.It’s more than enough to attend their party .

.However , I don’t know what’s wrong with Feng Rong , but she has to give up the finale position to this young man .

.It’s not like this is the way to praise people . No matter how popular Qin Ye is now , it is impossible for him to be the finale guest .

.” Director Liu , Qin Ye gave me a song just now , saying that it was specially written for this party . I think you’d better listen to the song . ”

.Feng Rong’s calm voice sounded .

.Director Liu was taken aback , Qin Ye knew it .

.As a holy place with a long history, West Lake has been written by many great writers since ancient times .

.Could it be that Qin Ye has adapted one of the songs again ?

.But even if it is adapted , it is impossible to hold such a position as the finale !

.But because of Feng Rong’s face , he had no choice but to say :

.” Give it to me and listen to it . ”

.In fact, the heart has already rejected , /:./’2;”:’, rejected the other party’s idea .

.Even if it was as amazing as ” Do You Know ” , Qin Ye was not qualified to be the finale !

Chapter Hot discussion on the whole network ! Which poem does Teacher Qin want to start with !

.” Is there really going to be a monster in the music world ?”

.After listening to Qin Ye’s song , the director instantly felt a kind of creepy feeling .

.What kind of talent is this to be able to write such a divine comedy ?

.With his many years of experience in the entertainment industry , when this song comes out , maybe the music world will really be shaken .

.And it was an unprecedented earthquake .

.He rationalized his thoughts and said to his assistant :

.” Xiao Zhang , how much money do we have left ?”

.The assistant took out the notebook and looked at it .

.” Director Liu , there are probably more than ten thousand . ”

.Director Liu heard the words , thought for a while, and said :

.” You can save more than 10,000 yuan to prevent accidents , and the rest will smash traffic for me , and smash them hard . ”

.The assistant was stunned for a moment , and quickly persuaded :

.” Director Liu , will there be any opinions on the scenic spot ?”

.His words also reminded Director Liu that although he has absolute control over the funds .

.But when the time comes to reconcile the accounts , I still have to give an account . This traffic flow obviously exceeded the expectations of the person in charge of the scenic spot .

.” You wait , I’ll talk to that side before deciding . ”

.Director Liu said sternly .

.He felt that with Qin Ye’s song , this West Lake Gala might also leave an indelible mark in the history of West Lake .

.So , he wanted to create momentum for the party .

.Let the people of the whole country witness the advent of a Divine Comedy !


.these days .

.Qin Ye also had nothing important to do .

.Apart from making up lessons for Zhao Lingying on time every day , the days are quite leisurely .

.The next two issues of ” Musicians for All ” will not have him appear , so he doesn’t have to prepare for anything .

.Just be there while recording .

.On this day , several news spread on the Internet , all about the introduction of the West Lake Gala .

.The numerous star guest lineup shines on the entire stage .

.However .

.What everyone didn’t expect was that the only topic on the hot search was a rookie singer .

.#Binda talented Qin Ye created another divine comedy for the West Lake Gala #

.For a time , the whole network was sensational .

.To say that during this period of time , which name was the most active on the Internet , it was Qin Ye .

.This big talent from Binhai has suddenly emerged , and has dominated the charts on major music platforms .

.Let the original niche music style directly become popular all over the Internet , and many people are looking forward to his next performance in ” National Musician ” .

.But everyone didn’t expect that the original ” Musician for All ” contestant was actually linked to the West Lake Gala again .

.Also wrote a song ?

.” Is Mr. Qin going to teach at West Lake again ?”

.” Fuck , there are too many poems about West Lake . Su Shi , Ouyang Xiu , and Xin Qiji have stayed there . ”

.” Make a bet , don’t miss it when you pass by. Guess which song Qin Ye will remake ?”

.” Fuck , isn’t this asking Lao Tzu to go to Baidu ? Lao Tzu can’t say anything . ”

.” Mr. Qin has assigned homework !”

.a time .

.Which poem Qin Ye wants to adapt has become a hot topic among the people .

.The most terrifying thing is that some people are now searching for West Lake in Duniang , and the entries that appear automatically are all [ West Lake Travel Guide ].

[ West Lake Tourist Attractions ], [ West Lake Scenery ] and so on .

.But the style of painting has changed in the past few days. When you search for the West Lake, it will immediately show you [ Ancient Poems About West Lake ] !

.People were shocked to find that Qin Ye had such an influence .

.a villa .

.” Bastard , why is this kid out of the limelight ? It must be Feng Rong’s fault , this guy is crazy !”

.Wang Linhan looked at the news on the screen and wanted to smash his phone .

.He was also invited to attend the West Lake party .

.I thought that even if Feng Rong was a senior based on his traffic , he would not be able to compare with himself in terms of popularity .

.Who knows , this guy actually pulled Qin Ye .

.The other party has been in the limelight recently , and even he can only temporarily avoid the edge .

.” I’d like to see how you can change those ancient poems , just relying on this gimmick to get popular for a while , and when everyone gets tired of hearing it , how old are you ? ”

.He was not without jealousy .

.Having been in the entertainment industry for so many years , of course he knows how to get the most traffic .

.Adapting ancient poems like Qin Ye ‘s will give people a sense of freshness .

.But this freshness will definitely not last for too long . You can adapt one or two songs , and three or four songs are acceptable .

.But if you play like this all the time , it is easy for the audience to have aesthetic fatigue .

.There are many others who think like him .

