.”What’s more , this is about to form an industrial chain . ”

.” I can only say that Teacher Qin is really good , but ” Jiangnan ” is really good , and I came here for this song . ”

Chapter 24 _ The scenic spot is in a state of competition ! Poetry is on fire !

.The grand occasion of the West Lake Scenic Area has also been reported by many media .

.Countless netizens were shocked when they saw that a song could actually drive a city tourism exhibition .

.This in some ways represents the public’s recognition of the song .

.Not only that .

.The West Lake Scenic Spot seems to have a general business opportunity , with a large number of scenic spots videos every day .

.The accompanying music is the extremely beautiful ” Jiangnan ” , which seems to have become their dedicated BGM .

.For a time , this account , which originally only had more than 40,000 fans, has grown by one million fans .

.However .

.Other scenic spots in the country are painful .

.Good guy , every year there are so many tourism industries in the country , and they all go to the West Lake , so what will they do ?

.Some people also found the key to the problem , isn’t it just because of a song ?

.And this song is called ” Jiangnan ” , not ” West Lake ” !

.It’s not your West Lake area . Everyone is south of the Yangtze River . How bad is the scenery ?

.For a time , countless southern scenic spots took action one after another .

.All they have to do is … touch porcelain !

.The first to bear the brunt is the province of Suzhou, which is the closest to Yuhang .

.Some local tourism official accounts also filmed their own scenery , accompanied by the song ” Jiangnan ” .

.”The beautiful scenery in the south of the Yangtze River has become familiar … It is an ancient quatrain created by the ancient literati Bai Juyi . Mr. Bai Juyi once served as a provincial governor in Suzhou . ”

.” Remembering the beautiful scenery of our Jiangsu Province , I created such a “Remembering Jiangnan” that has been passed down through the ages , so our Jiangsu Province is the orthodox ” Jiangnan ” . Thanks to Qin Ye for creating this ” Jiangnan ” , you are welcome to visit Beautiful view of Jiangnan . ”

.It attracted countless netizens for a while .

.” Good guy , I’m straight, good guy . If I hadn’t saved my mother for a while, I would have almost believed it . ”

.” Yeah , have the officials started playing word games ? Back then, Mr. Bai Juyi served as a provincial governor in both Jiangsu Province and Zhejiang Province . Later, he wrote three poems in a row. The third one was written for your Jiangsu Province . ”

.” Isn’t this the third song that is not famous? Do you , the official, think we have no culture ?”

.” Everyone upstairs is awesome , but those who have read books are better . ”

.Although it was ridiculed by netizens , it is an indisputable fact that the official accounts of some tourist attractions in Jiangsu Province have gained followers through this video .

.For a time , all the scenic spots in the south began to imitate .

.However , in ancient China , Jiangnan orthodoxy has always been the area of Suzhou and Hangzhou .

.There was an ancient quatrain saying ” There is heaven above , and Suzhou and Hangzhou below ” .

.However , this does not stumped these officials .

.Chuanshu observed the Douyin account in this province with the most fans , and also connected several videos .

.Also used the BGM of ” Jiangnan ” .

.”A boat is light , and two oars are frightening . Shui Tianqing , shadow Zhanboping … But distant mountains are long , clouds and mountains are chaotic , and Xiaoshan is green . ”

.” This is a poem written by Mr. Su Shi, a great poet in ancient China, to describe Jiangnan. Mr. Su Shi was born in Meizhou , which is now the Meishan Mountain in Sichuan and Shu . You are welcome to come and experience the different scenery of Jiangnan . ”

.Some netizens were speechless when they saw it .

.Can this be rubbed too ?

.However .

.This seems to provide ideas for some scenic spots that are struggling to find a spot .

.There are countless great Chinese poets and lyricists, and there are countless more who write about Jiangnan .

.Some scenic spots began to look for some poems to write about their hometowns .

.no ?

.There are always some poets who can be named , as long as they are people from their own hometown , even if they have passed by their hometown , it counts !

.a time .

