Hahaha that’s right ! I chose Mr. Qin as the first screenwriter in China !

Does the new song have a story ?

Many people listened to the host and became serious .

Qin Ye nodded with a smile , and said : I know , um, this song does have a poignant love story ? ,

host raised the corner of her mouth and said :

” I wonder if Qin Caizi can tell me what a poignant love story is !”

The audience below the stage is full of interest !

They like listening to Qin Caizi tell stories the most !

But when Qin Ye opened his mouth , everyone opened their mouths !

” The inspiration for the creation of this song came from ” Jia Lan Ji ” written by Yang Xuanzhi during the Northern Wei Dynasty .�?

Qin Ye hasn’t finished speaking yet !

oh oh oh !

Everyone looked at Qin Ye in shock !

who am i ?

where am i ?

Northern Wei Dynasty knew that Yang Xuanzhi was naive again ?

What kind of poem is “The Story of Gachang ” ?

Everyone is full of question marks !

” Without a bit of culture , is it not worth writing songs now ?”

Luo Yingying looked at Qin Ye on the stage with a face of resentment !

The host seemed to feel everyone’s heart and asked with a smile :

“The little girl, Pu Xueqian , took the liberty to ask Qin talent , is ” Jia Lan Ji ” a poem ?

There was a desire for knowledge in everyone’s eyes. Qin Ye held a microphone . During the Northern Wei Dynasty , Luojing, the ancient capital , had more than a thousand Buddhist temples and was known as a Buddhist country . Later, due to war , Luojing was reduced to ruins , and many Buddhist temples were destroyed. 77! ”

Mr. Yang Xuanzhi revisited Luojing, wrote down the prosperity of Buddhist temples in the suburbs before the robbery , and wrote a collection of history , geography , Buddhism , and literature .

” Jia Lan Ji ” in my mouth . Jia Lan is a Sanskrit language once , which is the collective name of Buddhist temples .

” And this ” Jia Lan Ji ” has a high status in the classical literature circle , together with Li Daoyuan ‘s ” Shui Jing Zhu ” , it has always been regarded as the double jade of Northern Dynasty literature !

The audience was shocked !

The scene of nearly 20,000 people was quiet !

widened their eyes , and with their mouths grown, many singers also looked like dementia !

” Shui Jing Zhu ” Many people have heard that this ” Jia Lan Ji ” can be as famous as ” Shui Jing Zhu ” , it must be an awesome existence !

But why are they not impressed ?

Once again, I experienced the dimensionality reduction blow from the literary genius, but the Internet is frying, especially some netizens in Luojing .

Originally, I thought Qin Ye’s new song was going to sing Luo Jing , but all of them were excited and started to apologize publicly. I have no culture , and I’m sorry for my hometown ! ”

Me too , as a Luojing , I don’t even know about this book , damn it !

I’m ashamed of my hometown’s cultivation of me !

Stop pretending , I have no culture, I pushed the cards !

LED screen above the library of Binhai University is playing the award ceremony !

Countless teachers and students have gathered below !

” Senior Qin is amazing !”

When can I have such talent as Senior Qin ?

Sure enough , literate people are charming !

Mr. Li is at the front .

of the students is very proud !

” As expected of my student !”

He came here on purpose !

on stage .

Qin Ye is still narrating calmly :

of this story was born in the Northern Wei Dynasty . A royal general was summoned by the court to the border to fight , and parted with the beloved woman !

” In the end, after waiting for the general to fail, the woman fell into a nun at the Kalan Temple.

” When the general came back from the wind and frost to find the ancient Kalan Temple where the woman had become a monk , she had already passed away . People told the general that there was a woman waiting for him here !”

His soft words touched everyone !

Some sensual girls , just listening to Qin Ye tell this short story , their eyes are already rosy !

One [ wait ] word !

It seems to represent the true love that will never change !

Especially in this real age !

experience this kind of love from the story !

(acbg) ” Lin Yujian rubbed the tears that fell from the corners of her eyes, she seemed to have been brought into the story .

A word [ wait ] , but it is a sore spot like a broken heart !

Luo Xuanxuan also looked miserable and asked , is this the romance of a talented person ? I finally saw it live on stage .

Although the hostess listened to it a few times , she was still moved , her eyes were slightly red , and she said, ” Then we will hand over the stage to Qin Caizi and let him bring us this song ” Fireworks Easy to Cold ” ! ” When everyone heard the title of the song, combined with the previous story , they only felt trembling all over !

The gorgeous fireworks , after burning themselves for a short time , will eventually cool down !

Li Zhe muttered to himself .

As the [ big fan brother ] , he knew Qin Ye very well , and he immediately reacted !

Many people also realized the knowledge in the title of this song !

It seems to represent the once prosperous ancient capital of Luojing , which was devastated after experiencing the devastation of war !

It also seems to represent the desolation and pain after the burning of love , it’s just a name , it’s so artistic , I ‘m convinced !

I feel that the songs we wrote are really hard to wait for the elegant hall !

