Director Liu looked at him speechlessly , saying that if it was removed , the taste would be wrong again .

He looked at Qin Ye with resentment in his eyes .

If Su Lingyun can’t get on , nothing will happen .

Now .

The show of these two was like a thorn in his heart .

Qin Ye didn’t know what he was going to do either. He could only say that the director had too high demands on the Spring Festival Gala .

I happen to have a new song , how about I sing a new song ? ”

Director Liu’s eyelids trembled a few times when he heard the words .

The Spring Festival Gala is here in three days , and you want to change the song temporarily ?

And .

Isn’t the song you’re going to sing at the Spring Festival Gala also a new song ?

of the birth of ” Unforgettable Today ” , he kind of wanted to try it !

” Better than this song you’re going to sing ? You know , the leaders of your song are very satisfied and can surpass it ?”

The song Qin Ye was going to sing already had a very high status in his heart .

” It can’t be said to be beyond , but it should be more suitable for the Spring Festival Gala !”

” Well , you give us the new song and let you sing it live ! Let’s see the effect .

Qin Ye was helpless and said :

” Director Liu , I haven’t made my new song yet. I can only sing a cappella at most . If you think it’s okay , I’ll make it again . ”

The corners of Liu Dao’s mouth were extracted .

Is it so new ?

” You sing first to try the effect !”

Although my heart is not very optimistic .

But thinking of Qin Ye’s talent , he decided to let him try .

That’s it .

Qin Ye stepped onto the stage again .

Everyone understands it !

” What’s the situation ? Was there a problem just now ?”

Don’t know , check it out !

” Anyway, it sounds so good , what’s wrong with listening to it a few more times? Some stars whispered .

However .

The melody that should have been there did not sound .

Not even the melody played .

a cappella directly under everyone’s shocked gaze .

That singing !

Make everyone numb !

What the hell ! ”

A singer couldn’t help but swear !

” Want to change songs temporarily ?

This song , without even the soundtrack , has already exploded like this ?

God , I got goosebumps .

Everyone felt excited .

Even Director Liu on the sidelines did the same .

Just this one , this one ! !

He was so excited !

It’s like finding some kind of treasure !

Finally .

After Qin Ye finished singing , everyone in the audience stood up and gave the young people on the stage a thunderous applause !

Some celebrities even burst into tears .

I finally know why he is called the son of Yangshi . ”

I have this talent , my own son is me .

Several little singers looked at Qin Ye with complicated expressions .

This man was born for the big scene !

Qin Ye left the stage after singing .

how ? ”

Perfect , with this song and ” Unforgettable Tonight ” , this year’s Spring Festival Gala will definitely be the most brilliant in the past 30 years, Director Liu said with excitement .

Director Liu , don’t you need to ask the leaders for instructions ? ”

Qin Ye reminded .

Director Liu was stunned for a moment . The guy was so excited just now that he forgot about it. He hurriedly wanted to send the live version recorded just now to the leader .

My phone rang suddenly , and it was Director Xu who called .

” That’s the song .

The voice on the other end of the phone was also a little excited .

good guy !

This infrequent leader is actually there ?

And listening to the other party’s tone , I was also touched by this song .

Director Liu looked around , and finally found Director Xu on the upper floor of the studio. He made an OK gesture to Director Xu , and the two of them hung up the phone and they really did not see you wrong !

Director Xu murmured .

Originally, I just came over to see the effect of the rehearsal in a low-key manner , but I didn’t expect to witness such a scene not long ago .

Director Liu explained the situation to Qin Ye .

” Then what if you change it on the spot , what about the rehearsal of the show ?

Qin Ye was a little worried .

His original show also featured dancers .

” You can only sing solo , this song must not have any problems and I have to adjust the program again . Your program will be the first after the New Year’s Eve , and the adjustment should not be big .

Qin Ye thought about it anyway, and he didn’t care that he had to make up the number of people in the last ” Unforgettable Tonight ” .

Director Liu , can I ask you one more thing ?

you say .

the pipa next to him and said , ” They have practiced with me for so long . It would be a pity if I couldn’t go to the Spring Festival Gala. The girls were all moved .

Teacher Qin , don’t worry about us . Compared with your song , it doesn’t matter whether we go to the Spring Festival Gala or not .

” Yes , we don’t care .

That being said, the girls were obviously a little lost .

Qin Ye shook his head and asked Director Liu to trouble you to make arrangements .

Director Liu gave him a deep look , and with a sigh , he said that you always give me problems , rest assured I will settle them well ! I think about which show to settle into .

