person abruptly.

"Save me..." The floating figure was a man, thin and withered like a corpse, but the coercion emanating from his body fully erupted with Wang Baole's body, and it was not too much.

At this moment, he seemed to perceive Wang Baole. His closed eyes slowly opened, revealing...heavy pupils in his eyes, looking at Wang Baole, but the next moment, after seeing Wang Baole clearly, his eyes shrank suddenly and his body Suddenly, there was a violent tremor, and monstrous hatred broke out in his eyes, and he roared sharply.

"Emperor, you are despicable and shameless, treachery!"

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