A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1381: Six sedan chair (second more)

For Wang Baolin, the six desires in this second world are well-intentioned, such as the appetite master, and malicious people, such as the listening desire master, but in any case, the common enemy of the six desires is the seven emotions.

Therefore, in Wang Baole's judgment, being in contact with Seven Emotions will help him understand the world better, and at the same time, he will advance his ultimate goal.

"Seven emotions and six desires..." Wang Baole murmured, speeding up, and galloping toward the scarlet sedan chair. He wanted to see where the other party was going, and even wanted to find out whether the suppressed inside... was related to Xizhu!

In this way, time slowly passed. In this dark night, perhaps because of the weirdness of the scarlet sedan chair, Wang Baole didn't encounter any weird things in the world of desire, as if those weird things felt far away. After arriving at the Scarlet Sedan chair, they backed up one after another, not daring to approach the slightest.

At the same time, the speed of this blood-colored sedan chair has also reached an astonishing level, often flashing, which is a very long distance. If it were not for Wang Baole, it would be extraordinary here, and I am afraid that it would be impossible to follow.

And even his speed is amazing, but the difficulty of trying to catch up is still great, he can only keep not losing, and stay behind.

Until half of the night passed, the blood-colored sedan chair did not stop again, and it even gave Wang Baole the feeling that the other party seemed to be walking aimlessly, because in the same area, in his perception, the blood-colored sedan chair passed by more than once. .

It seems to be going around in a circle.

This caused Wang Baole to think about his own judgment. When he was following and thinking, suddenly, Wang Baole's eyes condensed suddenly, and he saw the other **** sedan chair in front of him. On the side, in the darkness of nothingness, a red light appeared.

Soon, with the red light shining and clearing, a second blood-colored sedan chair appeared there, but unlike the left-hand sedan chair, this sedan chair did not have any limbs on the curtain.

But with the ups and downs of the Huaqiao, as Wang Baole watched attentively, he quickly saw that a leg was placed in the sedan chair while the curtain was moving with the wind!

It was a woman's leg, it should be very gloomy, but at the moment of seeing it, Wang Baole's heart actually rises with infinite beauty, as if that leg contains infinite charm, so that everyone who sees it will be tempted to approach .

Fortunately, the law of appetite and the law of listening, coupled with his own personality, caused Wang Baole to recover quickly, but his breathing became a little bit short.

Because the appearance of this sedan chair confirmed Wang Baole's judgment.

He stared at the second sedan chair, watching the blurry shadow that crossed the first sedan chair, and continued to follow the first sedan chair in silence. In this way, after half an hour, Wang Baole saw it. The third sedan chair.

The same blood color, the same mummy carrying the sedan chair, the difference is...In the sedan chair, another thigh appeared.

This scene caused Wang Baole's eyes to shrink and continue to follow, until he saw the fourth and fifth...the fourth one was the right hand, and the fifth one was the torso in the blood-colored dress.

There is no head.

"There must be a head. The fancy sedan chair should be six." Wang Baole has a complex expression. After continuous contact with these blood-colored sedan chairs, after successive feelings, as the breath of joy in the body becomes more active, the answer that Wang Baole previously judged in his heart has been determined by him. Give up a lot, only one is left.

"The one in this sedan chair is... Seven Loves Happy Lord!"

"She fought against the master of hearing desire, because she belongs to the seven emotions and possesses an indestructible nature, so... she was divided into six parts by the master of hearing desire."

"Each one is placed in the Scarlet Sedan chair, because the Scarlet Sedan chair itself should be an extremely powerful seal. In this way, the Lord of Joy was completely suppressed."

"So, his body can suppress the law of hearing desire."

"So, his body can make the breath of the law of joy active."

"This is the answer." Wang Baole murmured from the bottom of his heart. This answer conforms to all logic. It is so far, Wang Baole feels the closest to the truth, or in other words, it is a guess of the truth.

Because the blood-colored sedan chair only appears in the dark night, and the night belongs to the law of listening desire, so the Seven Loves Happy Lord is tantamount to being suppressed by double, the suppression of the world of the law of listening desire, and the suppression of the blood-colored sedan chair.

Under this circumstance, there is almost no possibility for the other party to get out of trouble...

Outsiders, because they can't feel the Law of Desire, it is difficult to get in at all. Even if they break into nothingness by force, it is difficult for them to fight against the monks who practice the Law of Desire in this world.

"The joy of seven emotions, if you are suppressed here, I don't know where the other seven emotions are now." Wang Baole shook his head. Now that it is less than half an hour before dawn, Wang Baole simply continues to follow, ready to see the moment at dawn. , Whether the other party will stop somewhere.

There is also the sixth scarlet sedan chair, Wang Baole hasn't seen it yet.

In his judgment, I am afraid that the sixth blood-colored sedan chair that accommodates the head is the real focus.

In this way, with Wang Baole's follow, the last half hour also gradually passed, just as the night was about to dissipate, the dawn had filled the square, and when the dawn was about to break everything, Wang Baole finally saw... the sixth blood-colored sedan chair. !

This sixth blood-colored sedan chair came from the void. The one carrying the sedan chair was not a corpse, but a living person with a blank eye. They were wearing black robes, carrying the sedan chair, and came silently.

With each step, the four living people will dry up a bit, as if their lives are being sucked away by the sedan chair and turned into nutrients for suppression.

And it is different from other sedan chairs. On this sixth sedan chair, there is a monk sitting cross-legged! !

A monk wearing a black and white robe that was once seen by Wang Baole!

Shi Lingzi!

One of the two great masters of Hexianzong, a powerful man of the same order of the law of hearing desires as Yuelingzi!

He looks middle-aged, with his eyes closed cross-legged, but there is a wound on his right wrist. It doesn’t look like the wound was injured by an outsider, it looks like he was cut open on his own initiative, with a drop of blood slowly falling down. , Into the **** sedan chair, making this sedan chair... the color is darker and more coquettish.

It was as if he... was dyeing the sedan chair.

At the moment when he saw Shi Lingzi, Wang Baole's eyes shrank, and a scene from a few months ago appeared in his mind.

That was the first time he saw him. Inside the gate, Shi Lingzi was covered with scars, but with a strong breath, with amazing music, he walked in from the gate and stepped onto the top of the mountain. On the way, all the chord disciples bowed their heads. Meet the figure.

"Shi Lingzi..." Wang Baole paused, and when he closed his eyes on the sixth scarlet sedan chair, Shi Lingzi slowly opened his eyes and looked at Wang Baole with coldness.

Dawn will disperse.

Dawn is coming.

(End of this chapter)

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