.The entertainment industry cake is so big , whether it is money or traffic , Qin Ye’s sudden emergence will inevitably affect the interests of many people .

.Just like recently , the traffic of the whole network was almost all rounded up by Qin Ye alone , and other celebrities spent more energy and money in order to get exposure .

.How not to make people jealous .

.” I want to see what poems you have adapted . It is worthy of the praise from the people in the scenic spot . ”

.A beautiful woman sneered with disdain .

.Her name is Lin Yuyan , and she used to be a female singer who debuted in the talent show .

.Because of his beautiful face , he has gained a lot of attention just after his debut , even more than the current Qin Ye .

.Her behind-the-scenes team is also very visionary and knows that traffic stars are not a long-term solution .

.Therefore , while making money , it is also transforming for it .

.No songs are released , and they are all in cooperation with the country’s famous lyricist and arranger team .

.In addition, its own voice condition is also very good , as well as that angel-like appearance and devil-like figure .

.So that she now faintly wants to become the leader of the younger generation of music .

.This time, she was also invited to the West Lake Gala . Without Qin Ye , she would definitely be the one who gets the most attention .

.Such a psychological gap made her a little unhappy , who had always been the proud woman of the sky .


.With all this attention .

.The West Lake party has arrived .

.All the focus of the entire network is betting here .

.This time, not only was the lineup the strongest in the previous West Lake Gala , but Qin Ye, the person who the whole network was looking forward to, was there .

.As a result, the party has also received unprecedented attention !

Chapter Narcissistic little diva ! ? Seeking flowers for evaluation ?

.West Lake party on the day .

.A rare heavy rain brought a touch of coolness in this hot summer .

.Under the moisturization of rain , the originally pleasant West Lake is even more beautiful .

.Because of the party .

.The number of tourists in West Lake has increased a lot than usual .

.By evening .

.Because of the heavy rain , even in summer , it does not feel sultry .

.And the West Lake under the night , adds a hazy feeling of misty rain .

.Yuehu Lake Scenic Area .

.The gorgeous stage has long been built .

.At this time , the final rehearsal work is in progress .

.The entire venue has not yet opened , but it is crowded with people outside .

.Listening to the sound waves coming from time to time , many tourists are a little excited .

.Because of the schedule , many stars have taken time to come to one side of the show in the past few days , and they will have a unified rehearsal today .

.That is to go through the process , after all, it is not a star-studded program , and there is no such harshness in all aspects .

.However .

.What everyone didn’t expect was that many people were busy and busy , and only Qin Ye was playing with his mobile phone and doing nothing .

.” Student Qin Ye , come on , I will watch your performance on Douyin . ”

.It is the prestige from Su Lingyun .

.After these days of getting along , the two are considered familiar .

.Qin Ye smiled and replied :

.” Wait, don’t be so handsome by me !”

.” Smelly . ”

.” I mean , I’m a little nervous wearing something so gorgeous for the first time in my life . ”

.” Giggle , then I’ll have to take a good look at it later , how gorgeous it is . ”

.Qin Ye looked at the gorgeous suit on his body , and teased this beautiful woman with joy .

.He didn’t lie to Su Lingyun , he really never wore such handsome clothes in this life .

.Of course .

.For the costumes of this kind of party , artists with brand endorsements generally wear clothes designed by their own brands .

.And he was alone and was specially prepared for him by the director team .

.” Who are you chatting with ? Are you smiling so happily ?”

.Feng Rong’s laughter came .

.Qin Ye hurriedly told Su Lingyun that he was busy and would talk later .

.” Su Lingyun is the girl from the Imperial Academy of Drama . ” Qin Ye admitted generously .

.Feng Rong looked at him in surprise , thought about it, and smiled :

.” Don’t say , the two of you are really a good match . One is a literary genius and the other is a drama student . Both of you have good aptitudes . ”

.Qin Ye was embarrassed and touched his head : ” Mr. Feng Rong , stop joking . ”

.I don’t know .

.Feng Rong patted his hand and said sternly :

.” Don’t move around , the makeup artist has designed your look for so long , do n’t mess it up . If you want to participate in this kind of event in the future , even if you have an itchy head, you can only gently massage your scalp , you know ?”

.Like an elder , she taught Qin Ye how to adapt to his current status .

.Qin Ye hurriedly nodded .

.Feng Rong was satisfied after this , and continued on the topic above :

.” I’m serious , this year’s champion is either you or Su Lingyun’s girl . Although she is far less creative than you , she is not much worse than you in other aspects . ”

.” It is estimated that the only person who can challenge your 3S player status is her . ”

.hmm ?

.Qin Ye didn’t expect Feng Rong to value Su Lingyun so much . Listening to this tone , Su Lingyun will play in the next issue , and this senior mentor may give S rank .

.However , Qin Ye didn’t really care .

.To be honest , there are only three mentors who can get into his eyes .

.The other players … it’s not that he underestimates everyone here as trash !

.The two talked about the topics on the show like this .

.Some star entertainers in the distance pay attention to the two of them from time to time .

.” Is that the most popular Qin Ye these days? I really don’t understand why the director team invited him here ? Not even a rehearsal ?”

.” Who knows ? It was said that he wrote a song for the scenic spot . I was a little curious , but he didn’t arrange a rehearsal for him . I don’t know what the hell is going on . ”

.” Did you say his songs were temporarily killed ?”

.One person said with a sinister smile .

.Everyone shook their heads .

.At this time .

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