A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 995: Come one after another

Because of Lin You's status, and Lin Tianhao's own identity, who is now appointed as the master of the city, coupled with his relationship with Wang Baole and his arrival, this wedding on Mars is very grand.

Wang Baole also carefully prepared a gift until the wedding reached its peak. With the opening of the internal banquet, the wedding hall held a wine glass and looked at the newcomer Wang Baole in front of him.

"Dao Bin, why don't you think that Tianhao can't think about it? Why should you get married so early..." Wang Baole drank to the side Liu Daobin, who came to follow him as soon as he arrived after his arrival. , The smile on the corner of his mouth, with some sympathy.

"Boss is right, after going out to play, there is another good brother." Liu Daobin also laughed at Wenyan, and whispered after coughing.

"Boss, you have not been in these years, and a batch of immigrants have come to the Mars Special Economic Zone, and I have worked hard for the construction of the new Mars District. The girl group, performing in the entire Federation, promotes the beauty of my Mars Special Zone!"

"This matter is very important to the Mars Special Economic Zone. Boss, you are my old leader, and your subordinates beg your old people to guide you..." Liu Daobin looked solemn, with sincerity, just what he said, let Wang Baole listen to it. There seems to be something wrong, especially when Liu Daobin takes out a jade slip and informs that there is information about the candidate, so that Wang Baole gives guidance, Wang Baole looks strange.

"Dao Bin, Dao Bin, you..." Wang Baole couldn't help crying, and when he was about to strike, a soft voice came from behind them.

"What girl group? Liu Daobin, show me."

Wang Baole turned his head and looked at the familiar figure walking around, revealing memories in his eyes and speaking softly.


The comer is Zhou Xiaoya. Today, she has changed a little bit from her appearance. She is no longer so timid, but at the same time gentle and at the same time, she also has some firmness, external softness and internal rigidity. , It is obvious.

And her appearance also made Liu Daobin blink, and put away the jade jade in his hand and smiled at Zhou Xiaoya with a fist.

"See Lord Sect Zhou!" After he finished, he bowed to Wang Baole again.

"Old leader, the subordinates will not disturb you and Sect Master Zhou, and come back to report to you later." Then, Liu Daobin bowed to the two again, and then backed off.

Zhou Xiaoya glanced away at the leaving Liu Daobin, the beautiful eyes finally fell on Wang Baole's face, then withdrew his gaze, stood beside him without talking, but looked at Lin Tianhao and Du Min, who were at the wedding, with a deep view Blessing and envy.

"This Liu Daobin is too much nonsense. I'll go back and teach him a little." Seeing that Zhou Xiaoya didn't speak after coming, Wang Baole coughed and had nothing to say.

In fact, he was guilty and grateful to Zhou Xiaoya. During this period, his parents often mentioned Zhou Xiaoya, so that Wang Baole knew that during these years when he was away, Zhou Xiaoya's company was very warm for his parents.

It's just that he is no longer the original. He knows that he can't stay in the Federation for too long, so any emotional bond with his old friend will eventually make the other person wait alone.

Wang Baole didn't want this kind of thing, and he couldn't, so he didn't go to Zhou Xiaoya after he came back, and the other party knew his return, but also didn't see him.

There seems to be some distance between the two of them, so that they still meet for the first time after returning.

"It's a lesson." Zhou Xiaoya didn't go to see Wang Baole and spoke lightly.

Wang Baole blinked, coughed, and secretly swept Zhou Xiaoya. After the silence, he sighed in the bottom of his heart. He knew the other party’s heart, but he couldn’t tell the words he was waiting for, so after a thousand words, after silence, he changed It became two words.

"Thank you."

Hearing these two words, Zhou Xiaoya turned her head gently, gazing at Wang Baole, and smiled slightly after a while, her eyes crooked into a crescent moon because of the appearance of a smile, which was very beautiful, but also made her gentle and temperament, It became more and more obvious that his jade hand also lifted up, helped Wang Baole to sort out his clothes, and exhaled softly into his ear, opening his mouth softly.

"Did you owe you in your last life, so you have to touch my heart when I first entered the Daoyuan, and I can always hear your things from the mouth of people around me, and I will never forget you, I can't hold anyone else in my heart, and that's it... Your little white rabbit will wait for you." So, Zhou Xiaoya sighed in Wang Baole's ear without turning his head, and left from his side, the more The farther away, only the fragrance like blue was still diffused in Wang Baole's nose, which made him look back involuntarily to Zhou Xiaoya's back in the crowd.

Looking at it, unconsciously the wedding is coming to an end, Lin Tianhao finally withdrew his body and found Wang Baole together with Du Min, looking at the new couple in front of him, Wang Baole pressed down Zhou Xiaoya's full figure in his mind and blessed with a smile Later, Lin Tianhao also informed Wang Baole of the original Dark Swallows plan, the only one who did not come back and had no news at all was Confucius.

"The lamp of life left by Kong Daoyu did not go out, but the color changed..." Lin Tianhao wanted to say a few words, but today he was the protagonist, so he was quickly pulled away, leaving Wang Baole stuck there meditation.

His contemplation did not last long. With the end of the wedding, people at the banquet laughed and chatted with each other in crowds. In this lively crowd, people who came to visit Wang Baole were endless.

Fortunately, his status is transcendent and his status is endless, so visitors who come to visit do not dare to disturb too much. They often just retreat after visiting, until a former old man appears in front of Wang Baole. With deep emotion and sigh, he deeply bowed to him.

"Goodbye... Master." The person who came is the master of the Venus domain today. At that time, he had a repair with the moon hanging tree that had a relationship with Wang Baole. Some of this big tree did not know how to honor Wang Baole. word.

His cultivation practice has also made breakthroughs in these years, and was promoted from Yuanying Dayuan to the state of Tongshen, but whether it was in the vast Dao Palace or now here, the sighs and emotions in his heart are extremely strong. At the same time, he did not dare to neglect Wang Baole's side. The whole person can be said to be respectful.

"Gui Daoyou doesn't have to be like this." Wang Baole smiled and lifted the big tree that bowed down to see him, watching the fluctuations in the cultivation of the other party's body, Wang Baole's smile was sincere.

"All these years, Gui Daoyou is kind to the Federation!"

Hearing this sentence in the Big Tree, he said that he agreed with himself 10,000 times more than others, and it weighed too much, which made his body tremble a little bit, because he was indeed these years, even in Li Xingwen’s During the crisis, I didn’t even think of a treason. Now that Liu Minghuaming is bright and has Wang Baole’s approval, it is enough for him.

"Adult's words are serious. This is also my home." Dashu took a deep breath, and after he bowed up again, he hesitated and whispered.

"With the cultivation of adults, if you have time to explore the remains of the earth... maybe you can see some secret things about the solar system."

"Huh?" Wang Baole's eyes flashed, looking at the tree.

"Adult, my true shape is, after all, a laurel tree on the moon. The years of existence are very long, and in my vague thoughts, there is a memory..."

"I don't know if this memory is true... It seems that a long time ago, there was a strong force of spiritual practice in the solar system, and I... was a monk in that force, who planted it on the moon."

"This force of spiritual practice has long since left, but I have a feeling in my life. It seems that they... still exist in this starry sky, and since the disappearance of the Federal Spiritual Age, the disappearances that have occurred again and again should be related to this spiritual practice. The forces are extremely relevant!"

"They seem to be using this method to select disciples from today's solar system..."

"For example... Lin You!" the big tree said softly and meaningfully.

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