At this time .

Hong Kong Film and Television Group .

As a leading company in Hong Kong and even Asia .

Numerous all-round performers of Xiangjiang have been cultivated , and many local people also have deep feelings for this company , and they all grew up watching their TV series !

It is the youth and childhood of countless people !

With the rise of the local film and television industry in recent years , the once king has gradually declined .

A thin dead camel is bigger than a horse .

this company is not as brilliant as before , it will occasionally launch one or two popular TV series !

company .

The leaders of the “Tian Long Ba” crew were discussing intensely here , and the object of their discussion turned out to be Qin Ye !

And his song for the ” Dragon Eight ” game, “The Enemy ” !

” To be honest , although the ” enemy ” he wrote is very popular, it does not match what we shot, and it is not what we want . I am firmly opposed to using this song as the theme song !”

One person said with a straight face .

He is the director of this TV , Yu Hongwei !

The industry is also well-known , and has directed several costume dramas .

Someone suggested just now to use ” The Enemy ” as the theme song , which made him very angry !

Everyone at the scene was thoughtful !

story of ” Tian Long Ba ” is heart-wrenching , and the first protagonist Qiao Feng is even more heroic , free and easy , and the character of righteousness is thin .

The Huaxia style is very beautiful , but it is about romance , which conflicts with the story and the protagonist .

” Why not ? Think about it . With Qin Ye’s popularity in the local area , if we use “The Enemy ” as the theme song , at least you can improve the ratings a lot . His influence is unstoppable now . ”

And humane .

He is the head of the production team , named Zhu Zhiqiang .

the number one leader of the film , he wanted to make Qin Ye less popular , so that he could maximize his interests !

Seeing the confrontation between the two , everyone dared not speak .

They also understand why the two have different ideas !

, Yu Hongwei , of course, pays more attention to his own works and has certain artistic pursuits !

, Zhu Zhiqiang puts the company’s interests first . As for whether the film is good or bad , it is secondary !

And Qin Ye has become the focus of the conflict between the two parties . Using Qin Ye’s songs can make more money , but it is very likely that the whole drama will be ruined because the style does not match !

Of course , it’s not that Qin Ye’s songs are bad , but it ‘s not suitable for their TV series . Seeing that neither of them spoke , some people couldn’t sit still . Suggestions !”

The two looked at him at the same time , nodding for him to continue .

” Now Producer Zhu wants to increase the ratings through Qin Ye , and Director Yu is against the song “The Enemy ” . I think everyone should compromise and let Qin Ye write another song to try . His talent The trustworthy Zhu Zhiwei’s eyes lit up . To be honest, he also thinks that the song “The Enemy ” is quite suitable for use in games , but it really doesn’t fit in TV dramas !

If Qin Ye can write a new one , the ratings may be even higher !

However , before he opened his mouth , Yu Hongwei objected : ” No , I have also listened to a lot of Qin Ye’s songs. With all due respect , his Chinese-style songs are not suitable for our TV series . Besides , after so many years , our company has The theme song of a drama is not Cantonese ? Many movie fans watch dramas in Cantonese , they think this is the taste of Hong Kong drama ” If the theme song is changed to Mandarin , is it still a Hong Kong drama ? Although Qin Ye has a huge influence , in order to cater to some of his fans and disregard the feelings of some Hong Kong drama fans , won’t it have a greater impact on the company’s reputation ? Is it because of the ratings , regardless of the company’s image ? ”

His righteous words .

Let everyone be stunned for a while, and they can’t bear the meaning of opposition !

Yes !

Just imagine if “The Enemy ” becomes the theme song , is it still a Hong Kong drama ?

How many hardcore Hong Kong drama fans will be disappointed with them ?

” Producer Zhu , I think what Director Yu said still makes sense . ”

” Yeah , we have put so much effort into this drama , and several TV dramas have not been launched this year , and the company is still pointing at us . I think it is better to be safe . ”

” I also agree with Director Yu , Qin Ye’s influence is huge , but his fans may not necessarily pay for the TV series . Even if they watch it for a while , they may abandon the show because it’s too awkward . No good . ” _

Most people think about the director’s side .

The more important the TV series , the less risky it is !

Zhu Zhiqiang frowned , even though he had always wanted to use Qin Ye to increase the ratings, he was a little hesitant .

” Let’s do it today , the Academy Awards will come in two days , and I want to get in touch with him alone . ”

He said helplessly .

Although , as a producer, he has a lot of power to speak , but not to the point where he can ignore everyone’s opinions .

What’s more , this man is right .

Director Yu frowned and said , ” Producer Zhu , our TV series are all finished , and the theme song has not yet been finalized. Can you afford to wait ?”

hmm ?

Producer Zhu heard the words , he raised his eyebrows and said , ” Do you mean to use other theme songs ?”

Yu Dao nodded unabashedly .

Producer Zhu got up and left directly . Before leaving , he said , ” If you choose , let me know , I think it’s suitable … OK !”

Everyone felt a headache .

These two big guys seem to really want to fight each other !

It is very passive to let them be younger brothers !

I don’t know where to go !

I just hope that one party can completely leave the other party speechless !

That way they’ll be easy ! .

Chapter 234 Encounter with the first person in the music world !

Hong Kong Airport .

Qin Ye , Su Lingyun , and Lin Tong appeared together , along with some of Yongrui’s crew members .

And Zhao Lingying, a girl who has been a small light bulb for a long time .

A group of people came to the parking lot , and several cars were waiting here .

It is the service provided by the hotel they booked online .

Sisters Qin Ye and Su Lingyun are in a car .

The little girl was lying outside the window , looking at the prosperous Xiangjiang , her little face was full of joy !

” Brother-in -law , Xiangjiang is so beautiful , this is the first time I have come to Xiangjiang,” she said excitedly .

