Drink at the same time .

The scene was also captured on camera .

Senior Qin Ye , is there any activity tonight ?

A student shouted loudly .

What activity do you want ?

Go sing ! I want to sing ” Dongfeng Po ” !

I want to sing ” Qilixiang ” !

Fuck off , you don’t deserve it !

Qin Ye looked at such energetic juniors and juniors , and didn’t want to dampen their enthusiasm .

No problem , you book a place , I’ll pay for it !

Yay !

” Long live Senior Qin Ye !

Kyoto is like that .

A mighty person is going to have a hi !

Of course Qin Ye wouldn’t go with them .

He still had business to do , so he handed over this arduous task to Wu Hao !

How long does it take to make an MV ?

Qin Ye came to the director and asked .

” It will be done by tomorrow night .

Qin Ye nodded and said that some clips would go out first , making a fuss about the heat ! ”

Received an OK gesture from the director .

Qin Ye looked at Lin Hu , who was beside him, and said , ” How ‘s it going ?” Think you can do it ? ”

He let Lin Hu study next to him these days . If he is interested, he can cultivate and work in his own company .

Of course it’s fine , I’m willing to do it .

Lin Hu nodded .

Seeing this , the monkey next to him hurriedly said to Brother Ye , what about me , with your thighs , I don’t want to be a teacher anymore , what can I do ?

This time, Qin Ye was embarrassed .

He thought about it for a while , Dao is a screenwriter , are you interested ?

Of course I do , haha , as long as you take care of the meal !

Well , don’t worry , as long as you do well , you won’t be treated badly !

Qin Ye smiled .

After arranging some things , Qin Ye came to Su Lingyun again .

Where do you want to go at night ? ”

he laughed .

After Su Lingyun came , she went straight to the crew ] and didn’t rest at all .

to take her to relax while filming now .

Let’s go for a walk there. The girl pointed in the direction of the river bank and said expectantly .

She likes the scenery here very much , but there were people who followed her when she came here before , and now she finally has a chance to be alone with Qin Ye, so Qin Ye took her little hand and frowned , ” It’s so cold ?

girl didn’t care and smiled , saying it’s alright , it was a little cold just now , but it’s much better now ! ”

That’s it .

The two walked towards the river bank hand in hand , enjoying the tranquility of the night. It was not good for Li Longju and others to go, and it was not good to keep up .

You can only follow far behind , for fear of encountering a sudden situation .

the next day .

The Douyin account of Midozi Yogurt , even with the tidbits of several promotional videos !

The strong youthful campus atmosphere has attracted countless netizens .

Everyone feels only one word !

Sweet last .

It’s even a direct video .

” At eight o’clock in the evening , there will be a promotional video on all company accounts , as well as a song written by Qin Caizi himself. Let ‘s look forward to it !”

leaven over time .

This news quickly topped the Douyin Hot List !

#Qin Caizi’s first youth campus song #

a time .

, which originally only had more than 10,000 followers, has soared fans !

The number of likes for some of the original videos has risen at the speed of light !

Many people commented on the video !

“I heard that this is a music account ” [ Funny ]

” Haha , when I saw some flower stands , I was so sweet . Although I knew it was eating dog food , I couldn’t help it !”

” Goddess Banana Xisu , like to mention another love song by Qin talent . ”

” Let the dog food come harder ! I’m hungry !”

And in ? Midos ? total !

Mother Li is setting up the venue herself !

this time .

They didn’t bring the goods live !

Although .

The company is in an emergency , but she is not in a hurry to consume the enthusiasm of fans at once !

She knew that those who came to buy products at this time must have come for Qin Ye’s name !

It should be sold in new packaging !

As for some old packaging stock .

Leave it to the distributor to sell it .

She has also been preparing for this live broadcast for a while .

Thirty million boxes , more than 20,000 boxes !

Just waiting for the song to be released !

Live streaming is on !

This time .

‘s time to test the effect , Rao is her temperament , and she is a little nervous !

” Don’t worry , Li Dong , Teacher Qin wrote a song specially, and before it was released , we gained more than 300,000 fans . It should be no different !”

” Hopefully !”

Mother Li took a deep breath !

If this new packaging product debuts overturned !

Then she is also ready to talk to [ Mengbu ] about the acquisition !

And pay attention to their 73 premiere !

There are also many big businessmen .

