She glanced at some executives who had previously opposed the release of the Spring Festival .

Ahem , that , Director Lin , well done , someone said embarrassingly that we had no vision .

Although Lin Tong is only a director , there are rumors in the company that there is someone behind the director .

that meeting if she did n’t show respect to everyone !

” Heng !

Lin Tong snorted .

Another message for Qin Ye .

was smugly wanting to share her joy with the other party , but the momentum that made her excited was sunk in the sea, and most of the people were turned off .

She groaned !

PS: I don’t want to write about the movie . After all, I shot it again and sang the theme song . Let me explain it briefly , and then I will sing all the way.

Chapter 4 Thousand Calligraphy Competition !

imperial capital .

In a house full of scholarly smells .

The middle-aged man looked at his daughter and said that Qin Ye’s song was really that good ?

Xu Caiwei nodded hurriedly , Dad , you can be on the Spring Festival Gala show , do you think ? And if it weren’t for the more profound meaning of ” Huaxia Dragon Scale ” , who would these two songs be ?

The man was surprised !

Thinking of the song ” Huaxia Dragon Scale ” , even he, a person who didn’t listen to songs very much , was moved to tears at that time .

even .

In order to listen to this song , he also specially downloaded Penguin Music !

And ” Huaxia Dragon Scale ” has always been hanging at the top of the Penguin Music Chart , no one can match it !

that Qin Ye was [ swiped ] down was not worse than this song ?

And .

Or do you want to write [ Lanting Preface ] , a national treasure that has never been found ?

He was a little moved .

However .

He hesitated a bit again , but said helplessly, listening to you , other people’s appearance fees are tens of millions , how can we afford it ? This event is supported by the local government !

Xu Caiwei frowned, but he forgot about this question !

My family is a calligraphy family !

From the ancestors to the present , there have also been many people in various industries . The family conditions are very good , but hundreds of millions are enough for them to drink a few pots !

It doesn’t seem appropriate to ask Qin Ye to do the performance , ” Dad , the calligraphy association should be able to spend so much money, right ?

” Our event is all sponsored by the Luojing government , what do you think ?”

Xu Caiwei is embarrassed .

It seems .

The calligraphy association is not for profit . Although there are reserve funds , it is necessary to maintain the operation of such a large organization !

Shouldn’t it be used to ask Qin Ye to agree ?

Specially , Xu Caiwei’s eyes lit up , Dao Dad , otherwise , let’s sell tickets for this calligraphy exhibition , and we can also get some sponsorships . All the money will be given to Teacher Qin , won’t it be enough ? “”

The man was stunned .

Shaking his head again , he sighed and said, do people like this kind of money ? Some calligraphy exhibitions in previous years were not seen by many people for free , let alone such a small event , and you think it is beautiful to even sponsor it !

I don’t know .

Xu Caiwei was firm , saying that if you agree or disagree , if you agree , I will handle this matter . ” Okay , you can do it however you like .

There is no way for a man to take his daughter !

In his view .

Even with star power , how many people can buy tickets for Qin Ye’s song in such a short period of time ?

Alright , leave this to me , tell me first , how many seats can be arranged at the venue ?

The man stayed again .

venue ?

Isn’t it just a square ?

This time they only prepared a seat for a calligrapher and a staff member .

Other passers-by are interested , just come in and see for themselves .

But according to his experience , few people will come to see it !

If you want to say how many people can sit in the square , there is no problem with tens of thousands of people. Xu Caiwei heard the words and had an idea in her heart .

company .

Qin Ye received a call from Xu Caiwei .

Also understand the other party’s purpose .

Thousands of calligraphy contest ?

he wondered .

” Yeah , in Luojing , we invite you to sing that song , just .

Although Xu Caiwei thought about the words , she was still a little embarrassed to continue .

just what ?

girl took a deep breath and said , “It’s just that we don’t have that much money to invite you , so she thought of a way to finish .

He told Qin Ye what he thought .

Qin Ye was taken aback .

Good guy , this is to make yourself responsible for your own profits and losses. Teacher Qin , you can help . If you don’t have much money by then, our association will give you a little subsidy . “”

Xu Caiwei was a little embarrassed .

Qin Ye was silent .

these days .

Su Lingyun has returned to school to finish her studies !

The original plan was to return to school after arranging the company’s affairs .

Now it looks like it ‘s only a few days’ delay !

Okay , you don’t need the subsidy , just follow what you said before, you are very good , Mr. Qin , then we will wait for the driver when the time comes. Xu Caiwei will be happy .

No problem , by the way , your calligraphy competition will still award prizes ? ”

Qin Ye asked .

He thought of the system skills , and it was a little itchy. Hmm , have you learned calligraphy ? ”

it , let’s do it first , and the rest of your arrangements , I’ll sing that song !

Qin Ye smiled .

The two hung up the phone .

After Qin Ye was busy with the task at hand , he found that the phone was full of congratulations from the circle of people !