Qin Ye smiled and said , ” Yeah , it ‘s my first time here too . ”

When they chatted , the driver didn’t respond the whole time .

As if he didn’t know at all , sitting beside him was the Heavenly King who was on fire all over China !

” Hee hee , brother- in-law , you promised to take me to Disney to play , don’t be fooled . ”

Zhao Lingying put her head on the back of the co-pilot and spoke in Qin Ye’s ear .

Qin Ye rubbed her little head with his hands and said, ” Do n’t worry , I heard Lingyun say that you have studied well in a short period of time, and the reward for you is of course counted !”

The little girl was affirmed and even happier .

The little face was about to burst into laughter , hugging Qin Ye’s arm , and sweetly said, ” Brother-in-law is the best . ”

Qin Ye just smiled .

Su Lingyun couldn’t help looking at the two of them .

Ever since my sister came to my house , I felt like I was competing for favor with her , and I was circling around Qin Ye all day long .

It felt like she was an outsider .

Finally .

arrived at the hotel where they were staying , Qin Ye was in the same room , while the two sisters Su Lingyun were in the same room .

Take a break in the room .

night .

The group finished their meal at the hotel .

” Director Lin , we are going to visit Xiangjiang , do you have any plans?

Qin Ye asked with a smile .

Lin Tong was taken aback and shook his head .

” Why don’t we go together , we are not familiar with Xiangjiang , and we just need a tour guide . ”

Qin Ye smiled .

Lin Tong began to listen to Qin Ye’s invitation to him , and was a little happy , but after listening to the second half of the sentence, his heart was cold !

his eyes at him , he said softly, ” So it turns out that the director Lin you called is not the director’s director !”

Qin Ye was sweating furiously and said helplessly ;

” It’s all the same , haha , I heard from the company , you are still a Xiangjiang Tong !”

Lin Tong nodded lightly and said , ” I stayed in Xiangjiang with my father for a few years when I was young . When I grew up , I would often come back here during school holidays . ”

Oh ?

Qin Ye pondered , he didn’t know much about this beautiful director .

I only know that the other party seems to have grown up in the United States , but I didn’t expect to live in Hong Kong .

” Since we’re done eating , let’s go . By the way , is there any place to shop in Xiangjiang ?”

Qin Ye got up and asked .

Zhao Lingying hurriedly followed and took Qin Ye’s arm .

At the same time , he was alert to Lin Tong .

This beautiful director works closely with her brother-in- law .

She couldn’t just watch her brother-in-law be taken away by someone else .

Even if this possibility is extremely low , it will not work .

Lin Tong didn’t know what the little girl was thinking at this time , and just smiled : ” If you go shopping, it’s better to go to Xiangjiang City and Pacific Place . By the way , are you going to Victoria Harbour? It ‘s the landmark of Xiangjiang , come and visit. It’s a pity not to go ?”

She followed the three and introduced some landmark buildings .

What Victoria Peak , Wax Museum , Walk of Fame and more !

The three laymen were fascinated .

Even if they have never been to these places , they have already heard of them .

” However , this time it’s too hasty , why don’t you arrange the best route , and we’ll see if we can stay longer after the Golden Statue Awards . ”

Qin Ye smiled .

” Okay , then let’s go to Victoria Harbour first . ”

Lin Tong arranged it , and the hotel also provides a caravan service .

It’s just that the price is very expensive , but for Qin Ye, it’s just a sprinkle of water !

That’s it .

of one man and three women began to stroll around this beautiful Xiangjiang .

Although this is not the ground , Qin Ye also made a simple disguise .

But he is so hot now that he is still recognized by some fans of Xiangjiang .

Fortunately .

Not as much and not as crazy !

And Zhao Lingying, the little girl, has been clinging to Qin Ye , so that Su Lingyun, the real girlfriend, can only follow her .

When it was after midnight , several people came to Xiangjiang City, the most famous shopping plaza in Xiangjiang .

here .

As long as you have money , you can buy all the luxury goods in the world .

” Brother-in -law , that necklace is so beautiful , can you buy it for me ?”

Zhao Lingying pointed to the jewelry store , a gorgeous necklace said .

The whole necklace is sparkling with silver , and there is a very large blue diamond in the middle !

Full of luxury !

But as soon as the little girl finished speaking , Qin Ye knocked on the forehead !

” Ouch !”

The little girl was in pain and looked at Qin Ye aggrieved .

” How old are you ? If you buy this thing , can you wear it at school ?”

Qin Ye said badly .

, the little girl snorted and said , ” I am seventeen years old after this year , and I am not a child anymore . ”

” Little brat . ”

Qin Ye scolded with a smile .

The little girl pouted , a little dissatisfied !

” You’re not much older than me . Besides, many girls in our class have had their ears pierced . I just bought a necklace. What’s wrong with that ? ”

she retorted .

Qin Ye ignored her , but saw Su Lingyun and Lin Tong both staring at the necklace .

Heart sighed .

Sure enough .

no immunity to these gold and silver jewelry , even a little kid like Zhao Lingying likes it , let alone two more mature beauties .

” Do you like it ? Buy it if you like it !”

Qin Ye smiled at Su Lingyun .

Su Lingyun looked at it for a long time , nodded lightly , and said , “I like it . ”

Qin Ye smiled at the teller and said , ” How much is this necklace ?”

female teller was taken aback , she just ignored these people .

Originally, I heard Qin Ye refuse , /:./’2 ;”:’, to Zhao Lingying . I thought it was a deliberate excuse for lack of money , but now I asked the price .

“Forty thousand . ”

Out of courtesy , she still quoted the price .

But there was no introduction , but Qin Ye’s words surprised her .

” Wrap me up . ”

good guy !

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