A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 740: Harvest!

Wang Baole’s deliberately changed voice, with hoarseness, has a sense of embarrassment. This is the voice of his imitation of the big tree of the year. When he was introduced into the battleship, he immediately let all the monks in the battleship seem to have a thunderous bang. In the depths of my mind, I burst open, and my ears were suddenly changed.

As for those monks who are dying, they can’t stand it. They are bleeding, their hearts are being shackled, and even the repairs are strongly suppressed. Even if they are repaired as a higher level than theirs, they are all under the roar of this mind. Squirting a lot of blood, the body is crumbling, and has to hold the wall next to it.

Only the elders who were the highest among them could barely support, but they also had bloodshot eyes and pale faces, and they were terrified.

All of this is long, but in fact, there is no real illusory body from Wang Baole's incarnation, such as the devil's head, until everyone collapses in his voice, all the process is happening in the light stone!

In the next moment, waiting for everyone to react, the black gas visible to the naked eye, from the wall around the battleship, the ground quickly oozing out, so that the entire battleship, immediately smothered black smoke, these black smoke with a horrible breath Wherever you go, there is even some corrosion to the warships.

Even in the blink of an eye, these black gas rushed directly to the people in the battleship under the rapid oozing. It seems that in front of them, all resistance and struggle are useless, and in the blink of an eye, the black gas will penetrate into everyone's body. They rolled their storage bags and magic weapons, and they returned.

Even if there are magic weapons, such as jade, etc., hanging on the neck, or some special treasures are placed in the body, but they can not escape the claws, directly searched by this black gas, and finally with a large storage bag And the black air of the magic weapon, quickly condensed in the open space in front of everyone, instantly formed a fuzzy figure!

This figure consisting of fog has only a rough outline, and there are a lot of flocculent smoke outside the body. It constantly expands and contracts. It looks shocking. At the same time, the red glow of the two groups suddenly emerges from the blurred face. Everyone who lost all the items.

Almost in the moment when this misty figure looks at the crowd, its gaze is as real as it is, and immediately screams in the hearts of the people.

There are even more smog sweeps, an endless icy cold, covering the entire range of warships. This icy breath is cold in the body, but the soul is the opposite, as burned, and these two different feelings, It is reflected in all the monks, and the strangeness and horror formed are even stronger. Those monks who can't bear it anymore can directly faint.

A few Yuan Ying are also like this, they have to work hard to repair, to resist the double pain of the soul and the body. Even the elder, also spurted a large mouth of blood, holding the seat handle on the side, the voice with horror, Forced to open.

"We are a disciple of Wan Lingzong. My elders are grandsons, grandchildren..."

"Noisy!" Before the elders’ words were finished, there was a cold cry from the shadow of the black fog. This coldness surpassed the thunder, and once again, madly raging in the hearts of the people, making the elder elders again. Can not support, blood mad spray, black fog blurred right hand lifted, slammed.

Under this wave, suddenly a vigorous explosion came out. In this battleship, a vortex to the outside was formed, and the violent suction was released. The people in this place were directly sucked and sucked in as much as they swallowed.

When they appeared, these monks were already in the atmosphere outside the battleship, the hurricane hit, the loud rumbling, the trembling, the rest of their lives, in the line of sight, their own battleship, broke out at this moment, and instantly went away!

Obviously, the entire robbery process, from the beginning to the end, the time is too fast, so everyone in the cold wind trembles at this moment, there are most of them with a stunned look, like some can not believe, as a star thief, they are full of outside After returning to his mother star, he was actually robbed by others!

Only the elders responsible for the team, after a lot of interest, sent a heartache to the sky, eyes were red, did not pay attention to the same side, the body burst into full speed, straight to the bottom!

Even when he rushed out, when no one saw it, he raised his right hand and slammed it directly on his chest, making his injury more serious. After looking very miserable, he vomited blood and the speed did not decrease. In the atmosphere, galloping toward the meeting point agreed with the Zongmen.

