A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 794: Scare it!

Wang Baole's request for help from the Jinchi Army was imaginable, so although he didn't know the details, he knew very well that this battle ... Once Ling Xian participated, it was almost impossible to win.

"So the key is ... not to give each other the conditions!" While standing outside the fission star, waiting for the time to come, Wang Baole analyzed and deduced in his mind. When the cold eyes flashed, the starry sky in front of him was distorted. , Between the waves of ripples and diffusion, a huge crack appeared suddenly!

At first, the crack resembled a wound, but in the next instant it expanded in the tear, and eventually became a circle, like a large mouth that could swallow everything, and it was like a black hole, in which the vortex was illusionized, and kept turning. This caused a depression in the surrounding sky, so that the time in this area seemed to be distorted.

In this scene, watching Wang Baole's binocular contraction, he also has a more intuitive understanding of the power of Divine Eye civilization. At least this kind of directional transmission that can be turned on at any time in the space of Wenxingxing can't be done by the Federation today.

"Compared with Divine Eye civilization, the gap between the federations is still very big ..." Wang Baole narrowed his eyes. At this moment, he thought of the shorthand for raising the level of civilization that Brother Chen Qingzi had said at the beginning!

"Grow the star of the civilization you are in, let it dominate to swallow another star ... so as to change the environment of your civilization, and increase the overall quality!"

After recalling the original conversation, Wang Baole was silent for a moment. When he looked up, there seemed to be a fire shining deep in his eyes. After gradually hiding, he lifted his right hand and waved forward, and suddenly there were a lot of crickets in the thousands of battleships. There was light in his eyes, and he directed the warships in accordance with Wang Baole's will, making all these warships roar, like a detached arrow, and went straight to the whirlpool!

As each battleship rushed in, Wang Baole's body fluttered, and he stepped into the vortex as well. In the next moment, the flower was clear and clear, he had left the fission star and appeared outside the star where the Jinchi Army was! !!

The Jinchi Legion's resident is an asteroid like Rift, but they are completely different in size and aura, and the latter are barren and the former are rich!

To the imagination, this planet with ten times the size of the split star is filled with greenery, and the breath of life is extremely rich. At the same time, the star source is obviously beyond the asteroid's original capacity.

Obviously ... In the transformation of the day after tomorrow, the Jinchi Army still spent a lot of thought and capital, so that although this asteroid cannot be included in the several planets of the Godhead civilization, it is also rare!

In particular, the breath of several sacred and complete commanders from the Jinchi Army Corps broke out from this Jinchi star at the moment when Wang Baole appeared, and a number of medium-form formation methods were also opened at this moment, bringing together a large number of At the same time, at least tens of thousands of warships in Jinchi Star are slowly taking off in the roar at the moment, and countless large instruments are also operating, locking Wang Baole appearing in the starry sky!

Go all out and be murderous!

In addition, there is a layer of green protection, which is also opened immediately, covering all directions. The hazy stars also distort the starry sky around, like a dream.

"Jinchi Corps!" Wang Baole stepped out of the crack, looking at Jin Chixing, his eyes were exuberant. Although in the breath of Jin Chixing, Wang Baole did not feel the spirit fairy, not even the false fairy, but he would not Got bewildered by this surface, still raised one finger with his right hand as planned.

"Scare first!"

Suddenly, the warships around him parted out immediately, and the whole body was instantly red, rushing out as if burning, and headed straight for the protective cover of Jinchi Xingchen.

In the course of rushing out, these warships sent out an amazing momentum, and even if you look closely, you can see that there are a lot of them, which seem to be unable to withstand this level of eruption. There are cracks on the hull. collapse.

Everything happened too fast, the next moment ... these warships directly hit the protective cover of the Jinchi Army Corps, and the roar burst, the protective cover also sags, and a large number of methods erupted on it. The light spread, and when viewed from a distance, it was as if peeled off a layer of skin!

