A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 709: Leisurely!

This punch is directly in the starry sky ahead, and it blasts a whirlpool. It seems to be able to shatter all the nothingness around it. It goes straight to the coming black mans. At the moment of its touch, the black mang is releasing all his strength and dissipating himself. At the cost, it broke out directly!

The impact and destruction formed, like the wrath of the waves, drowned the night fairy king, the body of the night fairy suddenly trembled, unable to control the retreat, not lying on the moon, but rewinding in another direction.

In the roar, the chain of the body also suffered from the power of the black mang, and under its instigation, the moon also trembled, and was pulled out by dozens of feet.

This kind of power is strong enough to stun all the monks here, whether it is the Taoist palace or the federation. After seeing this scene, everyone is shocked.

Wang Baole is also sinking in his heart. He knows that if he changes himself, he is afraid that even if he can resist, he will inevitably be hurt and spit out blood, so he will immediately check the night fairy king.

From this point of view, Wang Baole looks a little weird. It is really for the night fairy king. Although the body is repulsed backwards, he can suddenly look up and the body is unscathed! !

Under the circumstance, Wang Baole squinted and looked at the starry sky of the black mans. At this moment, there was gradually an amazing battleship composed of three discs that were huge and familiar with Wang Baole. It was rapidly solidifying from the translucent state!

On top of this huge warship, he stood with a figure. Compared with the majestic battleship, this figure should be very small, but it may be his own existence, but it is strange like the core of this battleship!

Its appearance, Wang Baole is familiar with...

Strong body, three heads, six arms, horrible fluctuations on the body, and some kind of breath that seems to suppress everything, and constantly spread out on his body, seems to be all life within this range, All suppression!

From the perspective of the appearance, he is not a leisurely Taoist, but the Weiyang warrior soaked in the spirit liquid that Wang Baole destroyed at the beginning!

In the feeling, in the moment of seeing the battle body, Wang Baole has already understood that this person... is a leisurely Taoist!

"Is it together?" Wang Baole squinted, and did not retreat in the eyes. Instead, he raised a more intense war, and the red-eyed meridians outside the body became illusory. The emperor formed under the snoring, and the right hand spread, God. The front of the soldiers shines in the stars, and the eyes behind them are magnified in this moment, opening a gap and locking the people!

Almost in the moment of locking the leisurely Taoist people, the eyes of the leisurely Taoist people showed a gray awning. If you can look at it at a close distance, you can see the depth of the eye, there is an irregular piece of the size of the fingernail, which is like an illusion. Like the real existence, the gray light blending black and white in the pupil!

This radiant light, leisurely Taoist body swayed, ignoring Wang Baole behind the purpose of meditation, stepping out of the battleship, stepping into the starry sky, the speed is as fast as the starry sky can also shrink into inches!

People have not arrived yet, the murder is coming!

It is even under the hands and knees. In the surroundings of the leisurely Taoist warriors, the shape of the sun and the moon suddenly becomes illusory. In the continuous spread, there are more stars shining, and in the blink of an eye, they form a pair... The map of the stars!

In this star map, there are nine suns, hundreds of moons, and the number of stars is unclear, and it is not the solar system, but the unexisting starry sky. At the moment when this star map appears, a vast force bursts out, seemingly Smash everything, and with the low voice of the leisurely people, go straight to Wang Baole roaring!

"Town!" The word exit, the starry sky vibrates, all the way, like the glory of this starry sky is bleak, only the star map formed by the leisurely Taoist people, has become the only flaw, far away, like this moment of leisure Taoist, in a starry sky to suppress Wang Baole!

Although this statement is exaggerated, perhaps the power is not so incredible, but the momentum and the feeling of giving people, indeed!

The strong sense of crisis has turned into an unprecedented murder. It is directly in the heart of Wang Baole's heart, such as 100,000 thunder, and it is like a mad sweep. It makes his heart seem to be suppressed and can not be beaten at this moment. The sense of dizziness is strong. Yu, as if the soul is being shaken, so that he can not dodge, and there is no time to think about why the cognac is ineffective, can only be in the eyes of redness at all costs to push the eyes behind me!

Solidification and leisurely people, to interfere with the star map magic, this is the only way to fight this robbery!

