Knowing that Qin Ye was busy with work , he had no choice but to give up. At this time, Qin Ye turned on the computer and prepared his thesis .

who have n’t walked away saw the bright thesis title #The inheritance and development of ancient literature in modern times # Fuck ~!

They were startled !

Isn’t this exactly what the head teacher gave them to practice the hand valve ?

Think of Qin Ye’s experience in the past few months !

Are they creepy ?

That is to say , Qin Ye, who is now making countless singers terrified , entered the music world because of the ” Seven-Five-Three ” homework assigned by the tutor ?

Brother Ye , do you really want to use this as a topic ?

That’s right, wrong , if this special thing is exposed , those singers can’t be autistic ?

Qin Ye looked at them and was a little speechless .

Although .

He didn’t enter the entertainment industry because of this dissertation title , but this title is really easy to write !

And … it ‘s convincing. At this time, another message came from his mobile phone , and it turned out to be Gu Xiaoyan’s account .

And there was only one friend on it , so he hurriedly hid when he saw several people staring at his phone .

go , what to do , don’t affect my thinking .

Qin Ye said badly .

There is a situation !

Several people looked at each other with ambiguous expressions on their faces. Although they didn’t know who it was , the head portrait was definitely a girl and not a sister-in-law !

Brother Ye , we don’t know anything !

Hey , why is it getting dark ?

Chencao , it’s not that it’s dark , it’s that I’m blind !

A few people pretended to say a few words, and then returned to their table with a YD smile .

Li Longju, a prankster , quietly pulled one .

Bet, bet , I bet that the other party is a girl , and the relationship with Brother Ye is not ordinary !

Is that unusual ? Obviously there is JQ, obviously that prestige is a trumpet , sneaking , there must be a situation , it seems that Brother Ye still can’t resist the temptation of the entertainment industry !

Just kidding , Brother Ye doesn’t know how many fans , which man can stop him ? Talents from ancient times are so romantic ! Brother Ye is also a man. No one talks too much . If you let your sister-in-law know about it, you will be finished , you know ? ”

” Received !

A few people were chatting , and occasionally glanced at Qin Ye , all of them were amazed. Qin Ye didn’t know that these pompers were discussing these things behind his back. As he expected, Lin Yuyan came to ask for a song again, and “The King of Songs ” is also a routine. Final round !

There are only four singers still on the show .

Jiang Tianming , Feng Rong , Zhao Yanyue and Lin Yuyan don’t know how many singers have been sacked off the stage !

Just two Easter games !

From the eliminated contestants , three people will advance to the final finals , and Lin Yuyan won the fifth place .

Qin Ye also does have a song [ In Stock ] Since it is the last issue to prevent Lin Yuyan from being eliminated , he is also prepared to be generous and give the song to Lin Yuyan directly. This is the last song , and what I promised Mr. Ye is considered complete. Well , the next finals are up to you !

Lin Yuyan looked a little unnatural at these words !

Qin Ye never thought about losing !

Maybe .

Qin Ye is the only one in the Chinese music scene , so dare to underestimate “The King of Songs ” !

But the talent of the other party is so terrifying that it seems to have captured the lifeblood of the fans , and every song can be popular all over the Internet !

was the last issue , she began to worry about gains and losses !

the only contact with the other party be cut off after today ?

this time .

was Qin Ye, a trumpet , who supported her to go on !

In reality, she didn’t dare to face Qin Ye. After the cooperation ended , can we still chat online like we do now ? ”

She couldn’t help asking .

Qin Ye was taken aback !

good guy !

Let’s talk about it , he is not going to keep this trumpet !

about it, he still typed euphemistically : Lin Yuyan , I am usually very busy with work , this account is also an account given by the company , and it only handles work .

It’s been a long time .

Information over there .

I understand , then if there is anything I don’t understand about music in the future , can I ask you ?

Qin Ye had a headache and thought about it !

” Okay !”

He casually fumbled .

, Lin Yuyan’s originally lost heart rekindled hope !

She looked at the song uploaded on her phone – ” Little Lucky ” !

Look and gradually become extravagant !

Maybe .

This is her little luck !

“The King of Songs ” recording scene !

Many singers gathered !

Everyone’s eyes turned to Lin Yuyan intentionally or unintentionally !

The opponent is fifth , although not the most dangerous .

But this is the last issue , will the sky-high famed diva release a new song again ?

Don’t know when to start .

When they faced Lin Yuyan’s new song , they were already terrified !

Every time the opponent is eliminated , they can turn the tide with new songs !

Really incredible !

