He really doesn’t understand , he has done enough concealment , how could an ordinary employee know this kind of news ?

But now it’s not his turn to think about this , so he quickly took out his calling card , went to the bathroom and washed it away !

He is really panicking now !

” Qin Ye , do you really want to play so big ?”

He hurried to make a phone call , trying to make amends .

And that night .

The local police have issued a notice !

” After real-name reports , the police uncovered three online gangs , and the relevant case is still under further investigation !”

The names of the three companies are also published above .

It is exactly the same as what Star Media broke the news !

National uproar !

” Shit , is it so cruel ?”

” Xingxing Media YYDS, a tough industry boss !”

” Is this Teacher Qin’s counterattack ? This is too cruel , it’s like Thor’s Hammer !”

” Fuck , what is the relationship between this Star Media and Teacher Qin ?

Are you so wicked ? ”

” I don’t know , we only know that this media was originally a small company that started out by reporting the news of Mr. Qin in advance , so we guess it has something to do with Mr. Qin . ”

All at once .

This media is famous all over the country !

the same day .

The official micro-neck of Star Media has gained more than 10 million followers !

In addition to those who want to eat fresh melons , they are more concerned about knowing that they can report Qin Ye’s news in advance !

However, some media and artists in the industry are astonished !

They know that this time Apple Media is afraid to fall to the ground !

I just don’t know how big it is !

of breaking the news for the first time , no one else will believe it if Xingxing Media breaks the news later !

But Boss Guo was excited .

” Mr. Qin , what should I do now ?”

He is a hundred convinced of Qin Ye now !

The first wave was a big win !

Before the police report , he was in a panic , fearing that Qin Ye’s news would be wrong !

It seems now .

The terrifying information in Qin Ye’s hands is very likely to be true !

This is so scary !

Maybe it can really bring down this entertainment media giant !

He is now obedient to Qin Ye !

millions of followers a day , what is the share that you gave up compared to this idea ?

” Don’t worry , wait for everyone to digest it first ! We should also give the official time to investigate the relationship between these three naval companies and Apple Media, right ?”

Qin Ye smiled lightly .

He just knows this information , and the specific real hammer still needs to be investigated by the official !

To put it bluntly , the information in his hands cannot become direct evidence !

However .

Everything is under control !

Looking at Qin Ye, Mr. Guo couldn’t help but feel a chill !

He didn’t know where Qin Ye’s information came from , and he didn’t dare to ask . The less he knew about some things, the better !

But he knew one thing , Qin Ye was backed by a high -ranking person , otherwise these top-secret information would never be available !

” Mr. Qin , I will definitely take care of you in the future !”

He has made his stand !

In this life, he would never dare to be an enemy of Qin Ye , nor would he dare to have any careful thoughts !

Even Apple Media is going to be hammered to death by this guy in front of him , what’s the point of a bigger company ?

Qin Ye just nodded lightly .

At this time .

An employee rushed in in a hurry .

” Mr. Guo , there is a call from Apple Media to talk to you . ”

President Guo glanced at Qin Ye subconsciously , and when he saw the other person shaking his head , he said sternly, ” Tell him that I’m not here . ”

employee was a little stunned . He didn’t expect that his boss would act according to Qin Ye’s expression .

That’s it .

in the next two days .

Star Media continues to release fierce news !

All kinds of gray industries , collecting money to smear , extortion and so on !

even .

There are also chat records !

Countless Thor ‘s Hammers , hammer by hammer , hammered Apple Media so much that even a lawyer’s letter dare not !

Apple Media and Maplewood Weekly are completely terrified !

Liu Yiwei stared blankly there .

He actually found out that all the information in his mobile phone was leaked .

Fear !

He only felt that he was in front of the other party, and he didn’t even have a fig leaf !

And some artists who have been implicated in it , leading to ruin !

All stood up !

One by one, they complained to the media about their past experiences !

Some artists even keep some blackmailed phone recordings !

Because Apple Media is very covert , they couldn’t do anything to the police before !

But now it’s different .

With all the information released by Star Media , these phone recordings have also become the most direct evidence !

Finally .

after the fifth day .

#It has been confirmed that three navy companies have close business contacts with Apple Media # #Apple Media was put on file for investigation # #Apple Media boss was interviewed by the official , and many executives were arrested # #Apple Media closed all sections under its name and closed for rectification # #. Second Paparazzi Falcon was arrested # # A generation of entertainment media giants may fall # The Internet is completely boiling !

” It’s awesome , I can only say it’s awesome !”

” It ‘s so ruthless , it ‘s full of surprises , this time I’m afraid Apple Media will never be able to turn around !”

