“I didn’t expect you to be such a teacher Qin . You said that there will be new songs for over 100 million yuan ? I’ll wipe it !”

” Close it , lie to me for traffic [ funny ] !”

” Mass , Teacher Qin , hurry up and sing , it’s hard not to listen to your song for a day !”

” You still need to prepare to write a song ? Did n’t you come with your mouth open? Who would you lie to show Qin Ye’s complaints from fans .

You can only ignore it and put down the phone .

Began to help Feng Rong rehearsal seriously .

after many fans felt that Qin Ye was [ putting pigeons ] .

This fan craze has gradually subsided .

However .

Everyone knows it .

The number one fan of Wei Neck is Qin Ye’s sooner or later .

Because of this incident , the Internet has gradually calmed down, and it has to be sprayed !

So far, the female reporter has been distressed at the company for this period of time .

wrote several news articles on the Internet , all of them analyzing why Qin Ye is Gu Xiaoyan ] !

But the response was flat .

Every time she writes an article that is not popular , she carefully analyzes the reasons .

Finally came to a conclusion .

Yes , someone had posted a similar article before , and some people even discussed it on the Internet . Her news is hard to attract people. Second , Qin Ye’s recent fan-increasing incident has caused a lot of trouble in the city . Who cares about her as a little reporter ?

” Xiaoyan , why don’t you put this away first !

Colleagues advised .

Like the female reporters, they began to feel that the news could become popular on the Internet as soon as it was published !

Did not expect .

This is the case .

” No , this will definitely be popular , Qin Ye has such a big influence now !

Xiaoyan said firmly .

This thing depends on luck . You are actually analyzing why Qin Ye is Gu Xiaoyan . Moreover , Qin Ye’s company, the king of investment kung fu , is not a real colleague and is a little helpless .

Xiaoyan thought for a while and smiled bitterly .

It seems so !

She decides to do other work first, but it can be abrupt .

She shines !

Under the inexplicable eyes of my colleagues , I kissed her on the face !

Haha , Sister Yu , thanks to you for reminding me this time ! ”

Colleagues are stunned !

Seeing Xiaoyan returning directly to her seat , she tapped the keyboard hard

Chapter 72 The Talent Arrives ! The King of Songs trembled !

apartment .

A boy tapped the keyboard .

The words that came out were all mocking Qin Ye .

Originally .

He really likes Qin Ye , and even bought Qin Ye’s albums .

I have heard and sung every song .

But this time .

Qin Ye’s stubborn fan is really too much. Taking advantage of Qin Ye’s name , Lin Yuyan and Gu Xiaoyan ~ are degraded to nothing !

He was originally liked by both sides , so he fell to the Lin Yuyan camp !

Qin Ozi ? _ Oh , do you match Gu Xiaoyan ?

Don’t think that only ancient poetry is more advanced than modern language . If you can’t blushing when you meet again , will you still be blushing ] Are lyrics like this not profound ?

Qin Ye has been writing for ten years , he can’t write such a heart-wrenching song. It’s not even worthy for Gu Xiaoyan to lift her shoes !

He was talking and typing on the keyboard .

I don’t care if what I say makes sense or not, it’s over !

After spraying this , he turned to another battlefield !

suddenly .

A news headline completely caught his eye !

#Shocked ! _ The reason why Qin Ye changed his name to Gu Xiaoyan was because of this #man for a moment !

Some fans said that Qin Ye was Gu Xiaoyan , and he knew it too .

But at that time he was still a fan of Qin Ye , so he didn’t care much .

But now .

This news headline directly filled his anger with these shitty media . Qin Ye wrote all the good songs, right? I can go to you !

He cursed angrily and clicked on the news directly .

key come ! !

He didn’t even bother to read the news, so he went directly to the comment area .

But this time he was stunned !

this moment .

He immediately took the page back and carefully looked at the content of the article !

What’s the reason ?

It’s all about analyzing why Qin Ye belongs to Gu Xiaoyan !

Not only did they integrate the data of the two people’s explosion, but also compared the styles of the two in detail !

Lyrics , Songs !

And the comparison with other singers !

the end, I came to the conclusion that the song Lin Yuyan sang was a deliberate change of style by Qin Ye !

And the most convincing one .

‘s Qin Ye’s company , and it’s the investor of the new movie King of Kung Fu. This is like a thunderbolt from the blue !

It seems that all the coincidences also make sense !

For fear of the media spreading rumors !

He also deliberately searched for the name of Qin Ye’s company and sure enough ! !

