She was writing on the high stool with the microphone , one beautiful leg resting on the toes on the ground !

The music also plays at the right time .

The whining harp and piano sound made all the singers in the backstage stunned ! !

This melody is very good , it is impossible that the six of us have never heard it .

” It’s amazing , is there something wrong with it ?”

Could it have just appeared recently ? Still not on fire ?

While they were a little confused , they were also completely attracted by the song’s content .

After this stunning melody !

Lin Yuyan’s slightly ethereal voice sounded .

to know that year, we have said it several times .

” Goodbye and then delay . ”

pity who has it or not , it’s not a match to have loved .

The eloquence above the seven emotions . ”

oh oh oh !

Everyone’s eyes widened, it was so good !

And .

There is deep emotion in the song , sadness, desolation and regret . Many people are hit by this beginning , and unconsciously, the figure who once loved but did not reach the end emerges !

a time .

People are crazy too !

In a hurry that year we .

a hurry .

An unbearable promise .

Just wait for someone else to deliver .

Xu Xianghao in the background immediately stood up !

Impossible ! ” Other people are also full of disbelief, there is no weakness , and they are very deep , it is impossible that we have not heard this song together !

They can’t be calm anymore !

Originally thought that when it came to the feature film, there might be problems .

Now it seems that even the first few sentences have completely amazed them !

Even if it collapses later , it is impossible to be without fame !

on stage .

Lin Yuyan didn’t know that her singing brought such a big sensation to everyone !

In order to let herself into the singing , her whole mind was full of Qin Ye’s handsome face .

Her eyes were also closed gently , and her long eyelashes trembled slightly, no wonder the hickey was still there , not accumulating into a cocoon .

Even hugging the hibernation, I can’t , and I will become a fairy again .

Don’t blame this relationship, I don’t have time to rehearse again and again .

It is the gift of tolerance of the years, and the time to repent . ” The more stories people have , the more they can’t resist the impact of such singing .

That strong emotion seemed to break their hearts. Some people were red-eyed , and everyone was obsessed with watching the youthful, beautiful , yet delicate figure on the stage .

There was a feeling of distress at this time .

Tears fell from Lin Yuyan’s tightly closed eyes .

That charming appearance is heartbreaking .

that made the audience break the defense came one after another !

” Don’t be red-eyed if we see you again . ”

Can you still blush . ”

” Like that year in a hurry . ”

Carved forever together . ”

” Such a beautiful rumor .

Some viewers finally couldn’t resist this strong impact !

Tears rolled down the corners of his eyes .

The look is full of pain and confusion !

If you can’t blushing when you meet again , can you still blushing? Zhao Yanyue wiped the corner of her eyes .

She was just overwhelmed by this song and thought of the scene where she and her first love met at a party .

the first time they met after a few years of separation .

Just a simple greeting !

No blushing eyes , and no blushing face, but that’s what made her feel endless regret and heartache !

Others were no better .

Feng Rong, a more emotional person , has already reddened her eyes .

It really sang the youthful and miserable first love , who could write such lyrics ?

Several singers were lost .

They knew that just by virtue of this sentence , this song was enough to enshrine the gods, but none of them had heard of it and Lin Yuyan on the stage had already brought rain .

Her whole body was integrated into the singing, and there was only one figure in her mind .

It’s so out of reach !

What Ye Wenjie didn’t know was that she didn’t dare to contact Qin Ye and didn’t dare to tell Qin Ye that she liked him , because she knew that doing that would hurt both of them and she only wanted one that belonged to her . Gu Xiaoyan !

Even if .

The emotion in the singing that can only be found on the virtual network is even more hurtful !

If the past is still worthy of nostalgia , do n’t let it go too quickly .

Whoever is willing to be like this , has nothing to do with each other. ” We have to owe each other . ” Otherwise, why should we miss each other .

Break again .

Looking around , it was already full of people with tears .

Some people’s tears are spilled like they don’t want money !

Weeping !

They thought of a lot of people , a lot of places , a lot of things over the summer , that classroom , that commitment eventually . All vanished !

are only endless memories and regrets, and they have to put these in the deepest part of their hearts, seal it in dust , and let it be buried with time ! 74 available at the moment .

of singing completely lifted the emotions that the dusty memory had stored for many years , directly shattered their souls , and made them completely unable to control themselves. The live director also turned his head and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes .

Subsequently .

Looking at the crying audience again , I sighed inwardly !

Gu Xiaoyan ?

He looked at the names on the manuscript .

really can’t think of when such a person suddenly appeared in the Chinese music scene .

A figure appeared in his mind , and then he shook his head again !

These two are not the same style !

This song has no traditional instruments on the melody !

And the word above !

