A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 735: What is the chance of Shengtaomen?

"Longnanzi, don't be excited..." Shengtaomen's elders squinted and Wang Baole's words made him very satisfied. In fact, the hardships of this time, the pressure on him, and the majority of his ancestors. Unstable mind, even if he is encouraging the conversation, the effect is very stubborn. For example, Wang Baole’s initiative to demand value is the first one.

"Taiwanese elders!" Wang Baole raised his head sharply, showing some bloodshot eyes in his eyes. The whole person looked like a painful heart, and spoke loudly.

"I can't be excited about Longnanzi. These days, I can't eat well, I can't sleep well. I open my eyes to think of the misery of Zongmen. I close my eyes and think of the future of Zongmen. I told myself again and again. Everything under the leadership of the great elders of the elders must pass, but... I can't do it with illusions in the difficult times of the entire sect."

"Before the elders, please allow me Longnanzi to join the work of repairing the battleship. I used to flow through the blood of the Zongmen, not to mention the sweating of the Zongmen!" Wang Baole excitedly, holding the fist again to the elders. Deeply worship.

The elders in the elders took a deep breath and looked at Wang Baole. After a long time, they showed relief and nodded. Zhang opened his mouth to make a speech, but at the moment Wang Baole saw it, the elder’s mouth said it was A complicated and incomprehensible spell!

When the spell came out, the whole hall suddenly shook, and the light of the star was attracted, and it instantly condensed and enveloped Wang Baole.

Wang Baole’s heart is as usual, and there is no trace of it. When he came, he already thought very clearly. The words he proposed this initiative should be somewhat contradictory to the former Longnanzi’s design, and the repair of the warship is related. Important, so there is a great possibility that it will be explored by elders.

However, this is not important. The contradictions set by people seem to be abnormal. It is also normal to some extent, because Wang Baole believes that his actions are exactly what the elders hoped. Otherwise, there will be no previous calls. That sentence hides the threatening words.

At the same time, he is very confident in the set of the original method that the brothers gave themselves, so at this moment, the look is wrong, as if it did not react, and the opposite elders are on the opposite side, showing deep and deep, like some kind of The secret method to see Wang Baole.

The whole process did not last long, that is, about ten breaths. The light in the elders of the elders dissipated, and a smile appeared on the face, allowing Wang Baole to enter the restricted area and join the repair work.

However, after Wang Baole’s face was uplifting, with the look that he had to pay for the Zongmen, the elders sitting there were on the elders, and their faces were dissipated, revealing a touch of coldness, and when they caught it, they would leave Wang Baole’s reserve. The bag was taken in the hand and looked at it.

"Although the value of the contributed items is not large, it is also a person of interest. If you don't need me to do it, you will know the initiative and filial piety, and you will be the first to come to me. In the future, you can focus on training. As for the other in the Zongzong. In this case, the door is still practicing alone, I don’t know how to pay, and I turn a deaf ear to my words..."

The elders in the elders flashed through the cold, and he was prepared to wait a few more days. If those people did not respond, they said they could not be here. They could only sell them to the sects of the refining servants, in exchange for some repairing warships. The material is gone.

In this way, in the case of a lot of monks and monks, as Wang Baole once chose to practice alone in the Zongmen, Wang Baole left his home with great interest and entered the restricted area.

The restricted area of ​​Shengtaomen is a small space with a radius of about a few hundred miles. There are not many monks in it, about three or four hundred people. It seems to be very empty. The existence of the battleship makes it amazing. .

The warship under the system of the gods of civilization is floating in the mid-air of the small space, surrounded by a large number of arrays that Wang Baole does not know, flashing colorful light, seems to be adding aura to the warship.

From a distance, this battleship of Shengtaomen is made up of two rectangular hulls with a length of about ten miles intertwined into a fork shape. The whole body is red and bright, and it also gives people a dangerous feeling.

Even if it was damaged in many places, even almost half of the place was left with empty shells, but the huge and amazing momentum was still full of strong deterrence, so that Wang Baole could not help but breathe.

"Shengtaomen is just a small sect, and its warships that looted and plundered have such a powerful power..." Wang Baole’s eyes were so bright, and his heart was hot, and he immediately joined the maintenance team of the warship.