Qin Ye’s company was cooperating with Kung Fu King’s company to make a movie. He was stunned !

” Mr. Qin is Gu Xiaoyan ?

Look at the keyboard in your hand .

He was a little dumbfounded !

I’m dizzy , have to wisps ! ”

That’s it .

After another day of leaven .

The news broke the whole internet .

What followed was that various media followed suit and reported that netizens were surging again !

#Gu Xiaoyan is a pseudonym of Mr. Qin # #The biggest oolong in the entertainment industry , two groups of fans of Taicaizi are scolding the street online # #So many painful love songs , actually from the hands of Mr. Qin # # Mrs. Qin is the real evidence of Gu Xiaoyan #..

The entire hot search page was slaughtered again, causing an uproar again !

shit , isn’t it ? Gu Xiaoyan turned out to be Teacher Qin’s artist ?

Did something go wrong ?

This is the only reasonable explanation at present , otherwise you can tell me who Gu Xiaoyan is ?

I rub , Mr. Qin is playing with us ? Open a trumpet and write songs secretly , and then surprise everyone ?

What the hell , I just said that Gu Xiaoyan’s song Qin Liye was angry , you still don’t believe it ! Do you know now ? ” If that’s the case , that doesn’t mean that the top ten songs on the current chart are all from Teacher Qin ? Hiss .

Really , Mr. Qin really knows how to play , because the music world has no rivals , so he plays with himself ? Then watch us fight ?

Are the clowns ourselves ?

this moment .

on both sides who were still frantically fighting each other stopped if Qin Ye was Gu Xiaoyan !

Then what are they spraying around ?

Disgusting yourself ?

Doubt life at this time .

in the film base .

” Once Upon a Time ” crew , which didn’t have much media , was directly surrounded by many reporters , but their questions had nothing to do with the movie. Mr. Ye , now it is rumored that Qin Ye is Gu Xiaoyan , is it true ?

What was the reason for Qin Ye to use the identity of Gu Xiaoyan ?

Mr. Ye .

No matter what they ask !

Marven Ye didn’t answer a single one !

rushed directly into the crew , and many security personnel stopped these media people .

Xiao Qin , it’s not that Uncle Ye doesn’t help , it really can’t be arranged , you can only rely on yourself .

Marven Ye sighed .

He remembered Qin Ye’s confident words once again !

Now he has no choice but to believe it !

He didn’t answer any questions though .

But for reporters , this is almost the default !

Everyone was shocked !

I don’t even care about betting on Ye Wenjie here , so I’m going to go back and broadcast the hand information !

That’s it .

The topic of Qin Yao and Gu Xiaoyan is getting hotter !

More and more singers also know the news !

Stunned for a while !

What kind of talent is this ?

I first created the Huaxia style , which swept everything !

But the heights are too cold ?

There is no opponent , create a trumpet by yourself , follow a different style , and face the Chinese style created by yourself ?

Tuha ?

Is the invincible clothing lonely member ?

My mind is a little messed up !

They remembered the grand occasion before !

After Lin Yuyan sang a new song , she directly entered the corporate music list !

Immediately .

Qin Ye sang another new song , pushing the former off the list !

These two , one by one , compete on the list !

Provoked fans on both sides to fight !

result .

Now tell them that both of their songs were written by Qin Ye !

Fighting each other ?

They began to doubt life !

Yuyan , is your song really written by Qin Ye for you ?

Xu Xiaoyun wondered .

Lin Yuyan just shook her head without explaining anything !

I don’t know whether to deny it or not !

Miss Xiaoyun , let’s practice again !

Lin Yuyan changed the subject and said .

hiss .

Xu Xiaoyun took a deep breath !

She also thought about it a lot . Lin Yuyan said that she was not satisfied with the song in the finals .

It seems now .

Where is the dissatisfaction !

This is because Qin Ye didn’t help to write it , and the result of Feng Rong’s singing guest is already obvious !

Hey , I think it’s useless if we practice a few more times !

Xu Xiaoyun sighed .

Having dealt with Qin Ye for a long time, she knew that it was impossible for her to win Qin Ye with these two people !

At least two national teams are required to form a team . Even so , the winning rate is not very high !

When I was on that show , I should have won Qin Ye at all costs .

She regrets it a little now !

If she became Qin Ye’s mentor , she might be the one who is now competing for the song king !

Lin Yuyan didn’t know what to say !

Likewise .

This kind of thing also happened in the same office of many singers who are preparing for the finals .

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