A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1393: Emerge again

"This...Is my cultivation aptitude really so good?" Wang Baole, who has always been proud, also rarely questioned himself at this moment.

In fact, he couldn't help but question, because in such a short time, the number of notes in his body had soared by nearly 10,000, making his current superimposed notes almost 30,000.

Although he had thought about this kind of thing before, it needed his constant insight to get it, but now... he is just standing here, just listening to the noise in the city, the notes in the body, it seems to be Like beans, they popped out constantly.

This scene, even him, was deeply shocked.

This feeling is like when he was on the earth, he had not been admitted to the Misty Daoyuan. When he was going to school in his hometown, he confidently believed that as long as he learned it, he would definitely get 100 points in the test.

But with the arrival of the exam, he hadn't had time to learn, but when the test paper was placed in front of him, the answer actually popped out of his mind.

It's as if he made the exam questions...

When Wang Baole thought of this, his body shook suddenly, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and he murmured in his mouth.

"As if the exam questions were my own?" Wang Baole thought of the battery-like power that the first world saw in the hunting feast, and the other side looked resentful and crazy after seeing him.

At the same time, he also thought of the appearance under those emperor spirit masks. The speculation that once appeared in his mind, but was suppressed by him, once again surfaced.


This idea almost just surfaced, and he was forcibly cut off by Wang Baole. He stood on the street and was silent for a long time before quietly walking back to the restaurant.

In the restaurant's room, he opened the window so that the outside sound can be continuously introduced in, so that the number of notes in his body is always increasing.

Until the total number reached more than 40,000, the frequency of this increase slowly decreased, and it stopped completely until dusk, and the total number of overlaps... also reached 50,000.

With 50,000 notes superimposed on each other, Wang Baole didn't know exactly how powerful it was, but he could feel that the strength of his...comprehensive combat power at the moment had reached an astonishing level.

Although it is still not as good as the main body, but... at this moment, due to the increase in the law and perception, he is confident that he has the power to save his life in the face of any shot of the desire master.

"If I continue to practice in this way...If one day, I master the laws of seven emotions and six desires and cultivate to the same height, at that time, what will I do..." Wang Baole closed his eyes in silence and waited for dark.

Not long after, the evening was shrouded in darkness, and the whole Tingyucheng turned into darkness. Wang Baole opened his eyes, his body gradually became nothingness, turned into a weird state, and stepped into the world of hearing.

As he stepped in, as the surrounding buildings became more linear, as he walked out of the house, the countless strange things that wandered in the dark night outside were all shocked.

At this moment, almost all of the existences in this area, after feeling Wang Baole, bowed their heads to him, like the aura on Wang Baole's body, making them all surrender.

This scene made Wang Baole's eyes show a faint glow, and walked out without expression. As he walked in the listening world, all the strange things along the way were like this. This also proved that Wang Baole's body The horror of the superimposed sound of fifty thousand notes.

Wang Baole thoughtfully, at this moment in front of him, in the void and distortion, there is a strange turtle-shaped thing. Its body is huge and thousands of feet. It is slowly walking by, as if he has noticed Wang Baole. There, I dare not move.

Looking at the tortoise-shaped weird thing, this kind of existence, Wang Baole saw in the past, is to avoid, but now, it seems that his breath can make the other party awe.

In the silence, Wang Baole thought in his mind that these weird things here, based on his previous situation, can at best make them close to him, which can be controlled to a certain extent, but at this moment, he seems to have a certain switch.

With the movement of his thoughts, the huge turtle-shaped creature that was rotting and full of pustules in front of him, his body was instantly blurred, silently, and seemed to be erased...

During the whole process, this weird thing was lying there, not daring to move.

Wang Baole's thoughts turned again, and the weirdness that was about to be erased suddenly began to reverse and recover.

Wang Baole thoughtfully walked and waved his hand, and suddenly the turtle-shaped creature seemed to have received the decree, and immediately ran away.

"I seem to...can control this." Wang Baole tried several more times. After finally making a judgment, he left the world of hearing, appeared in the dark night, and walked towards the sect.

Although he is no longer immersed in the listening world, but walking forward in this dark night, and there is no fire of notes in his body, the weirdness that exists in the listening world has not rushed as before, but the same as in the listening world. , Stay far away.

"It's interesting." Wang Baole smiled, galloping forward, and gradually approached the volcano of Chord Sect.

Wang Baole's development in this Yuanyu Daokong can be said to be very smooth. His body is silent deep underground, hiding all auras, independent clones outside, and practicing the laws of seven emotions and six desires one after another.

And so far, the emperor has not awakened, and the guardian has not found Wang Baole. He has made many lovers and has also reached a deal with the appetite master.

It can be said that to a certain extent, Wang Baole can be regarded as having a firm foothold in Yuanyu Daokong.

At the same time, in the stele world within his body, his former lover, friend, and cultivation level have also been gradually improved. For them, although Wang Baole has left, his will has turned into the heavenly way of the stele world. .

With the blessing of Heavenly Dao, his master's cultivation level has broken through. Zhao Yameng, Zhou Xiaoya and many others are improving, but...compared to the dangers of the place Wang Baole is facing today, they are still unable to help.

As for the Xiangang Continent, the situation is similar. Although Wang Yiyi's father can do it, he has no reason to do it, so he will only pay attention.

There are other supreme ones who pay attention together.

And Wang Yiyi’s side is one of the two people on the Xiangang Continent who cares about Wang Baole the most. She looks at the bridge almost every day, as if her eyes can use this bridge to see the people in the depths of the vast sea of ​​stars. Wang Baole, in her mind, the pictures and dialogues of Wang Baole when he was gone often appeared.

"Promise me that I must come back."

"I promise you."

There is another one, Chen Qingzi.

Chen Qingzi’s past life memory has slowly awakened. He, who has been apprentice to Situ, will often look at the footbridge at the end of the sky. He knows that Wang Baole has gone through this bridge to find the source of everything. He wants to help, but It can't be done.

So I can only whisper.

"Junior Brother..."

"When can we meet again..."

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