Immediately after rushing out of the atmosphere and reaching the meeting point, he immediately saw dozens of monks who had come to meet with his ancestral door, and quickly uttered a terrible noise.

"The Sovereign, Sun is guilty, and it is still impossible to protect the warships from being hit hard... Our warships... have been robbed!!"

At the same time as this sentence is said, the old man seems to be unable to suppress the injury, the blood is squirting in the air, and the body is also difficult to support the flight. It falls directly, and is caught by the same sect who is not far away, and catches each other with horror. After he was healed for him, and carefully asked the situation, a middle-aged monk in the crowd immediately took out a jade slip and quickly rumored.

In the next moment, the heavens and the earth changed, and the wind and the clouds rewinded. A figure came from the distance and vanished directly. The storm that started was roaring in the square, making everyone feel shocked. This figure was directly exposed in front of the elders of the surname Sun. It is a big man whose body is obviously taller than ordinary people. In the early days of the sacred ritual, it was the violent violent temper.

"What happened?" This big man has a deterrent and a low opening.

In the face of the elders of their own ancestral halls, the old surnamed Sun shivered in the bottom of his heart, and the process of being robbed quickly was repeated. After listening to the whole department, the male grandson’s eyes showed a strong murderousness and no hair. The wind is automatic, and it is obvious that the inner anger has risen in this moment.

"Dare to rob me of the battleship of Wan Lingzong? Look for death!!" Gongsun Hou's right hand was lifted directly, and suddenly grasped, suddenly there was a heavenly thunder coming out of the air, directly condensing in his palm, turning into an arc of horror The thunder ball, under his glimpse, the thunder ball flew directly into the atmosphere, blasted open, forming a channel that was opened.

In the next moment, the male grandson with the wrath of the sky, the body directly into the passage, the spread of the gods and rumbling, the hands are more in accordance with a special law, to lock the position of the battleship of their own sect. Galloping to chase!

At the same time, in the mad pursuit of the grandfather Sun Ling of the Wanlingzong, there is a certain extent of the atmosphere in this place. In the battleship of Wan Lingzong, Wang Baole’s figure changed from fog to Zhuo Yixian’s appearance, looking forward to being He opened several storage bags, his eyes widened and his eyes were ecstatic.


"Developed!!" Wang Baole was excited and excited. He didn't pay attention to the little donkey with his tongue on his face. He grabbed all the storage bags with a big hand, and then his eyes fell on the warship that he simply controlled.

"This warship must have hidden traces of the other side... But if you give up, it’s a pity..." Wang Baole, squinting, his body immediately started.

With his own refining tools and his practical experience in the past six months, he began a crazy dismantling. Because of the lack of manpower, Wang Baole did not have time to make embarrassment. He relied on the original method to directly differentiate himself. Those who do not have too strong combat power, go with them.

The first dismantled is the instrument in the core area, followed by the power star of the battleship, followed by the protection and attack... Soon, under the cooperation of Wang Baole and the avatar, he gently removed the warship from the inside, he The principle of adherence is how much can be dismantled, which one is easy to dismantle, and which one is the most expensive.

"The Spiritual Ring? Demolition!"

"Aerial kit? Good things, removed!"

"Small components built by the fog stone? This is a rare thing, removed!"

Wang Baole is more and more excited, and Xiaomao is also happy. With the disassembly of Wang Baole, it is inevitable that it will be damaged. This is the best snack for it, so he keeps biting the corners and eating it.

In this way, half an hour passed, in the crazy galloping of the battleship in the atmosphere, under the crazy chase of the Wanlingzong Gongsunhou, the battleship was smashed by Wang Baole and Xiaomao, and they were taken apart and eaten. Eliminated about 30%!

In the end, Wang Baole finally managed to refrain from greed. After filling up the storage bag including the robbing, he had to end the dismantling with regret, and with the small donkey body, turned into a virtual warship, directly overlooking, and After the battleship lost three parts, especially the lack of power, the speed not only slowed down, but also separated from the atmosphere, toward the ground below... like a meteor crashed down! The latest chapter of the three-inch world comes to the website:

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