"I can kill you once, you can kill you for the second time!" Wang Baole showed madness in his eyes, and the star Yuan Ying also opened his eyes sharply, and all the movements were pushed to push the black eyes behind him, making this eyes in the next moment, jerk. Opened to the extreme, even in the exposed pupils, there appeared a **** silky thing, which filled the range of all eyes and turned into a force of self-defense, suddenly bursting out, covering the leisurely Taoist!

The irregular fragments in the eyes of the Taoist people shine again, but this time almost at the moment of its flashing, Wang Baole’s inner Taoist sorrows, the seemingly power that comes from the depths of the stars, and then erupts!

The sound of the thunder spread throughout the battlefield, the moment of the monk's mind, the advent of the power of the Tao, the purpose of the meditation is fully released, and finally let the leisurely Taoist face change, its battle body together with its unfolding horror star map magical, one of pause.

Irregular fragments in the pupil, those rays that are sealed, seem to have a layer of interference, so that the light is difficult to escape!

At this moment of pause, Wang Baole did not hesitate, and left behind. He was rushed out in the body of the Emperor, and the right hand raised the awn of the gods. It turned out to be the sun, and the scorpion released the edge, toward the solidified Leisurely, you can see it!

This embarrassing, starry sky violent ripples, seems to be able to be opened, forming a long rainbow, running through nothingness, directly appeared in front of the leisurely Taoist body, want to avoid the sun and moon star map, squatting leisurely.

But at this moment, the irregular fragments in the depths of the Taoist people, under the violent struggle, with the tremor of Wang Baole’s sorrow, with the spurt of his blood, the ray of this shard instantly broke free. The ground broke out.

Wang Baole’s heart was shocked, but the fierce intention followed, and he did not retreat a little, still stunned!

The body of the leisurely Taoist people also recovered in this moment, but there was no retreat, but the murderous machine was fierce. The star map was manipulated during the day, and the whole force was blocked. At the next moment, it was met with the soldiers of Wang Baole.

"Give me broken!" Wang Baole screamed, the gods fell, the star map collapsed directly, and it was divided!

The roaring loud noise, reverberating at this moment, the ripples of the ripples are better like the waves rumbling around the rumbling, causing the star air waves to hit, the monks on both sides of the battlefield are also affected, many people spurt blood, stunned fall back.

The same as the blood, and Wang Baole, in the moment of the fragmentation of the star map, a strong indescribable earthquake, directly rewinded, even if he has emperor protection, it is difficult to resist, instant emperor Just cracks appear under the snoring, and the body is even more uncontrollable, and at the same time, a stronger sense of crisis, along with the broken star map, extends an arm belonging to the leisurely Taoist war. Wang Baole’s heart broke out again.

This arm seems to carry some kind of strange power, even the irregular fragments originally in his eyes, at this moment are also illusion in the palm of the hand, toward the body of Wang Baole, grab it!

It is conceivable that once it is caught by it, Wang Baole will be completely destroyed, and there is no resistance to struggle. However, Wang Baole’s life practice is extremely rich, and he is not hesitant at the moment when the hand of the deadly hand is caught. Transposition with the avatar.

In an instant, Wang Baole’s body disappeared and appeared. When he was caught by the big hand, the body blew directly, the roaring reverberation, and the power of self-explosion were completely released in this big hand.

When the sound of suffocating came out, the body of the leisurely Taoist person turned into a Changhong from the fragmented star map, and rushed out quickly, and came to the night fairy king where Wang Baole was located.

The speed is almost close to it. It is obviously a quick fix and no chance to respond to Wang Baole. However, he underestimated Wang Baole’s ability to adapt. At almost the moment when the body and the body were changed, Wang Baole did not hesitate to break. Cracked ten lotus seeds, control the night fairy king rushing out in the middle of the squat, the right hand lifted a direct punch to the front!

From afar, Wang Baole and the leisurely Taoist people are almost at the same time, and then they touch again. The roaring night king retreats, and the Taoist people are backwards like a warrior. Until the Baizhang, the talents are steady, and the look is gloomy. Wang Baole on the shoulder of the night fairy king.

Wang Baole's mouth overflowed with blood, and he looked up at the leisurely Taoist people. The two men played against each other in this short time. Although Wang Baole was in a disadvantage, he could rely on all kinds of means to reluctantly fight.

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