A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 969: Dao Xing is back!

Dao Xing is also divided into layers. Now the Dao Xing formed by the fusion of these nine ancient stars is clearly at its extreme level, because the people who recognize its birth are so extraordinary!

The celestial ancestor who followed Wang Baole into the celestial land, whether it was cultivation or luck, was enough to make a sensation in all directions. There are also the celestial emperor of this generation of celestial realm, and all of the celestial land. The gathering of the people formed a national luck.

This blessing is enough to shock all directions, plus the world will of this starfall, its recognition is more critical, making the entire starfall as a whole, forever become a witness.

Not to mention that Blaze Patriarch as a star power, witnessed this star and gave recognition, his own existence can already have an influence on the Weiyang universe, and Chen Qingzi... his recognition is beyond the former, basically It has reached the extreme degree of Weiyang universe.

Because behind Qing Qingzi, represents the Sect, his approval is to a certain extent, the approval of the Sect. In this way, it seems that the Dao star has been weak afterwards, but in fact it has already met all the conditions and needs. It's just time, as long as enough years are given, these nine ancient stars will definitely be promoted successfully.

And at this time... The approval of the Supreme Master from outside the territory made the entire Weiyang universe tremble. His approval not only transformed the years of fusion into an instant, but also gave the Weiyang universe an unprecedented way from the beginning to the present. Star promotion!

In this way, as soon as this Dao star appears, it can already be called a superstar in Dao star!

At this moment, with the light shining, the stars in the sky where the stars are falling are worshiping, and all the stars and the people on the earth are also shaking one by one, all bowing their heads.

Even the Emperor of the Star Meteor and its ancestors in the black paper sea set off big waves and bowed their heads. Obviously, the approval of this Dao star shocked them completely.

Also shocked, there were the quaint monks and young men in black. They stared at all of them staring at Wang Baole in the air. Their expressions gradually dimmed, but they were not willing to bow their heads.

Even the little girl who secretly unfolded the meditator's expression at this moment was awkward. It was faint that she seemed to feel a familiar breath, and came down when these nine ancient stars merged.

The same is true of everyone else, even if they have been integrated into the stars of their choice and are being promoted to planets, they can still be influenced by the outside world and wake up in the stars, feeling the outside world and seeing the nine-color light ball in front of Wang Baole, The hearts are shaking strongly!

"This is impossible!!" Little fat man Lu Xiaohai, his eyes almost fell, his heart was even more grieved, he felt unfair, why he was only the lowest special star, and the terrible Xie mainland, actually here Feng Zheng personally created a Taoxing!

What grieves him most is the special star he fuses, whose rule is the wind path, and this path...in that nine-color road star, it is one of the rules of the nine ancient stars.

To a certain extent... even if he is promoted to the planet, he must be suppressed by the opponent!

Contrary to him here, it was the mask woman. She opened her eyes and stared for a moment, then suddenly laughed and murmured softly.

"Wang Baole..." As she said, she closed her eyes and ignored it, but continued her own breakthrough.

It's a pity that Wang Baole at this time can't feel the movements in the stars where the mask girl is, otherwise, he must be mad at the moment, because his real name, even in the Divine Eye Galaxy, is almost unknown, let alone in This star fell to the ground.

But...the mask girl actually said it!

And all the existence in the whole star fall place, all shook and worshiped, the sky of the stars seemed to be comatose when welcoming the new emperor, but the Dao star in her body was a strong tremor, which included unwillingness, including The anger also contains a trace... regret!

Because it felt the suppression of the layers, it was also the Dao star, but when it looked at the nine-color stars in front of Wang Baole, it actually had a sense of looking up.

This feeling makes it clear to the conscious, that although the identity is the same, but the status is completely different, just like the emperor of the ordinary, some are emperors of small countries, some are emperors of big countries, and each other's identity is emperor, But how can status and power be the same?

What makes it feel more trembling is that it is faintly sensitive to the only law born from these nine ancient stars. Its intuition tells itself that this only law...has a strong aggression against itself Threats!

In the worship of these beings and the trembling of paper ruled Dao stars, Wang Baole also breathed with excitement, and his heart was very excited, and his attention was all placed on the nine-color Dao stars in front of him.

These nine colors, in addition to the conventional colorful, there are black and white.

Looking at this Dao star, he can feel the commendation from his own direction, and also feel the gratitude and companionship from it, and within this star, the exclusive Your own brand!

This imprint is precisely the power of Wang Baole's vows and desires, which is represented by this star's recognition of the Lord and eternal rebellion, because the recognition of all powerful people is condensed in Wang Baole's vows and wishes Above, to put it simply, it is both a witness and a desire to satisfy Wang Baole.

So once this star betrayed and lost Wang Baole's vows, it lost everything, and its star body will be broken in an instant!

While enlightening these at the moment, Wang Baole immediately felt the implication of the nine-color Dao stars... the rules!

Its color is nine, and each color represents the different rules of the previous nine ancient stars, and their fusion, at the moment of successful promotion to Daoxing, these nine rules also solidified.

This kind of solidification, because of its own promotion of the blessing of the star, so if the division of rules is metaphorized by authority, then there are nine types of solidification on this star when there is no corresponding star of the nine rules in the world. The rules are just like the king of the emperor!

Although it is not the only one, other stars in the world can also have these nine rules, but when it is reflected in the body of the person who owns this Dao star, it can be used to exert these nine rules of magical power. In addition, the invisible resistance in the body will also When encountering these nine kinds of rule enemies, the effect is even greater.

Under this strong and weak, to some extent, Wang Baole has been in the peak position in the planetary realm, even if compared with the bell girl with the paper rule Dao star, it is not too much.

Because these nine rules basically contain the half of the magical powers that the monks can develop!

Since then, all monks who practiced these nine laws, after encountering Wang Baole, unless they were very much higher than the realm and could be suppressed by volume, otherwise, they would not be Wang Baole's opponents in the same realm!

And these... are not all of Wang Baole’s harvest this time, even to be precise, these are just fur. His real harvest this time is after the nine ancient stars are fused together, under the influence of each other’s rules, they are counted again. In the recognition of this powerful person, what was obtained...is imprinted in the Weiyang universe, the only law formed!

This rule only belongs to this Dao star, what is it, because it was just formed, so even Wang Baole is only a vague feeling at the moment, and he needs to integrate it into the body and the moment of promotion to the planet, he can fully grasp it. As a result, outsiders at this moment are more difficult to know!

What can be judged is only the rules of the nine ancient stars that it used to be, and the only rule...only guessing.

"I can feel faintly... This is the only law, it's very interesting..." After whispering in his heart, Wang Baole's eyes instantly shone brightly, looking at the nine-color stars shining in front of him, and lightly speaking the words like the law. .

"Nine-color Dao stars, don't return to place, when to wait!"

As soon as his words came out, there was a buzzing sound from the Nine-color Dao stars, which seemed to be promised. As the light shone glaringly, towards Wang Baole's eyebrows, he rushed in an instant, momentarily...into it!

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