He smiled .

I didn’t expect ” Big Fish and Begonia ” to be so fierce , and it became the first place in the Spring Festival . This movie can bring me hundreds of millions of income , which is really good !

He replied one by one .

When it’s Lin Tong’s turn , isn’t this one of his own ?

He simply replied .

” Remember to pay !

over the phone .

Lin Tong, who was handling official business, saw the news from Qin Ye , and was excited to show his prestige .

Seeing Rong , I was so dumbfounded that I was so excited in vain !

Have you lost your money ? Do you know the significance of our animation film to the Chinese film industry ? It is a milestone , this is a great honor ! Are you not the founder of Huaxiafeng ? Maybe I can take the Chinese animation to fly !

She typed through gritted teeth .

This time , Qin Ye responded very quickly. I don’t know what it means to the Chinese film industry. I know it means to me that the higher the ticket 73 room , the more earning ! ”

Lin Tong was completely defeated !

She felt that Qin Ye’s words had shattered her pursuit of movies !

Humph , what.? It’s just like the people in the company , full of copper stench ! ”

She decided to ignore Qin Ye when Shicao heard her words. What she didn’t know was that her words made Qin Ye think .

“A Chinese-style anime movie ? It seems that I have to figure out a way !” This time , ” Big Fish and Begonia ” is 2D , which is fine !

3D is now popular !

Now , I have the money to invest in a movie .

But movies are not like songs, you can do it by yourself !

this time .

He is also recruiting talents and wants to find himself to form an animation production team !

he has money , but talent is hard to find .

Basically .

All the people in the market are monopolized by these big companies . If they have ideas , but the things they make don’t work , they will smash their own signs !

He has no plans to officially enter the animation industry yet, ” I have to find a chance and think about how to solve this matter !

The King of Kung Fu is better !

After all .

The King of Kung Fu itself is a box office guarantee . Qin Ye wants to make a kung fu movie , so cooperating with the other party is the best choice . After all, the other party’s action scenes are unique in China . No one can replace Ke Yongrui’s skills , but it is not without Alternative

Chapter Chapter You used to ignore it , but now you can’t afford it !

imperial capital .

Huaxia Calligraphy Association .

office .

Xu Caiwei is preparing for the [ Thousand People Calligraphy Competition ] here .

But now she has a headache .

Uncle He , how many fans does our Douyin account have ?

, the man said a little embarrassedly, “Four !

Xu Caiwei was deeply moved by her powerlessness !

Since you want to pull sponsorship , of course, you have to face the public , no one sees why others give you money ?

It’s impossible to put such a small game on TV .

She just wanted to broadcast live through Douyin !

heard .

Some Internet celebrities with millions of fans can read an advertisement and some will cost hundreds of thousands !

up a billboard for your own event , the price must be higher , but only if someone watches it !

are only 4 fans now , and there is no minimum condition to start the live broadcast !

And .

Even if Qin Ye has a name , it is estimated that it will be difficult for his account to attract traffic !

” Caiwei , why don’t I call Teacher Ge ? Use his account to broadcast live ? He has more than 400,000 fans !”

The man suggested .

Teacher Ge , although not the highest in status , is definitely the best in this aspect of the media !

” Should I ask myself ?”

After Xu Caiwei finished speaking , she made a phone call .

The call is connected .

” Hey , Caiwei , do you have anything to do with me ?”

” Mr. Ge , this [ Thousands of Calligraphy ] Contest , the association wants to use your account to broadcast live , can you ?”

He pondered for a moment and smiled :

” Of course it ‘s fine . ”

” That’s great , thank you teacher Ge . ”

Well , Caiwei , that … Uncle ask you again , about my affairs , is there any news from your father ?

Xu Caiwei was taken aback .

good guy !

You are too naive !

This teacher Ge has joined the association for many years , but has always been an ordinary member .

But .

The other party wanted to enter the core circle of the association , and relying on his talent , the lion opened his mouth !

Perhaps , because of this , his father felt that this person was too utilitarian and never agreed !

Think about it, your father has done very well, isn’t it reflected now ?

Even the little things do n’t forget the benefits !

It’s too selfish , Uncle Ge , you can ask my dad directly , I can’t control this, I ‘ve thought about the account, it’s better to use the official account , I’m sorry to bother you!

moment of silence over there , after a few perfunctory sentences , the two hung up the phone .

what’s wrong ?

the man asked .

He agreed at first , and then he asked my dad about him . I thought about it , I do n’t want to owe him this .

Well , you are right . This old Ge has talent , but he is too powerful . However , if he hadn’t had such a personality , he wouldn’t have made his Douyin account like this .

The man sighed .

are tens of thousands of members of their calligraphy association , and this old Ge has the most fans , and everyone knows how they came here !

For example, when a celebrity overturns a car and the popularity is infinite , others will write the name of the celebrity in a video !

To put it bluntly, it is almost the same as rubbing the heat !

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