The son insisted .

Hearing his son’s words , his face was full of relief .

” Dad doesn’t want you to be a hero . Let’s do our own thing well , which is the greatest contribution to the motherland . ”

He patted his son’s head .

” Wait for the next update , and I’ll watch it with you . ”

” Hmm !”

The father, who cried all the time , finally showed a kind smile !

” Qin Ye ? Thank you !”

He has no objection to his son chasing stars … No , to be precise, chasing Qin Ye !

Such a star may be able to establish a correct value for his son !

” Thank you Huaxia for making a star like you . ”

he murmured .

Scenes like this happen in many places !

Feng Rong wiped away her tears at home .

The trash can is already full of these tissues .

” You kid , are you cheating tears with your talent ? Your teacher, I’ll cry a few more times , I’m afraid I’ll be ten years older !”

Although she said so .

But she knew that when the next episode was updated , he would still watch it .

A film company .

An animation producer , just turned off the screen , there are still tears in the corners of his eyes, ” Hey , we can achieve it in terms of production , but the layout is overwhelmed . ”

They never thought they could shoot anime like this !

” Perhaps , this is what Guoman should look like . ”

Several people admire Qin Ye very much !

There are also many professionals .

Same with them !

This time .

They can understand the feelings of some people in the music world !

Check out Qin Ye’s work !

It really makes people doubt life !

And in Yongrui Group !

Gu Junwei also watched this anime !

Sad, but also happy !

” Unfortunately , this anime failed to become a shareholder , I missed it , hey !”

he sighed .

It’s not just a loss of money , it’s a loss of reputation .

If they can invest in this movie , their animation career will definitely go to the next level .

” First there is ” Big Fish and Begonia ” , and now there is ” Those Things That Year ” , Xiaotong , you really have a vision !”

He can only send deep blessings now .

” Hey , let me worry about my own affairs !”

He had a headache at the thought of his own stake in a Hollywood TV series .

This snobby , after he proposed to be responsible for the theme song of the Huaxia District , immediately requested that the guaranteed box office reach 300 million !

It is impossible for Yong Rui to agree to such an unreasonable request .

Even if Qin Ye was willing to write the theme song , 300 million would be a fantasy !

However .

According to Lin’s father’s explanation , they also know that this is the other party’s test of their bottom line .

But no doubt .

Even if it is finally negotiated , the guaranteed box office requirement will be more than 100 million !

Now .

Even whether the company should resist the heavy responsibility of this theme song , there has been controversy ! ,

Chapter 222 The most easily collapsed character , but as stable as Mount Tai !

At this time .

The Internet has fried the pot !

# ” Those things in that year ” , the animation that moved China # #The most passionate and moving animation in China # #This is what Guoman should look like # # Qin Caizi tells us not to forget the history through animation # # Ice Sculpture Lian #boom ! _

All kinds of hot searches make the whole network boil !

” Oh my god ! I cried to death , and I didn’t expect it to be beaten to death. It turned out to be such an anime !”

” It took half the time to draw the paper , and I burst into tears the whole time , especially when the music was playing , I couldn’t control it at all . ”

” Salute to the seniors ! Without you, we would not have our current life , and we have no regrets in this life to enter China !”

” Salute to the martyrs , may this prosperous world be as you wish , thank you Qin Caizi , for letting me know so much , although I cry to death , I still want to chase .

” I cried while watching , especially when I was talking about the ice sculpture company , my tears fell like rain . ”

” I watched it at home . At first, my parents laughed at me . They are so grown up , they even watch cartoons , but they just finished laughing , and the scene of breaking the defense happened , and then they couldn’t walk away . They cried while watching. . ”

“+, my parents also told me to update next time, remember to remind them that the whole China is touched by this animation that turned out !

The heat continues to rise .

Twenty-four hours to the end of the next day .

This has been praised by many netizens as a cartoon of the light of Guoman .

The average playback volume of seven episodes exceeded 100 million !

The first-day broadcast record of Huaxia Animation has been pulled to a point that latecomers will never be able to reach !

Even in the TV drama industry , those who can achieve this figure can be counted on one hand !

And .

Score up to .points !

Shock the whole network !

# Qin Caizi creates animation history again # # The historical record of the Guoman session actually belongs to a singer # #?Manzhiguang # The moment when the data really comes out .

Everyone in the industry took a deep breath .

They knew that this anime would be popular , but they didn’t expect it to be so popular !

of being killed by a singer who has done a career all their lives makes them doubt their life !

The company’s movie door !

” Yeah !”

All the staff are excited !