” Isn’t this hammering too dead ? Who is this ex-employee ? How can he get so much hidden information ? ”

” It ‘s really Thor’s Hammer , @ applemedia @ fenglinweekly , if you guys had such a hammer method before , I’m afraid Teacher Qin would fall too !”

” Brother stop @ , everyone is gone ! ”

And Douyin above .

Some lawyers are also constantly rubbing against this wave of heat .

” The Apple Media incident that has been making a lot of noise recently , although the police have not announced the final result , it is already foreseeable . ”

” If all the reports from Star Media are completely true, then the boss of Apple Media may face -2 years in prison , and Liu Yiwei, the editor-in-chief of Fenglin Weekly, will face -2 years in prison …”

They are professionals .

The final penalty results of all key players have been predicted .

The average employee involved may range from a few months to a few years !

And several major executives started in seven years !

A generation of entertainment giants has fallen !

And Xingxing Media , in the past few days, its fame has reached an indescribable place !

The fans of various official accounts combined have exceeded 100 million !

And .

During this time , they are also absorbing many editors who have lost their jobs because of Apple Media’s closure .

With the information in Qin Ye’s hands , they can accurately know who can and can’t !

A future media giant , beginning to take shape !

airport .

A man wearing a mask , hat , and pushing a suitcase is waiting anxiously for the plane .

His eyes kept looking around .

suddenly .

Seeing an official in uniform come here and check one by one , his heart is half cold !

But he dare not run !

Huaxia is so big , where can he hide ?

Finally .

When the official personnel came to him , he took off his mask and stretched out his hands !

“” Wang Linhan , you have been arrested ! ”

The silver bracelet was on his hand !

this moment .

Wang Linhan was filled with endless regrets !

hadn’t been an enemy of Qin Ye at the beginning , if it wasn’t for Da Su Lingyun’s idea , if he would live in peace with the remaining money after his fall !

He had many ways to retreat , but he chose to die !

The official announcement will be made today !

“The police arrested the suspect Wang Linhan at the Imperial Capital Airport . He once hired Liu, the editor-in-chief of Fenglin Weekly, to follow Mr. Qin Ye, and bought the navy army online to spread rumors and smears . He confessed to the crime at the police station . ”

” In addition, the relevant persons involved, He Guang , Jiang Hao , etc., voluntarily surrendered to the police , admitted to accepting Wang’s money , and smeared Mr. Qin Ye on the Internet . The relevant case is under further investigation !”

The whole network is in an uproar !

No one expected that it would involve so many players who used to be ” Musicians for All ” !

” Good guy ! I’m just a good guy ! I didn’t expect it to be him , I almost forgot about this person , isn’t it good to live well ?”

“I didn’t expect that even the members of Teacher Xu Xiaoyun’s team were bought off . I’m relying on it, it ‘s too cruel , this Wang Linhan is going to kill Teacher Qin !”

” It’s just that Teacher Qin played to death , now it’s alright , the whole family is neat and tidy !”

” This year the prison is lively , and there is no shortage of singers in the cultural entertainment show . They are all powerful !”

” Hahaha , ” Prison for Musicians of All People ” ?”

And this time .

Xu Xiaoyun , Li Zhe , including Feng Rong’s three mentors , didn’t know what to say !

” It ‘s too ruthless , Qin Ye’s shot this time is really resolute !”

Xu Xiaoyun murmured .

He didn’t feel pity for those few students , they were all to blame !

in his heart , he felt awe for Qin Ye .

Count this talent out .

It’s a one-shot success !

Countless opponents fell at his feet !

And this time .

The most troublesome is Director Huang .

” Hey , you idiots really don’t know how to live or die . It’s not good to fight against anyone , but you want to fight against Qin Ye . It’s alright now , even our show has been implicated by you !”

he cursed angrily .

Although these people have nothing to do with them ( the money ) , but after all, they come from their show .

Originally .

When Qin Ye graduates, they are ready to start the next season , and even the tutor is ready .

They are Xu Xiaoyun , Zhang Long , Qin Ye , and Lin Yuyan !

first two are senior singers , and the last two are the singers and queens of this year !

These four people add up to more than 20 Golden Melody Awards !

The lineup is terrifying !

Of course , Qin Ye alone accounted for half of it !

And Li Zhe and Feng Rong both quit the show !

now on the cusp of the storm , their show is really not good to start !

At this time .

The leader of the station called .

” Secondary . ”

He gets on the phone .

” You come to the conference room for a meeting , ” Musicians for All ” has been postponed , and the stage is going to get a new program . ”

” Okay , I’ll be right over here !”

And this time .

Many media are trembling .

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