Qin Ye’s words can be described in one word , that is beauty !

Picturesque ! It’s a word that makes people stunned , although it’s also great !

But the style is very different , it belongs to the most fragile and soft place that directly hits the heart of the human being !

Not that old fashioned !

If you really want to say that the two have anything in common, the only thing in common is that one or two words will make you unforgettable in your life. In that year, we met too little in the world .

” If goodbye can’t be red-eyed , can you still be red-faced ? ”

” We owe each other . ”

” We’re going to be disconnected . ”

Lin Yuyan was completely integrated into the singing .

until the full song is sung .

She just stood up , turned her back and kept wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes !

Finally .

She adjusted her expression as best she could , turned around , and bowed to the audience !

Thank you all !

The entire audience immediately stood up !

Many people still had tears on their faces , but gave the most warm applause to the charming girls on the stage , ” Goddess !

It sang so well . When I watched it on TV before , I felt that all the people were crying. When I arrived at the scene, I realized that I was really moved to cry ! ”

Although you reminded me a lot of things that I don’t want to think about , I still want to thank you , that kind of sadness is really worth remembering forever ” This is the most classic song in this show , and it ‘s the only one that sings me !

” Although I cried so hard , I will definitely vote for you !”

The audience didn’t think so much !

They were just moved by this moving song !

Only the singers in the backstage looked complicated and moved , but they were also a little uncomfortable. They didn’t know who the original singer of this song was , so they shouldn’t be famous !

At the same time .

They are also a little squeamish !

Before , I still feel sorry for this sister !

In a blink of an eye .

They turned their faces and didn’t recognize anyone . In such a scene , if Lin Yuyan won the championship , they would have no opinion at all !

, Lin Yugu wiped her pretty white face with both hands .

At the same time of being moved , I am heartbroken !

” This guy is really not a good person . A song not only made me cry , but also made so many audiences cry !”

” Bastard genius !”

And Qin, who was thinking about the Spring Festival Gala at the company, made a splash ! .

Chapter 34 Qin Ozi ?The Enemy of Life !

When Lin Yuyan returned to the backcourt .

Several singers got up and applauded !

Yu Yanyu , it turns out that you were not in a good state before , and you were deliberately setting smoke bombs . Now you are so amazing when you play .

Zhao Yanyue joked .

Yes , it ‘s not easy to compare our hometowns !

Since we are still so worried about you , now I think we need to worry about ourselves .

Lin Yuyan smiled when she heard the words .

No , Yu Yan still has a lot to learn compared to the seniors .

Everyone was talking and laughing .

the way , Yuyan , when did this song come out ? We have never heard this song , such a classic song should not be famous?right !

Xu Xianghao wondered .

Everyone was curious .

They discussed it for a long time before , and I don’t know whose song it is. It’s normal that seniors haven’t heard it , because this is a new song ! ”

Ah, how many people are shocked !

It’s a new song !

Young and promising , we are really old , and the talents of young people are really not simple . ”

Lu Liang said with emotion .

This year, there was Qin Ye , and now there is another Lin Yuyan , they can’t accept the old !

Don’t get me wrong, seniors , this song was not written by me , but by someone from my company .

Lin Yuyan hurriedly said .

n’t she dare to take the company on her body ?

That’s the company of the King of Kung Fu. The music team in your company is not based on the ancient style? ” Well , but the ancient style is not suitable for me , so Lin Yuyan wrote such a song and nodded .

Everyone didn’t think much of it when they heard it !

Just a little envious of Lin Yuyan , to get such a song that is enough to be a masterpiece !

They had a hunch that no matter what the ranking was this time , Lin Yuyan would definitely be the biggest winner . This song might become popular all over the country and soon the director team came to sing the votes .

After several names were announced , only the rankings of Lin Yuyan and Feng Rong were not announced .

But what they are fighting for is the champion and runner-up, and the second place in this competition is Teacher Feng Rong !

Applause broke out .

Of course , the first place in our competition is Teacher Yi Lin Yuyan , congratulations ! ”

All the singers stood up and applauded Lin Yuyan !

deserves its name , this song is really good , it is really the back waves of the Yangtze River pushing the front waves !

Feng Rong and Lin Yuyan hugged .

Losing to Lin Yuyan , she has no opinion !

” Thank you, Teacher Feng Rong . ”

Lin Yuyan laughed !

Haha , but you remind me of that disciple of mine . He sang all the new songs and finally won the championship . If he can come to participate in this competition , the two of you will be fighting each other. Feng Rong said with emotion .

Everyone was stunned when they heard this !

good guy !

is currently on fire and has created a Chinese style , and a love song queen , what kind of scene would it be if these two made a new song on this arena ?

Only Lin Yuyan looked unnatural .

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