What could be more exciting than this ?

This anime can have their credit in it !

Lin Tong looked at all this with a smile , she knew that her choice was right !

The only thing that made her feel so regretful was that Qin Ye’s aura was too strong !

The attention she has received as a director is much less !

” Director Lin , are we going to celebrate tonight ? We’ve made history again !”

An employee said excitedly .

” Good . ”

Lin Tong waved his hand and said domineeringly, ” You can choose where you want to go !”

” Director Lin is so cool !”

Lin Tong smiled mysteriously , and said , ” It’s not my treat to let you choose , I’m just a worker , and of course the big boss has to treat me !”

The staff was stunned for a moment , then burst out laughing !

At this time .

Penguin Video Total .

Seeing this result was really shocking to them !

An anime actually killed .% of the TV series in seconds , and no one can match the anime circle !

” Douluo ” , which was even popular throughout China, has just exceeded 100 million views on Penguin Video after so many years .

can imagine how terrifying the achievements of ” Those Things That Year ” were !

even .

Judging from the feedback from the subordinates , on this day when the animation was popular .

Their increase in new members is over 500% !

With this kind of influence , even some popular TV dramas can’t compare to the president’s fascination when he looks at these data .

He glanced at another contract next to him , and the corners of his mouth twitched !

” You guys , can you be so arrogant as long as you invite Qin Ye ?”

” Do you want the lion to open his mouth like this ?”

He was speechless !

Magic Capital TV wants to cooperate with them in a variety show , and the direct opening is 400 million !

The most excessive is .

The plan for the variety show has not yet been finalized, and it is not even clear which guests will participate . I only know that it is a combination of travel notes and music !

And what gave them so much courage was Qin Ye + new song !

He really wanted to reject it directly , /:./’2;”:’, absolutely rejected the Magic Capital TV !

Thinking of Qin Ye’s current influence , if he chooses another platform , their penguin video might not explode in situ !

” Originally, the market for long videos has not been good in recent years , and there is such a roll king , it ‘s too difficult !”

he said bitterly .

Just a few days passed .

average broadcast volume of “Those Things That Year” successfully exceeded 200 million !

It has also become China’s first animation to break 200 million !

Once again ushered in a milestone !

ensued .

It’s all the TV stations !

before this .

The company has received quotations from many TV stations , but the prices are not high !

After all .

Although the star is very awesome , but now is the Internet age .

TV viewing volume is far from the competition of these long video sites !

He is not very interested in these small money , so he did not agree for the time being .

However .

These TV stations are in a hurry . Today, people from several TV stations have sent people to the company .

One person gathers in the conference room .

” Qin Caizi , we want to buy the exclusive copyright . ”

” Boss Qin , if you are not satisfied with the price , we will discuss with a few people with eager expressions .

Qin Ye had a headache .

Just when he was thinking about how to deal with the matter of going to the stars , the phone rang .

When he saw it, it turned out to be Director Xu calling .

” Everyone , I’m sorry , excuse me for a while . ”

Qin Ye smiled .

” You’re busy first , let’s talk slowly !”

Several people hurriedly said .

Qin Ye nodded , walked out of the conference room , and answered the phone .

” Hello , Director Xu . ”

” Xiao Qin , congratulations, you have released another popular cartoon . ”

There was joy in his voice .

” Haha , thank you , Director Xu , you called me specifically to congratulate me, right ? That would be an honor . ”

Qin Ye smiled .

Director Xu paused and said helplessly : ” Of course not . I’m here to tell you that the General Administration and Taili have decided that we will send people to participate in your animation production. What do you think ?”

Qin Ye was a little surprised , but quickly recovered !

… for flowers …

He probably guessed the meaning of the General Administration and Yangshi !

” Director Xu , cooperation is of course possible , but I don’t know what cooperation law is ?”

Qin Ye asked .

When Director Xu heard the words , he was deeply impressed .

such a popular anime , to agree to Yangshi’s shareholding without hesitation , it can be seen that Qin Ye had expected this situation before !

This vision is not something ordinary people can have .

He thought for a while and said , ” Now Taili has decided to send an animation team to your company to participate in the production. The animations produced in the future will not need to go to the General Administration. There is no problem with us , and we can go online directly !”

” As for copyright , you can handle the rights to broadcast on the Internet . All we need is the rights to broadcast on TV ! This shouldn’t embarrass you !” Qin Ye breathed a sigh of relief .

That’s fine !

He doesn’t pay much attention to the copyright fee for TV .

exchange for cooperation with Yangshi, it will definitely be profitable in the long run !

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