I didn’t expect that they were really broken this time . In such a situation, they still had Qin Ye’s endorsement , which was really courageous .

The president said sternly .

They had been talking to each other about an acquisition a year ago .

I heard that the price they gave this big boy was 10,000 , and the rest were divided , 2 cents per box .

The president was taken aback .

two cents ? Judging from their current sales , the endorsement fee has not exceeded 10,000 yuan ? Will it really settle accounts? What if the sales explode ? Isn’t this son earning a lot of money ?

president thought for a while and shook his head .

Celebrities have limited influence on us . If celebrities are useful , there will not be so many Chinese people racking their brains to buy milk powder from Australia ! ”

As a leader in the industry, he certainly knows what dairy products rely on !

They also have their own spokesperson !

But that’s how it works !

And .

They hired spokespersons , largely because their competitors also hired the so-called not asking for merit , but asking for nothing. In case the competition fails , they don’t want to attribute the reason to the fact that they did not ask for celebrity endorsements .

Zhang Ruolun was one of their spokesmen who were once top- notch !

After asking the other party to endorse , the sales have increased , but it is also within the normal growth range !

There are many other brands like Guangming , Anmuxi , Nanshan, etc. who have the same idea as them . They all know the industry situation to be honest .

Midozi ) for Qin Ye’s signing fee , even their annual advertising investment is less than a fraction of them, but they have to see if one Qin Ye and one song are so amazing .

There are also many stars who are also concerned about it . They also want to see who has few generations . Qin Ye is a god in the music world !

this first endorsement still be smooth sailing ? PS: Continue to code words , and update a chapter in the next New Year’s Eve

Chapter ” Handwriting Once Upon a Time ” ! Love songs can also be picturesque !

Eight o’clock in the evening .

Numerous fans of Qin Ye across the country kept refreshing their mobile phones, hoping to hear this song as soon as possible .

There are also many young couples holding mobile phones and strolling around the campus !

Hey , Senior Qin Ye’s new song is out ! ”

The girl smiled .

She also participated in the MV and received a salary of several hundred yuan ] !

However .

Her voice just fell !

The school’s booth was wide open . At this time, music played simultaneously. It seemed to be a new song by Senior Qin Ye . I didn’t expect the school to play it at this time !

Haha , is the school afraid that we don’t know ? I also participated in this song !

Some students are excited !

And for fans watching live .

I finally know the name of the song ” Handwritten Once Upon a Time ” !

That kind of poetry is scattered across the screen to break people !

The beautiful guitar melody sounded .

Qin Ye’s singing came one after another !

This wind chime is very close to heartbeat .

The letter still misses travel . ”

Passing love is too young . ” You are the scenery I want to go back to .

That gentle voice .

Let some fans watching the live broadcast , their hearts will melt so sweet !

And .

Such as Qin Ye’s previous literary talent , picturesque and picturesque [ You are what I want , and the scenery is so beautiful when I go back !

Is there anything sweeter than this ?

Only Qin Ye can write it !

So romantic !

On the other hand, the scene on the camera is in a small town by the river . Qin Ye is holding a guitar and singing to a college student in Yibin !

this time .

[ Madoze Yogurt ] beside him , with a note on it !

Written [ Today , yes, I have such a poetic and romantic singing voice !

Some girls just feel that they can’t take it anymore , it ‘s too sweet !

This is separately bottled as a secret . ”

This dimensional chrysanthemum is as beautiful as a poem .

And I am waiting for your news in the wind .

Waiting for the moonlight to fall on the snow . ”

The beauty is so beautiful that it makes people feel like they are in a dream !

Warm all over !

This is a heartwarming song !

Su Lingyun appeared at this time , her pure and sweet face , coupled with such a song, made people seem to be in love !

the maple red dyes fall and we meet in autumn , I relive the afternoon sunshine .

Carry the guitar across your shoulders .

” Just like years ago , we sang softly .

go anywhere .

” I looked at your face and brushed the chords . ”

Valentine’s Day card , handwritten forever .

Remember the Plaza Park and perform together .

The candy store next to the campus is a little sweet in memory .

The strong campus atmosphere is blowing in the face in this cold winter , warming the milk tea shops of the students and schools all over the place .

Men and women here are drinking milk tea and looking at their mobile phones .

Some couples looked at each other happily, ” Senior Qin Ye, this song is for us .

Although .

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