At the beginning, his arrival did not attract the attention of too many people here. Everyone is busy with the repair work. Everyone has their own things, whether it is to disassemble materials, build warship parts, or assemble, disassemble, clean up, and Or making energy lines and repairing the killing instruments, they take up most of the time.

Therefore, Wang Baole’s first job in the restricted area was to deal with the scrapped parts outside the warship. He had to inspect all the parts in his own area, and took out the damaged ones and sent them to the repair team that was responsible for dismantling and obtaining useful materials. There.

This work is not difficult, but it is very cumbersome, and it is busy all the time inside and outside like a porter, but Wang Baole not only feels hard, but enjoys it, from the inspection to prove that he was on the eyes some time ago. After the hard work of the civilized refining system, after gaining practical experience, when sending the materials to the repair team, they will draw closer to everyone's relationship with enthusiasm and secretly observe the study.

In this way, after half a month, Wang Baole is fully qualified for his job. Even some parts of him do not need to be sent to repair the team, and he can directly repair it, which makes his work efficiency greatly improved. Their own refining tools have also improved a lot.

As for the time saved by the efficiency improvement, Wang Baole did not waste. He chose to repair the squad in the repair team. Because of the previous relationship processing, plus the busy work, someone to help the nature is popular. So soon Wang Baole shouldered two jobs.

Wang Baole, who is a master of the martial arts himself, in this constant practice, with the gradual mastery of the method of refining the gods and civilizations, the refining of the knives is also rapidly improved, and the reaction is improved in the restoration of the instruments, so that the efficiency is also improved. Many, and even some of the instrument parts that need to be sent to a higher-level repair team, many have been successfully repaired here by Wang Baole!

This made the repair team's disciples amazed. When they looked at Wang Baole, they all showed respect. Together with Wang Baole's great accomplishment and the qualifications of the old disciples, this repair team was unconsciously. Seven or eight people began to take Wang Baole as the head.

In the process, Wang Baole also had a deeper understanding of the whole of the Sao Taomen battleship.

"The warships of the gods and civilizations are divided by the ban, the ban is the weakest, the six bans are the strongest, and even the legendary seventh banned warships and the eighth banned warships... and the sacred gates are owned by some special reasons. The level of the warship is not low, and it can reach the fourth ban..."

"The fourth forbidden warships are generally divided into three hundred or so regions. Each region has different functions, and each has its own structure and is indispensable. In each region, there are tens of thousands of key implements. The big ones have more than 100,000 key implements... Such a complicated structure makes this warship open once, and the speed is fast enough to span several galaxies, and it also has amazing lethality!"

With the understanding, Wang Baole's heart became hotter.

"In addition to this, there is also a core area called the banned source. This area, like the heart and the brain, is the most precious and important place for a warship!"

Thinking of this, Wang Baole looked up at the battleship center in the sky, where ... is the core area, but only the entire Shengtaomen, only seven people are eligible to enter, and the neighbors are not allowed to approach.

Among the seven people, in addition to the elders who were trained in the early days of the gods, they were the only six elemental elders.

"If you want to fully contact the structure of the warship, you need to work from the outside to enter the internal work until you enter this core area... Do you want to destroy a Yuan Ying and transform it into his appearance?" Wang Baole squinted and began to meditate on this matter. Pros and cons.

However, his thoughts did not last long. Soon, because he himself stood out in the repair team, and because the overall number of Zongmen was too small, he was quickly noticed, and he was responsible for repairing the overall work of the parts. The attention of Yuan Ying elders.

"Longnanzi? I haven't found this person to have a good talent before, is it a thick accumulation?" This elementary elders didn't think much about it. After all, in the refining of the urn, there were a lot of thick and thin hair, plus Wang Baole's repair was acceptable. Therefore, after thinking about this elder boy, Wang Baole immediately moved away from the outside area, arranged inside the battleship, and joined the higher-level repair team!

After receiving the appointment, Wang Baole blinked and put the instrument parts on hand down, feeling the bottom of his heart.

"This St. Tao's Gate is not bad. If I go on like this, I am embarrassed to start it... Anyway, maybe my arrival is the creation of this sacred gas of the Thousand Poems!"

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