.Du Mu , Huang Tingjian , Wang Wei , Du Fu, etc. , the words written by countless people have been turned over by these scenic spots .

.No matter whether you write about your own scenic spot or not , as long as you touch it a little bit .

.Coupled with your own scenery and the BGM of ” Jiangnan ” , it instantly became popular on the whole network .

.More and more ancient poems describing Jiangnan have been excavated , and people have discovered that there are so many poems about Jiangnan .

.the same day .

.No. 1 in Douyin’s popularity list : ” The major scenic spots in the south have begun to PK cultural heritage . ”

.” Fuck , what’s wrong ? Did a song in Jiangnan set off a retro style ?”

.” What’s so special , I used to read Douyin to look at beautiful women , but now I put it on me and memorize 300 Tang poems . ”

.” We also need to see if the copywriting written by these scenic spots is correct . Without culture, I can only save my mother . It ‘s too difficult . ”

.” It ‘s so lively , a tragedy cited in ” Jiangnan ” , I just read a PK account , I used to find two singers or actors to PK, and now I write the most poems in which province in PK . ”

.” There is no doubt that Suzhou and Hang won the victory , and the rest are all hot. The report is over !”

.” Mr. Qin cheated , and one person asked Douyin to teach us Chinese lessons . I now realize that my cultural level has improved . ”

.The whole network is hilarious today .

.Even some scenic spots have started to recruit copywriting planning on recruitment websites .

.The prerequisite is that you are familiar with ancient poetry …

.Even Qin Ye didn’t expect that such a chain reaction would appear when he sang ” Jiangnan ” by himself .


.The most uncomfortable is the West Lake Scenic Area .

.At this time .

.An intense meeting is going on !

.” This man is crazy ! ”

.A scenic leader said with hatred .

.Seeing the popularity of other scenic spots , and using the BGM of ” Jiangnan ” made him feel like his things were stolen .

.” There’s no way . Now that there are so many tourists in our scenic spot , who doesn’t get jealous . ”

.They are a little helpless .

.” I have a suggestion , I don’t know if it will work !”

.A young man laughed suddenly .

.” What advice ?” Everyone looked at him curiously .

.” We asked Qin Ye to buy the copyright of ” Jiangnan ” and make a promotional video . If they use the song ” Jiangnan ” again, it would be an infringement . ”

.His words caught everyone’s eyes .

Chapter 2 _ The sky-high copyright fee is comparable to the king !

.imperial capital

.Star Media .

.This media company is not well known in the country .

.At this time .

.A young man walked into the editor-in-chief’s office .

.” Editor-in-chief . ” The young man greeted respectfully .

.The editor-in-chief , who has always been strict , greeted him very warmly :

.” Xiao Wu , sit down quickly . ”

.He also poured him a cup of tea by himself , which made Wu Hao a little flattered .

.” Xiao Wu , how long have you been an intern in our company ?” the editor-in-chief asked kindly .

.” It’s been over a month . ”

.” Well , are you still satisfied with our company? Is there anything wrong with your work ?”

.The enthusiasm of the editor-in-chief has exceeded Wu Hao’s imagination .

.Although he didn’t have much contact with the editor-in-chief for more than a month , he often heard cursing from the editor-in-chief of the office outside .

.Being so kind to himself made him a little confused .

.” The people in the company are very kind to me . ” Wu Hao said respectfully .

.” Well , I heard that you and Qin Ye are classmates ?”

.Wu Hao was stunned , he finally knew why the editor-in-chief asked him to come here .

.His heartbeat suddenly accelerated , feeling that his chance had come .

.” Yes , Qin Ye and I are not only classmates , but also roommates and good brothers . ”

.Wu Hao vowed .

.” Oh ?”

.The editor-in-chief’s eyes lit up , and the smile on his face became stronger , saying :

.” That’s great . During this period of time, you can put your work aside for a while, and the news with Qin Ye , you have such a close relationship with him . ”

.”I usually talk to him more and learn more about the information , such as what song he will sing next , or what activities he has . ”

.Sure enough !

