Weng …

Everyone just feels that something is rattling in their heads !

Scalp numb !

If the two poems by Lu You before , are the expression of Mei Hua’s unyielding and arrogant spirit in the face of adversity !

Then Qin Ye continued the story behind this arrogance !

The plum blossom standing proudly in the snow has become so lonely and lonely in the hearts of everyone !

The annihilation after the spring return is even more heartbreaking !

That painful loneliness may be the reality !

The same snow and plum blossoms , two different angles , show different moods !

Everyone seems to understand the meaning of the song !

and the others stared blankly at Qin Ye .

” He’s always playing out of the way . ”

He smiled wryly .

long time , the quality of plum blossoms seems to have been qualitative , if they were asked to write a song about plum blossoms , it would definitely be inspirational like [ Bao Jianfeng comes from the sharpening , and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from bitter cold ] !

But Qin Ye did the opposite and saw the back story that ordinary people can’t see !

that stands proudly on the top of the snow-capped mountain will eventually wither .

Such a strong emotional contrast can resonate with everyone !

” High , as expected of Teacher Qin , it is too high !”

Xiao Xianrou also admired it .

However .

next second .

” Has it ever snowed on the Broken Bridge ? ”

” I’m looking at the lake . ”

“The cold moon in the water is like snow . ”

” Melting with a tap of your fingertips . ”

Boom !

Listening to the song that directly sang the broken bridge and the residual snow , everyone had goose bumps all over their bodies !

That kind of beautiful and desolate artistic conception makes people feel a little cool in this hot August !

Like a cold winter wind blowing through the heart .

Can’t help but shudder !

Especially a native of the people .

At first .

with his girlfriend here on a snowy day !

Qin Ye’s singing directly touched his past that had been put down for a long time , and opened the heart that had been dusty for many years !

The figure reappeared in my mind again !

Trembling !

Tears are falling desperately !

And Qin Ye’s soulful singing sounded again .

” Has it ever snowed on the Broken Bridge ? ”

” Thinking of your face again . ”

” Goodbye if there is no chance . ”

“The willow curtain on the white embankment weeps several times . ”

A bleak beauty swept the audience !

Everyone felt trembling all over !

“The Willow Curtain on the Bai Causeway wept several times . Why do I feel a different mood in such a sad lyrics ?”

A fan girl looks complicated !

More people are addicted to singing .

” It sounds so good , it’s another pinnacle of Chinese style . ”

” ” Broken Bridge Remnant Snow ” , when I first listened to it, I felt very artistic , but I didn’t expect it to be even better than I thought . ”

” This oil money is really worth it . It is enough to listen to the live version of such a picturesque song !”

” Mr. Qin really perfectly combines musical talent and literary talent . Is it unstoppable in the music world ? Maybe there will never be a singer like Mr. Qin again in the future !”

They were heartbroken .

It’s like hearing two plum blossoms in completely different contexts !

I hope there will be more singers similar to Qin Ye in the music world , and I feel that only Qin Ye is enough !

” Broken-wing dead-leaf butterfly with no flowers . ”

” Never see withering . ”

” Goodbye if there is no chance . ”

“The willow curtain on the white embankment weeps several times . ”

The singing stopped .

There was warm applause and screams !

” Teacher Qin , invincible !”

” It’s so good , I’m totally sung in it !”

” ” Broken Bridge Remnant Snow ” is such a poignant and hurtful song !”

” It’s obviously August , but when Teacher Qin sings, it’s as if it’s back to winter . It ‘s too awesome . ”

” It ‘s the same, the impact of that emotion and mood really makes people fall !”

They loudly expressed their respect for Qin Ye .

However .

The most excited are some of the leaders of the scenic spot .

They applaud hard !

” Haha , this song directly writes about the beauty of our West Lake . I ‘m afraid it will become famous again this time !”

Director Zhuang said excitedly .

Although .

Now there is no snow in August , but the broken bridge is still there !

With Qin Ye’s influence , maybe many people will come to open it up and experience all kinds of emotions !

And now is the golden time of summer vacation travel , I feel that my scenic spot is going to reach a peak again !

” No , I must thank you very well . ”

He mused .

money ?

It seems that Qin Ye is not lacking now !

Just put 10 million in front of Qin Ye , I ‘m afraid the latter won’t even blink a few more times !

” Letters , singers … there are !”

His eyes lit up .

I came up with a golden idea that I think is peerless !

Heartily praised myself once ! ! .

Chapter 232 Shock the whole network ! Live to be missed !

In the applause and cheers of tens of thousands of people at the scene .

The recording of the second episode of the show has officially ended .

Everyone is a little sighed , where is this variety show ?

Just like a concert .

Qin Ye and others were also escorted out by the crowd .

At this time .