And Feng Rong was even more eccentric .

She even specifically asked Qin Ye last time !

The latter flatly denied it !

She trusts her disciple 100% !

But when did the Chinese music scene show such a changeable person ?

Can you compete with your perverted disciple ?

Most importantly .

No one knows them yet , at least they don’t know each other here !

It seems that this Lin Yuyan has really met an expert . According to her situation , if both the semi-finals and the finals sing new songs ? Don’t you want to be the youngest singer of all time ?

Feng Rong’s thoughts turned around .

As long as Lin Yuyan sings a new song , none of them have the confidence to win quickly .

The director also came here .

He glanced at Lin Yuyan , also a little weird !

Who is this Gu Xiaoyan ? Even our TV station can’t find the exact person ?

inches .

They recently used the energy of the TV station to ask !

In the face of such a talented creator , no one can not be tempted. They want to find an opportunity to earn money under their command . It is really impossible to at least get to know them . Maybe they can cooperate in the future !

The information that can be obtained is only the specific details of the musicians of the Kung Fu King Friends Company without knowing it !

Confidentiality work is very strict !

even .

The TV station also contacted the King of Kung Fu himself, but the other party said that he would not explain it until the end of ” The King of Songs ” !

Surprise them too !

Listen to what the other party means !

It looks like she wants to make sure that Lin Yuyan wins the song king !

How not to be shocked ?

prepared a super bomb for Lin Yuyan in the finals !

Otherwise, why hide it so deeply ?

But this is good for their TV station !

” Now we have the draw !

The director starts to preside over the work !

result .

Lin Yuyan was the first to appear, and everyone looked at her strangely !

Bad location !

The rankings are not very good !

this love song Xiaotian, who has been eliminating Bian Lu’s crazy temptation , withstand the pressure ?

The show begins .

host came to the stage and said welcome to … this show .

” Today’s game is the last period of our regular season system , and those who have gone all the way from the singer to the present can directly enter the finals , and the rest of the people don’t have to say much , and if we have the first player to appear , she is also all the way . Stumbled to the current singer , and today , she also brought us a new song !

There was an uproar !

When they heard the new song, they already guessed who it was !

The singer in the backstage was also shocked !

word ” new song “) is enough to make these older singers nervous, ” Looks like Yu Yan has stabilized !

If she also has two new songs in the finals, I am afraid she has a great hope of winning the song king !

This singer has a dignified face !

stage made us applaud and invited Lin Yuyan to bring us this song ” Little Lucky ” !

The host just stepped down !

There were warm applause and cheers at the scene. Goddess Lin has a new song again , haha , my position at the top of the ” Qingming Rain ” is not guaranteed !

During this time, the music world was really occupied by these two names , invincible !

Now , Oko and Goddess are my only expectations for the music scene !

Dressed in a black dress amid the applause , the beautiful and sexy Lin Yuyan stepped onto the stage !

A beautiful but sad melody sounded .

Lin Yuyan picked up the speaker .

That nice voice sounded .

” I heard raindrops falling on the green grass .

The audience was fascinated by the faint emotion that swept the audience, but the emotion was progressing !

Finally .

burst .

Who has been silently guarding the place in the wind and rain !

It turns out that you are the luck I want to keep the most ! ” It turns out that we are so close to love .

That kind of heartache hits the soul !

The audience only felt that they thought of the person who once fell in love with each other , but was not together in the end .

At that time, they and their love were so close to the stage. Lin Yuyan was completely integrated into the singing .

She is no longer in the game !

to sing this song written in her heart in her world !

Qin Ye is quietly listening to her singing this song !

” That was my decision against the world .

” The rain that accompanies me . ”

The curtains are all you , the spotless sincerity .

So lucky to meet you .

” But I’ve lost the right to cry for you . ”

, sweet , bitter and spicy in love to the extreme

Many people are already crazy !

Only warm tears flowed from the corners of my eyes !

who were waiting in the backcourt stood up and applauded !

They know that no matter how Lin Yujian ranks !

The hottest song in this issue must be this ” Little Lucky ” !

” Zhao Yanyue is in danger !”

Feng Rong sighed .

Zhao Yanyue ranked sixth !

Although .

There is another singer behind her, but that ‘s a replacement singer . Even if she is promoted, she has to participate in the resurrection competition !

And Zhao Yanyue advanced , but can go straight to the finals , so now Zhao Yanyue is under the most pressure !

They, who are going to attack the King of Songs , also feel a strong pressure !

If .

Lin Yujian was also a song of this level in the finals , so these older singers really have no certainty of winning !

Suddenly .

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