.Wu Hao was excited , Qin Ye was too familiar to him , so he hurriedly agreed .

.Finally , after thinking about it, he said :

.” Editor-in-chief , if there is anything Qin Ye doesn’t want to report , I must respect his opinion . ”

.” Haha . ”

.The editor-in-chief smiled and said: ” Of course , work hard for young people , this is an opportunity for you , if you make achievements , when your qualifications come up , I will promote you as the editor-in-chief of the entertainment section . ”

.This sugar-coated cannonball undoubtedly made Wu Hao excited .

.” Thank you, editor-in-chief . ” Wu Hao assured .

.” Don’t be so polite , if you need anything at work, just tell me that starting today , you can enjoy a business trip allowance of RMB 1 per month . ”

.” If you have a chance , you can go to the magic capital to ask Qin Ye to meet and invite him to dinner . It ‘s good brothers to communicate more , and also work by the way , and try to get first-hand information or something . ”

.Ahhh !

.This is simply a beauty !

.You must know that only regular employees have travel allowances , which are generally based on grades .

.For example, an editor who has just joined the job will only cost a few hundred dollars at most . Generally, they are afraid to stay in a decent hotel when they go out .

.It is already the highest level of subsidy under the editor-in-chief .

.Can you justifiably eat and drink with public funds ?

.You can still go to the magic capital to get together with Qin Ye . As for the news , don’t you have to drink and drink ?

.Is there such a good job in the world ?

.The leaves are awesome !

.” Editor-in-chief , I will never fail your love , ” Wu Hao assured .

.” Okay , go to work , come on !” the editor-in-chief laughed .


.Modu is a high-end community not far from Modu TV .

.The house price here is about 100,000 yuan .

.This is Qin Ye’s new home . It has two bedrooms and one living room. It is more than square meters . It is very spacious for Qin Ye , who is still single .

.The furniture is readily available , and the price is not cheap . It is a full month , and the minimum rent is six months .

.However .

.For the current Qin Ye, money is not bad .

.” Rat , if you want to come over , make an appointment with Brother Long . He also said that he will come. I will invite you to dinner then . ”

.Qin Ye said aggressively .

.” How can it be , I have a monthly reimbursement limit of 1 yuan now , I invite you , hehe . ”

.Qin Ye was a little speechless .

.Five thousand dollars , you can’t go to a place that is too high-end even if you want to play in magic .

.This guy’s consumption concept is still in school .

.” Okay , then I ‘m going to crush you . ” Qin Ye joked .

.” No problem , by the way , I want to write a report about you here . Is there anything you don’t want to report ?”

.” You can write whatever you want , as long as you don’t criticize me . ” Qin Ye said generously .

.The two began to chat about some news about Qin Ye .

.Wu Hao also asked some things he wanted to report , but didn’t know , Qin Ye answered them one by one , just a little effort .

.At this time .

.A phone call came in , and it turned out to be Yuhang’s number .

.Is it the West Lake Scenic Area ?

.” Rat , I’ll take a call first . Just give me the prestige of what you want to report . ”

.” Well , you’re busy first . ”

.Qin Ye clicked on the call .

.” Hello , hello . ”

.” Hello , Xiao Qin , I’m the director of the West Lake Scenic Area Office , and I believe in Zhuang . ”

.” Director Zhuang , hello , do you know what to do with the boy ?”

.” That’s right , we want to make a promotional video for the West Lake Scenic Spot , and we want to buy the copyright of your song ” Jiangnan ” , so we want to chat with you . ”

.Qin Ye was stunned for a moment , but he didn’t mind this , and said generously :

.” You just use it , you don’t need to buy any copyright . ”

.On the other end of the phone, Director Zhuang was a little embarrassed and said :

.” Xiao Qin , you should know how popular your song is . Now many scenic spots use your song ” Jiangnan ” to promote it, and we are under a lot of pressure !”

.” That’s why we came up with such a method . After all, you wrote this song for us. We may inform other scenic spots that ” Jiangnan ” can no longer be used for publicity . ”

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