A staff member of the scenic spot came to Qin Ye and whispered , ” Mr. Qin , Director Huang , our Director Zhuang would like to ask the two to discuss something . ”

Qin Ye was stunned for a moment , made eye contact with Director Huang , and left with the staff .

office .

” Qin Caizi , Director Huang , thank you very much this time . ”

Director Zhuang stood up to greet him .

Qin Ye smiled and said , ” Everyone takes what they need . Director Zhuang doesn’t know what it is – please come over ?”

Director Zhuang rubbed his hands and said : ” Qin Caizi , thank you for the two songs you wrote for our scenic spot . They are really classic . We want to erect a statue for you in the pavilion next to the Broken Bridge . What do you think ? I’ll engrave your piece of snow on the broken bridge . “! ! !

Qin Ye and Director Huang have grown their mouths at the same time !

good guy .

Rao Shi Huang has been in the entertainment industry for so many years , and he has never seen such a thing .

” How is it ? Talented Qin ?”

Director Zhuang asked .

In fact, he did this for a bit of selfishness . After all, everyone knew that Qin Ye was invincible now .

If the pavilion next to the broken bridge can erect a statue for Qin Ye, it will attract many tourists .

” Well … Director Zhuang , you can do it , I have no opinion . ”

Qin Ye said embarrassingly .

Director Zhuang was overjoyed and said , ” That’s it , Director Huang , can you give me some pictures that Caizi Qin took when he sang ? I want to choose the best Director Huang and glance at him , secretly . Stunned .

” When we edit , I ‘ll give you some better ones. ” Well , thank you so much , West Lake will always welcome you to be the director of the guest house with a smile .

That’s it .

After the three of them discussed , Qin Ye and Director Huang left .

the next two days .

The show has also entered the editing stage .

Because .

are too many people going to West Lake this time , although there are program teams and scenic spot staff to check .

in the distance secretly took some photos and videos, although they were not very clear .

But it attracted countless people .

With the emergence of various discussions , the songs that Qin Ye sang were also known to more people !

# Teacher Qin composes music for the West Lake again # # Broken Bridge Can Snow # All kinds of hot searches have directly become popular all over the Internet !

” Fuck , broken bridge and remnant snow ? This name is so poetic !”

” Upstairs , don’t blow it ! Do you know that the broken bridge and the residual snow are the characteristic sights of West Lake ? However , Mr. Qin is indeed able to use this to write songs .” There are not so many people watching the concert , it is indeed the first traffic ! ”

” Haha , I thought that all the people on the Internet were playing jokes that day , but I didn’t expect it to be true . ”

Some people are excited .

This variety show that just appeared is unmatched in popularity .

Finally .

forward to it , everyone is looking forward to it .

The second issue of ” Qin You Ji ” is broadcast !

the same day .

Countless people are standing in front of TV sets and computers , thinking that this song has not yet been officially released , but it has already become a hit across the country !

The picture at the beginning of the show is the number of people who exploded in the West Lake !

Some viewers were stunned .

I thought the recording of a variety show was watched by tens of thousands of people , but it was already very awesome !

they didn’t know until now .

10,000 people were probably chosen by the program team , or there could only be more than 10,000 people near the Broken Bridge .

This is not .

Just by looking at the crowd crowded in the video, you can tell how many W ‘s there were in the people who went to West Lake that day!

, the switch between Qin Ye’s perspective and other people’s perspectives made people deeply feel Qin Ye’s influence now .

Qin Ye was surrounded by so many people that he couldn’t even take pictures of the scenery .

The other three have a lot less tourists around them , and they are also [ calmly ] a lot !

” I’m so special , although I know that Teacher Qin’s popularity is not comparable to that of ordinary superstars , but the gap is too big !”

” Look at Brother Zhe , Goddess Lin , plus a famous fresh meat , on the same show with Teacher Qin , he is almost like an Internet celebrity , so outrageous !”

” Haha , these three are not enough to fight !”

The fans were all excited .

And when Lin Yuyan and others found the first ancient poem at the place where Qin Ye sang ” Jiangnan ” for the first time , many netizens became impatient !

The barrage was quickly swiped !

” ” Bu Shuanzi . Yongmei ” !”

” ” Bu Shuanzi . Yongmei ” !”

” Remember , there will be an exam later . ”

” If you test your sister , I will know by reading the first sentence . Is Teacher Qin’s Broken Bridge Can Xue a tribute to this poem ? Or should I sing this poem ?”

With such doubts , everyone looked forward to it .

Finally .

The concert started, and after the performance of the three of Lin Yuyan ended .

director began to introduce the origin of ” Broken Bridge Remnant Snow ” , and some audience members opened their mouths !

” This notebook is definitely written by Teacher Qin . ”

” My dear , did Teacher Qin give us a Chinese class again? ” ” Remember , it’s all knowledge points !”

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