As for the batch of warships, all of them collapsed into a lot of broken pieces at this moment, some of them became fly ash directly, while others had shapes, but apparently damaged, became garbage, and spread.

"The level of protection is average, but even then, I still have to let the Jinchi Army ’s warships fly out to complete my plan ..." Wang Baole narrowed his eyes, raised his right hand and waved again, and suddenly thousands of warships galloped around him. The array in front of him formed a huge ball shape, covering Wang Baole behind, and at the same time unfolded at full speed, headed straight for Jinchi Xing.

Seeing its momentum, it is actually going to smash directly, smashing the protection and rushing in!

This barbaric behavior immediately stunned the monks of the Jinchi Army. It was on the one hand Wang Baole's self-destructing warships. Although they became famous in the first battle with the Molong Army, in the judgment of many people, The most important thing in the entire split-off legion is the Long Nanzi itself. As for the battleship ... unless it gathers a large number of self-detonates at the same time, the destructive power is not enough.

However, at the moment, the battle situation clearly showed that the Split Legion had made a breakthrough in the warship's armament.

That's all, and Wang Baole's side is so crazy. This smashing action is enough to make the scalp numb, and there is a feeling that the other party must share with himself.

This caused several commanders of the Jinchi Army to give up their defenses one after another. Under their orders, the counterattack broke out at this moment. During the operation of the large magical instruments, beams of light with powerful lethality burst out At the same time, there were thousands of hair burst out from the ground of Jin Chixing, shuttled the protective cover, and went straight to Wang Baole's battleship.

These beams of light are dazzling, and the instant burst seems to turn the starry sky into daylight. The next instant touches the sky, and the sky is roaring. A large number of warships collapse directly, turning into countless wreckage, which can be scattered around Wang Baole Too many, and there is a replenishment as soon as you wave, the momentum is still amazing!

"Damn, this Long Nanzi is really a lunatic. Although these warships are humble, they are also money!"

"He's not bombing a battleship, he's smashing money !!"

The leaders of the Jinchi Regiment were filled with anger, and the counterattack was more intense. Not only were there more beams of light on the ground, but also the Jinchi battleship floating in the air. A strong counterattack!

I have to say that the Jinchi Army ’s warships are extremely sharp. At this moment, even if Wang Baole ’s warships have a certain number of counter-shocks, and there are a large number of them, they will gradually become unsupportable. It is not as good as the supplement. Even Wang Baole, who is hiding in his body, is partially exposed. At this moment, his heartbeat is slightly rapid, but after a flash of his eyes, Wang Baole chose to continue to wait!

All this happened under the eyes of a single thought. His eyebrows frowned slightly. As he glanced over Wang Baole, he always felt that something was wrong, but he didn't see what was wrong, so he squinted , Slightly moved his right hand.

Suddenly in this beam of light that continued to rush to the sky, a flying sword emerged unreal, shuttled between those beams of light, and went straight to Wang Baole!

The speed of this imaginary flying sword is indescribable. The previous breath was still in midair, and the next instant, he went directly to the front of the battleship where Wang Baole was, and directly shuttled a large number of warships. In the collapse of those warships, he stabbed directly towards Wang Baole's eyebrows silently!

Wang Baole's eyes narrowed, he felt a wave of spirits on this flying sword, without any hesitation, he restrained his Xingxian hood, his hands violently struck his tactics, and the warships around him suddenly came close, and one ship appeared to him In front of you, directly explode, blocking Feijian!

The sound of roar immediately spread all over the country. After the explosion of hundreds of battleships, the ghost of the flying sword collapsed and dissipated, and the round ball formation formed by Wang Baole had already been damaged and obviously lost a lot.

But even so, under the control of Wang Baole, the impact of the surviving warships is still crazy. Seeing that they are getting closer and closer to Jin Chixing, the feeling of insanity seems to be all at the same time, and finally the Jinchi Army is anxious.

"Half way!"

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