Qin Ye nodded .

left this problem to Director Liu , and then looked at a few girls who had been lining up with me for a long time , and said , ” Even if I don’t sing that song on the Spring Festival Gala , I will do it . Then I will invite you to perform in my MV . .””

Several girls’ eyes were red .

They were originally Yangshi’s dancers , just small roles .

If it is other big-name stars , it is just a matter of one sentence to replace them , how can they care about their feelings ?

In Qin Ye’s place , they have never been treated as dispensable little horns to make them feel a kind of respect .

Thank you , Mr. Qin . ” Several girls were moved .

Director Liu also hurriedly began to instruct the director team to act .

Only three days .

Although Qin Ye sang solo , the stage effect still had to be designed .

But it’s not difficult for them .

Directly instructed his subordinates to do it , while he was reviewing the program and thinking about how to arrange the program with the least mobilization .

Also because of this .

The rehearsal time for the stars has been extended .

? begged for flowers but they did not complain .

With Qin Ye’s song , the Spring Festival Gala is even more perfect. There is only one girl on the scene , Xiu Mei Wei Kitchen .

” Change songs ?”

She was the only one in the audience who didn’t want Qin Ye to change songs .

Because .

What Qin Ye sang before had something to do with her family .

” Since your song can’t appear in the Spring Festival Gala , then we’re afraid we’re going to end the game ”

She has a headache .

I thought I could prostitute for free , but now I have to pay for it .

What is this ?

And in the next three days .

Because the Spring Festival Gala has also changed a little .

The rehearsal time had to be extended .

” It’s a lot of work !”

Director Liu said with emotion .

That’s it .

The annual Spring Festival is here .

The lights are all over the place .

Full of festive atmosphere .

Magic City .

A Tomson .

Sheep is playing on TV .

Su Wenchen’s family of three made dumplings on the sand .

At first .

Su Lingyun asked them to come here for the New Year , but the couple objected .

Although they did not object to Su Lingyun and Qin Ye falling in love , they were not married after all .

Especially during the New Year , how could they not be at home , but Su Lingyun’s words touched them a little .

Especially when Su Lingyun said that Qin Ye was kind to her, she could hear her attachment to Qin Ye from the girl’s mouth .

Let them know that the two may be heading straight for marriage .

When they heard about Qin Ye’s life experience , they also realized that it was not easy for this handsome boy to walk all the way .

So they also agreed to come over to celebrate the New Year together .

I heard Yun’er say that this time because of the transfer of the program team , they may arrive home a little later . ”

Zhao Ya sighed .

Su Wenchen said sternly that it had nothing to do with the honor of being able to go to the Spring Festival Gala .

Next to Zhao Lingying covered her mouth and snickered , Dad , have you never been to the Spring Festival Gala ? Then you have to have a good relationship with your brother-in-law . Maybe next year, your brother-in-law will let you sing a show at the Spring Festival Gala or something .

Su Wenchen glared at his daughter, he really wanted to go to the Spring Festival Gala !

I’m an educator , not an actor , what Spring Festival Gala ?

Su Wenchen said stubbornly .

Zhao Ya glanced at the stubborn husband , Dao Xiaoying , let’s stay away from your father , there is a sour smell on your body , you were so against your daughter before , but now you know that someone else is going to the Spring Festival Gala , it becomes a glory ? Men are like this , with the exception of not Xiao Qin !

” Okay , Mom .

Zhao Lingying really got close to her mother .

Su Wenchen was helpless , and stubbornly asked, is it wrong for me to oppose her ? She is lucky , otherwise how can she have the opportunity to go to the Spring Festival Gala ? Don’t know what to be dyed by the entertainment industry ? ”

Are you lucky to meet Xiao Qin ? ” Zhao Ya said with a smile .

She is now one hundred satisfied with Qin Ye .

Su Wenchen snorted and didn’t answer .

Be tough , Yun’er has learned her stubborn temper from you . ” Zhao Ya said helplessly .

Su Wenchen was speechless .

I don’t know why , when I learned that my daughter and Qin Ye founded a company together .

Instead of the loss and worry that his own cabbage was offered before, he breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved .

With Qin Ye around , her daughter should not be burdened in that chaotic circle .

family of three chatted while making dumplings .

Soon the Spring Festival Gala officially started .

Wow , it’s finally here . I can watch my sister and brother-in-law perform at the Spring Festival Gala . ” Enter

Chapter 42 _ Look out the window ! Stunning national drama ! person 7)

The whole Spring Festival Gala was carried out in an orderly manner under the attention of the people of the whole country .

period .

Interspersed with opera performances .

People who have been watching through the live broadcast platform actually boiled .

” Why fat four , I actually produce such a good opera ?”

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