Qin Caizi’s song is indeed a luxury !

All the singers present admired Daozhi at this time .

Qin Ye was the only one left on the stage !

He just stood quietly on the stage , but he seemed to be the center of the world !

Finally .

That mournful Chinese style melody sounded. This is also the Chinese style melody , and it was the first time that it appeared in this supreme awards bell !

The sad melody tugged at the audience’s heartstrings and people couldn’t help frowning . The whole person seemed to be integrated into the singing, but his face was in ruins !

Full of desolation !

” There is really a kind of Buddhism in it , such an arrangement is amazing , King Jiang Ge murmured to himself .

Just a prelude has moved him !

Qin Ye looked infatuated , as if he was reminiscing about the past !

His singing , finally came the prosperous sound , entered the empty door , and broke the world . “”The dream is cold , after a lifetime of love and debt .

” As you acquiesce , life and death are dead and so on .

Waiting for a circle , another circle , annual rings .

The singing is low !

It’s like whispering in everyone’s ears !

That abundant emotion is a story picture that makes people’s hearts feel as if their hearts are pierced by a needle , but it makes everyone’s heart tremble !

Life and death wait !

in Qin Ye’s story had already predicted that it was doomed to fail !

But still hesitant !

, love , infatuation , and unrequited love of counting the annual rings pierced my heart !

Heartbreaking !

Futu Tower , several floors were broken, whose soul was broken .

Pain went straight , a dim light , the mountain gate that fell .

” Let me wait , history turns around .

Wait for the wine to be mellow , and wait for you to play a guzheng . ”

That low-pitched but hurtful singing , constantly stinging everyone’s nerves, etc. History turns around !

Wait for the booze !

Waiting for you to play a guzheng !

When my heart hurts , it makes people feel a kind of scalp numbness. How profound is the literary foundation , and in order to write such words, everyone seems to see a battle-hardened general returning home with joy !

The person he cared about has already broken his soul !

Only a short loess bag is left with the unwillingness , infatuation , loneliness , sadness , desolation , and sadness !

Through the singing , the strong emotional impact that swept the entire stage from the stage !

Directly stimulate people’s tear glands !

Many people shed tears unconsciously for the hero of the story !

Flow for such unswerving feelings and flow because there is no such deep love in the world !

20,000 scene !

Terribly quiet !

Only the murmur-like singing , the emotion surrounding the singing also reached a critical point and exploded at this moment !

The rain is pouring , and the old hometown is deep .

I hear you are always alone . ”

The mottled city gates are entrenched with old tree roots .

What echoed on the slate was , wait . ” Cao Musheng will wait alone !!

It seems to change across endless years !

That kind of loneliness and loneliness makes people’s heart twitch and the result is like the curse of dry years, which makes people feel heartbroken !

Waiting is not the most painful thing. The most painful thing is that this waiting is never ending and the only thing that supports people to wait !

Maybe .

is the strong emotion in the unforgettable emotional song that makes people cry !

The rain is pouring , and the old hometown is deep . ”

” I heard that you are still guarding the lonely city .

shepherd’s flute on the outskirts of the city fell on that wild village .

“The green points take root , we . ” Everyone seems to have become various generals !

Crossing the long river of history and endless time and space, I came to the ruined Luojing City with withered vines , old trees , shepherd flutes , Nomura , sunset , and dusk .

there is a woman holding a Buddhist bead , looking at the direction of the departure of her beloved !

Day after day , year after year !

That delicate body seems to be swallowed up by this future world !

She is like a rock , and she looks obsessed !

in the audience looked sad !

And many singers , in addition to being touched to the soul by this song !

I also thought of too many things that fans didn’t think of. The whole song was full of pictures , but it was full of affection . This talent was muttered by a music producer who had lost to Qin Ye before .

He pays more attention to Qin Ye’s creations !

this song .

Thank you , Teacher Qin !

he admired .

Through this song , it seems that he understands more creative things !

Open a door for him !

I also forgot the resentment that I ran with twice before. Listening to the youth , we welcomed many people with laughter and envy .

” The annals of history , gentle and unwilling . The writing is too ruthless .

If you are following , you have passed by in a previous life .

Follow the red dust , follow me , wander for a lifetime .

Same melody !

Different lyrics !

Different mood !

It sings with the same affection !

Luo Xuanxuan wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes !

She didn’t know how to describe the feeling at this time !

Maybe .

In addition to sadness , there is only worship left !

And the barrage .

There are also crying emojis at the moment !

Even the fans who were excited before, [ calm down ] at this moment . This is really a healing song ! ”

It sounds good , but it’s just a bit of waste paper !

Don’t ask , just cry !

If ” Dongfeng Po ” is extremely beautiful , then this song is also extremely beautiful , but unfortunately the former is beautiful and the latter is poignantly beautiful !

Hey , if this song is used to participate in the awards ceremony , it may be able to sweep it !

Brother , you are still thinking about the awards , I have all four of them empty !

Some netizens exclaimed !

The rain has poured into the old hometown and the vegetation is deep .

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